Chapter 118 Gossip
"How is it possible! How could Shengfo have an illegitimate child!" Hearing Ye Shu's words, Xiaoqing couldn't sit still for the first time. Who is Doushengfo?That is Xiaoqing's idol, and the so-called idol is a perfect person who is tall and has no stains on him.

In Xiaoqing's view, Sun Wukong is a great hero with boundless magic power, self-discipline, who dares to fight against heaven alone. Ye Shu discredited Sun Wukong so much. If he didn't know that he couldn't beat Ye Shu, Xiaoqing would definitely rush to fight Ye Shu with his life .

"Young Master Ye, please be careful. Victory Buddha is a Buddhist Buddha after all, so how can you slander him at will?" Bai Suzhen hurriedly folded her hands together as a salute to Buddha, and comforted Ye Shu at the same time.

She was really worried that Ye Shu would offend the gods and Buddhas by saying this, and be cast into disaster.

"Tch, don't think too highly of those guys in the sky. They have desires just like ordinary people. By the way, do you know what Monkey King did when he rioted in the Heavenly Palace 800 years ago?" Ye Shu cut a disdainful voice.

Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen didn't speak, but looked at Ye Shu with curiosity in their eyes. After all, although all the fairies in the world know that Monkey King is causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace, no one knows the details. Perhaps there was a goblin more than 800 years ago. I know, but after so many years, not many know.

Seeing Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen wanting to hear but not daring to ask, Ye Shu felt amused. Sure enough, gossip is a characteristic of every race, even Bai Suzhen, who has always been dignified and decent and looks like a lady of every family, is like this.

Seeing the two of them, Ye Shu didn't whet their appetites, but said bluntly: "800 years ago, the monkey was sent by the Jade Emperor to guard the flat peach garden. Because he was stealing flat peaches, he was discovered by the seven fairies, and then he used a fixation technique to hold the seven fairies away." It's fixed."

Ye Shu paused here.

Xiaoqing blinked her eyes, Bai Suzhen looked at Ye Shu, even Lily put down her food and became curious.

"Then, a gourd mountain fell from the sky. There is a colorful gourd seed in the gourd mountain. After it is planted, seven gourd babies can grow. The key is that these seven gourd babies can be combined into one into a colorful mountain."

After Ye Shu finished speaking in one breath, he felt much more comfortable in his heart. As expected, sharing gossip with others feels the best!

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing frowned.

"But this can explain the relationship between the Great Sage and those seven gourd babies. It's nothing more than a gourd seed of a different species." Xiaoqing asked angrily.

Obviously, he was still angry at Ye Shu for smearing his idol.

Bai Suzhen also nodded in agreement, the gourd seed is at most a strange species of heaven and earth, so how could it be associated with Dou Victory Buddha!

Ye Shu supported his forehead, saying that the ancients were really simple!It's all said for this part, but I don't even understand it. In modern times, countless old drivers would have understood it in seconds!

"Let's put it this way: the monkey jumped out of the rock, and the clothes of the Seven Fairies happen to be seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple." Ye Shu said helplessly.



Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen blushed immediately, and gave Ye Shu a hard look, but their hearts were shocked. If what Ye Shu said is true, then this can be said to be one of the biggest secrets in the world!
Although Ye Shu's statement felt a little far-fetched, Wei Mao couldn't find any reason to refute it!Sun Wukong's child can turn into a stone, there is nothing wrong with it, and at the same time, Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen made up their minds that this matter will rot in their stomachs. If others know, they will probably turn into snake soup and serve someone else's table the next day up.

Even Li Shan's old mother can't cover this matter.

At the same time, Bai Suzhen also became a little curious about Ye Shu's identity, and dared to arrange Monkey King and Jade Emperor's daughter without any scruples, what is Ye Shu's identity.

"Do you think what I said makes sense?" Ye Shu was a little proud. The power of the vast majority of netizens is indeed inexhaustible, and they can't fool you two little monsters!
"Young Master Ye, no matter it's true or not, don't mention it to others. The two of us, sisters, will pretend we didn't hear it. We'll take you to Calabash Mountain tomorrow." Bai Suzhen said to Ye Shu seriously.

"Don't worry, I won't talk to you other people! I don't want to be hunted down by Heavenly Court and that monkey together." Ye Shu curled his lips. Although he really wanted to feel like an enemy of the world, he I still know how many catties and two leaves of books there are.

I am just the current Chiryuutei, not Azdahaka's three-headed dragon who dared to fight against millions of gods. If so, go to the street properly.

"It's good that you know it in your heart." Bai Suzhen said seriously.

It's just that Ye Shu missed one thing. Bai Suzhen, as the center of the Hangzhou incident, didn't meet Xu Xian on the day when she was supposed to meet. Countless.

Although Ye Shu is very powerful in combat, but after all, he has only just practiced for a short time, and he really can't detect these immortal gods who hide their spells at all.

At this time, in the basement of Ye Shu's house, an old man with a white beard and a walking stick hurried into bed, covering his ears with his hands tightly, as if he heard some serious topic just now.

The land is very confused, he would rather not hear anything, if the Jade Emperor or Monkey King knew about it, he would definitely be silenced!

At the same time, outside Ye Shu's mansion, many of the ghostly generals monitoring Bai Suzhen looked at each other in blank dismay. Will they report this matter to the higher authorities?I always feel that something will happen if I report it!

"Amitabha! An old monk who looks like a dead tree outside Hangzhou shouted the Buddha's name. If this matter is not handled well, the Heavenly Court may fight with Daleiyin Temple. The old monk doesn't know how to deal with it for a while.

"Amitabha, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell!" the old monk said, and then he sat on the ground without moving, and he went to reincarnation directly using the Buddhist method.

Of course, the master of Buddhism in Hangzhou City is not only the old monk, nor is he as decisive as the old monk.

All of a sudden, the whole city of Hangzhou seemed dull and depressing.

"But master, I still don't know what the relationship between monkeys and gourds is." Lily was still a little puzzled.

Ye Shu: "Children don't need to know that much, go eat."

Sometimes gossip spreads the fastest. Although many immortals and Buddhas who heard the news said that they must rot in their stomachs, there are so many people with mixed mouths, and there are always one or two broken mouths.

Then overnight, a story that had to be told about the Seven Fairies and Monkey King quietly spread among the gods with all kinds of embellishments.

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(End of this chapter)

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