The Great Beginning of All Worlds

Chapter 121 I Really Didn't Say It

Chapter 121 I Really Didn't Say It
"I want you to lead your subordinates to Mount Emei to kill Sun Houzi! After this is done, I can decide to pardon Yang Chan and Liu Chenxiang. Don't make too much noise!"

Yang Jian walked out of the Lingxiao Palace, thinking about what the Jade Emperor said just now, it still feels a bit like a dream!The Jade Emperor's performance and his own plan are really a bit different!
And just like this to get rid of Sun Monkey, aren't you afraid that the group of bald men in Daleiyin Temple will start a war with the Heavenly Court?How to say that the monkey is also the battle of Buddhism to defeat the Buddha, Yang Jian is a little puzzled.

"Xiaotiangou, inform the Mei family brothers and let them lead the grass-headed gods to encircle, trap, and Mount Emei!" Yang Jian ordered word by word.

"Yes, it's the master!" Xiaotiangou was a little puzzled, but he still complied! ,

Chen Xiang hopes that you will not be in Mount Emei!Now the situation has exceeded my expectations!Yang Jian looked at the heaven surrounded by fairy mist and prayed secretly.

Mount Emei.

"Master, where are we going now? According to my uncle, I want to go to Calabash Mountain? Shall we go too?" Liu Chenxiang asked curiously after panting behind Zhu Bajie who was walking fast.

"Calabash Mountain? Chen Xiang, I'm afraid this matter is going to become a big deal! We can't get involved, old pig, I'm going to find a place to sleep, I'll sleep for hundreds of years, I hope I can avoid this matter!" Zhu Bajie He turned his head and said to Chen Xiang seriously, originally relying on his status as the emissary of the Buddhist Shocking Purification Altar, he would ignore many orders from the Heavenly Court.

But now that Buddhism and Taoism are going to go to war, it's better to avoid it if you can!
"But, master, she is my mother." Seeing that Zhu Bajie seemed to give up, Chen Xiang became impatient. If he was on his own, let alone saving his mother, he might be caught by the Xiaotian dog as soon as he left Mount Emei. go.

"Chen Xiang, your mother's matter is just a trivial matter. Now that it's getting big, let's go back to our houses and keep a low profile for a while." Zhu Bajie comforted, and at the same time walked faster.

Although the Sanshengmu is the niece of the Jade Emperor and married a mortal, it is still her own business. If Liu Yanchang's soul is taken away, and the Sanshengmu is imprisoned for thousands of years, after the news of this matter passes, he will definitely let it go. When it came out, although many gods helped Liu Chenxiang's family, it was nothing more than a mess.

But the fact that the Seven Fairies were raped by the monkey is much bigger than this. The monkey has already become a Buddha and is immortal. It is basically impossible to play down this matter. Coupled with the monkey's reputation, it can be said that it will soon cause trouble. Everyone knows that if the Jade Emperor does not do something, it can be said that his majesty will be ruined.

What can Jade Emperor do?It must be hard steel with monkeys!The monkey is also the battle of Buddhism to defeat the Buddha. When the time comes, a bad heaven will start a war with Daleiyin Temple, that will be a catastrophe!
"Hey~ Master, wait for me!" Liu Chenxiang could be said to have decided to hold Zhu Bajie's thigh well, so when he saw Zhu Bajie walking away, he quickly chased after him.

Mount Qingcheng is one of the four famous Taoist mountains in China, one of the five immortal mountains, and one of the birthplaces of Chinese Taoism. , surrounded by undulating peaks and verdant trees, it enjoys the reputation of "Qingcheng, a secluded city under heaven".The forests in the whole mountain are verdant, evergreen in all seasons, surrounded by peaks, like the outline of a city.The red ladder has thousands of steps, and the winding path leads to seclusion, and the victory is won by seclusion.

"Is this the Qingcheng Mountain? It really is a Taoist school. Hey~ what are you doing, Xiaobai!" Ye Shu just wanted to say a few words of emotion, and by the way, Shi Xingda borrowed two poems from later generations to improve his style and win Xiaobai's favor. Thinking of being thrown down by Bai Suzhen while she was still in the air.

Naturally, such a little height couldn't hurt Ye Shu. Ye Shu knew that Bai Suzhen was taking revenge on Meng Lang on his way.

"Young Master Ye is Calabash Mountain, we can just walk the road below." Bai Suzhen said coldly, but the blush on her face that had not completely dissipated betrayed Bai Suzhen's mood at this time.

Ye Shu followed the direction Bai Suzhen pointed at, and there stood a colorful mountain, and faint clouds were constantly gathering towards that mountain, even a person like Ye Shu who didn't practice aura could feel that the mountain seemed to be gathering The surrounding aura.

"Wow~ Sister, do you live here?! There is so much aura here! If you practice here, you will definitely improve your cultivation!" Xiaoqing also arrived at this time, feeling the rich aura in the air Immediately rejoiced.

Xiaoqing had only heard Bai Suzhen say how good Calabash Mountain is in Qingcheng Mountain before, but this was the first time she felt such a strong aura, no wonder her sister's cultivation base is so high!

Ye Shu rolled his eyes, it's not easy here, but do you really think any monster can practice here?Naive, monsters with no background dare to come to the foot of Qingcheng Mountain to play wild, and tomorrow they will sacrifice to the five internal organs temple of Taoist priests on the mountain.

The four people's footsteps were not slow, so they arrived at Calabash Mountain very quickly. It wasn't until here that Ye Shu knew why Bai Suzhen didn't fly over directly. Although the spiritual energy around Calabash Mountain was strong, they all gathered towards the center.So much so that it is very difficult to invoke the aura here.

If Bai Suzhen was alone, she could fly in directly with Ye Shu, but it would be a bit difficult for Xiaoqing behind to ride the clouds in such a chaotic aura.

"Master Ye, where is the gourd seed you mentioned?" Bai Suzhen asked Ye Shu.

Ye Shu frowned, and said that the gourd seeds seemed to be on the gourd mountain, but Ye Shu was also blinded by his eyes, who knows where it is!Do you want to tell them to look for it slowly?Isn't this cheating!
Besides, Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, has removed the boundary of Emei with a somersault since he hit Mount Emei. It was only at this time that Monkey King discovered one thing, he didn't seem to know the location of Mount Hulu.

In the vicissitudes of life, monkeys have not been out of Mount Emei for 300 years, and some well-known famous mountains can still be found, but it is really blind to see where the Hulu Mountain is.

"Land! Come out of the land!" Sun Wukong took out his golden cudgel and hit the ground vigorously.

"Oh, who is it! Victory Buddha!" ​​Suddenly, an old man with a white beard leaning on a cane came out of the ground. The moment he saw Monkey King, he lay down on the ground and was about to drill in.

"You land old man, what's the reason for running away when you see my grandson." The powerful force of the golden cudgel pointed at the ground, which was about to flee, and the movements under the land froze instantly.

"Great Sage, the little old man didn't hear anything, and he didn't say anything!" The earth cried out in front of Monkey King with tears and snot in his nose.

"It's all the nonsense of the group of gods who monitor the two green and white snakes in Hangzhou city. The little old man ran out of Hangzhou city in fright these days. I really didn't say it!" The land cried and said, these days In order to avoid this incident, he voluntarily demoted and transferred out of Hangzhou City. Unexpectedly, he was found by Monkey King. Thinking about these things, the cry of the land became even more miserable.

Sun Wukong.
 In the new week, I ask for a reward, a recommendation, and a book list.

(End of this chapter)

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