The Great Beginning of All Worlds

Chapter 125 The Monkey Is Here

Chapter 125 The Monkey Is Here
"I didn't expect that even a monkey would find out what I thought I was hiding!" Lu Dongbin thought with some self-deprecation that the ancients often said that monkeys are good at monkeys. Lu Dongbin didn't believe it before, but now he saw this monkey. Sure enough, a great talent!However, I heard that some things happened between this monkey and the Jade Emperor's daughter. I didn't expect this monkey to be a fellow!
Lu Dongbin felt a little funny, picked up the gourd in his hand and took a sip of the wine, the corners of his eyes gradually blurred, and the world in front of him began to spin. Naturally, this little wine could not make Lu Dongbin drunk, but he simply wanted to get drunk. This is the reason why people get drunk when they are drunk.

In the blur, Lu Dongbin seemed to have returned to the country of Rakshasa, where he met her, taught her to cultivate immortals, and gave her the banana fan given by the ancestor as a token of love, and sat with her on the mountain to watch the sun. Go out, go to the sea to watch the sunset together, enjoy the moon in the clouds together, and fall in love together.

She was so beautiful that night.

"God's shit!" In the blur, Lu Dongbin became irritable, as if he was laughing at himself, or complaining.

I still remember that day because Tiantiao resolutely abandoned her, and then I heard that she was engaged to the Bull Demon King and had a child. The child is very cute, looks very similar to him and also inherited part of his physique. It's ridiculous that the bull devil thought that Honghai'er inherited the iron fan's appearance so he didn't look like it. It's a pity that Honghai'er was sent away by Guanyin, but he was still in the fairy class. Thinking about these Lu Dongbin There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he gradually fell asleep.

Maybe I can go back to the past in my dream.

The "fainted" land over there opened his slightly swollen right eye at this time, and the eyeballs turned around. Seeing that there was no movement, he quickly got up while covering his waist that had just been hit hard twice.

Glancing at the drunk Lu Dongbin, he lay down on the ground, the talent skill Earth Dungeon was activated, and the land disappeared in place after a puff of smoke.

He has already made up his mind, and he will talk to his superiors later, and transfer himself to an inaccessible mountain bump to use as land. Although the incense may be a little less, at least he will not run into these great gods, and his safety is guaranteed!And if you don't know what to do if you stay here, you may be silenced by someone someday!The cause of death is knowing too much!

Lu Dongbin was sleeping on the side, at this time the corners of his mouth moved slightly, as if he had dreamed of something good, then he turned over and continued dreaming.

Hulu Mountain.

Following the Qiantang River Dragon King's words, all the gods watching the battle were stunned except himself.

Originally thought that Ye Shu and Lili were just juniors of the Dragon Clan, but they did not expect to have a relationship with Ying Long. There have been folk legends since ancient times, that the dragon became a jiao 500 years ago, Jiao became a dragon for a thousand years, the dragon became a horned dragon 500 years ago, and Ying Long became a millennium. .

An ass is a poisonous snake, and this statement was indeed correct before Yinglong. It is because dragons are inherently obscene, and most creatures in the world contain dragon blood in their bodies, and they all have the possibility of transforming into dragons.

Among them, snakes are the most unique, and it is possible to transform into a dragon just by practicing step by step.

All the dragons in the world are mostly transformed by the body of the ancestor of the dragons, Zhulong. No matter what kind of dragon there is more than one, only Yinglong is an exception. There is only one Yinglong in the world from the beginning to the end. The general of the Yellow Emperor who drowned Chiyou's army.

The appearance of Ying Long and Fang Buddha seemed to appear out of thin air. The dragon clan seldom saw Ying Long. As for how he became a general under the Yellow Emperor, no one knew. The dragon returned to seclusion, and it was the time of Dayu when he reappeared.

At that time, Yinglong drew a road with its tail, and the road became a river, leading the floods from all over the place to the sea, and then disappeared again.

Although the number of times Ying Long made shots can be counted on the fingers, no one dared to underestimate Ying Long, or in other words, no one dared to underestimate the generals who survived the era of the Yellow Emperor.

Because in that era, it was not the Heavenly Court that truly ruled the Three Realms, but these Human Sovereigns!The generals of that era will only be stronger than Yang Jian, the number one general in the Heavenly Court now!

But the Heavenly Court rose greatly after being conferred the gods, completely suppressed the human world, and became the supreme ruler of the Three Realms.

"Dragon King was joking, how could Ying Yinglong have descendants! And the two of them don't have the aura of the dragon clan!" Bian Zhuang said with a wry smile.

In fact, Bian Zhuang still hoped that the Dragon King of Qiantang was talking nonsense at this time, but thinking about the performance of Li Jing and others in Lingxiao Temple today, he was a little suspicious. Could it be that what the old Dragon King said was true? !

But Bian Zhuang misunderstood that Li Jing and the others knew the identities of Ye Shu and Lili in advance before pushing back and forth. It was Bian Zhuang who thought he was a stick and didn't know what to do for a while.

After all, if Ying Long, the legendary boss, is really provoked, even if the Heavenly Court can stop it, it will probably suffer heavy losses!The point is, for an old monster like Ying Long who has lived for countless years, who doesn't have relatives and friends!

At that time, if because of this incident, Yinglong rushed to the heaven with a group of old monsters, I am afraid that he would have to be pushed out by the Jade Emperor to apologize for his death, and Bian Zhuang was entangled.

"Oh, I was lucky enough to meet Mr. Ying Long once, and I will not admit the aura of Mr. Ying Long." Qiantang Dragon King said that he is also a dragon with a temper, so he was extremely indifferent when answering Bian Zhuang's question. .

As the party involved, Ye Shu was stunned when he heard the words of the Dragon King of the Qiantang River. Could it be that he had traveled through the period of conferred gods and had a relationship with Ying Long?

Wait, Yinglong is characterized by two wings, a scaly body and spines, a large and long head, a pointed snout, small nose, eyes, and ears, large eye sockets, high eyebrow arches, sharp teeth, a protruding forehead, a thin neck and a large belly. , with a long tail and strong limbs, like a winged alligator.

The legend may be a bit different, but the general appearance is quite different from the traditional dragon of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, but similar to the western dragon.

Masaka!Could it be that Yinglong is the ancestor of the later western dragons?
In this way, the words seem to make sense. I have the blood of the Western Dragon in my body, and Lily's heart is also the heart of a giant dragon. If the Yinglong in the Chinese legend is really the ancestor of the Western Dragon, then It is not surprising that the two of them were admitted by the Dragon King of Qiantang River.

Another possibility is that the legendary Yinglong was crossed by a giant dragon in later generations. In this case, whether it is true or not, this Yinglong still needs to be seen.

While Ye Shu was thinking, Marshal Canopy in the sky seemed to have made up his mind.

"Whoever you are! This commander is under the order of the Great Heavenly Lord to capture the two snake monsters and destroy Calabash Mountain. Anyone who obstructs them will be punished with the same crime!" These words have been made very clear, as long as Ye Shu and Lili leave Marshal Tianpeng would not stop Hulushan's words. Although he didn't explicitly say that Ye Shu and Ye Shu would be spared, the meaning was similar.

"You said, you... want to destroy Calabash Mountain!" At this moment, an unruly voice came from above Bian Zhuang's head.

Bian Zhuang looked up to see who was so bold, and then his whole body trembled, with a hairy face and a thunderous mouth, wearing a golden armor and a golden crown on his head.The golden cudgel in his hand was casually held in his hand, the murderous aura emanating from his blood-red eyes did not give off the feeling of being an immortal or Buddha, it was clearly a peerless monster!
Was it Sun Wukong or whoever came, one person was far from the [-] densely packed water army, but his power was not bad at all, even when Monkey King appeared, the momentum of the [-] Tianhe water army was all They all stagnated.

"Old Sun asks you, are you the one who wants to flatten this Calabash Mountain?"

 To be fair, I want more!But I have no time to code when I go to Hangzhou on Thursday, so I have to save the manuscript, and I have to save the manuscript when it is put on the shelves on Friday, so let’s just settle for a few days (┬_┬).It is estimated that there will be [-] collections on Friday. Reasonably, if I can reach [-] average orders on that day, I will guarantee a minimum of [-] shifts every day. _┬), if it can be four hundred, it’s a bit ridiculous, but if it can really arrive, I guarantee the bottom five, and I dare not think about it if it goes up (┬_┬)
  In addition, do you think it is necessary to build a reader group? ?Will it be embarrassing if no one comes to build a group?
  Finally, it is customary to ask for recommendations and rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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