The Great Beginning of All Worlds

Chapter 131 This Holy Monk is Proficient in Business

Chapter 131 This holy monk is proficient in business (second update)

In an instant, the sword collided with the vanguard of the army.


As if a paper-cutting sound sounded, the deviant sword pointed at it, and the space was completely shattered, and the part of the thousands of Tianhe water troops in the space was instantly shattered by the aftermath of the space shattering!
"Back, back quickly!" Similar voices sounded one after another in the Tianhe Navy,

The originally neat army was a little chaotic at this moment.

After all, seeing the tragic situation of the people in front of them, even if it is an army that is usually trained harshly, after all, it has not experienced life and death fights, and its psychological endurance is still a bit weak.

Although many people vomited blood before being beaten by Monkey King, they were only seriously injured and their lives were not in danger, but this time it was different.

I saw with my own eyes one by one my former comrades-in-arms were smashed into pieces by the shattered space in front of me, even their souls were smashed by the turbulent flow of the space and they could not escape.

This can be said to be unimaginable for the Tianhe Navy, which has been at ease for a long time.

And this time when performing the mission, I just thought that there were a few little monsters, and I thought they were purely doing their work, but I didn't expect that one by one, the ruthless ones would jump out one after another.

Forget about the previous Monkey King, after all, he is a long-established hero, but now why does this seemingly mortal guy burst out with such a strong power in an instant!It is simply unscientific!
Monkey and Yang Jian looked at Ye Shu's attack in shock just now, the space was shattered!Just relying on the nine-turn Xuangong they have practiced so far, if they want to block it, they will probably suffer some injuries!
No matter how you look at it, a person who looks like a mortal is so powerful!Could it be that what the Qiantang Dragon King said before is true.

"Who is this person?" The Jade Emperor in the Lingxiao Palace looked at Ye Shu in the Haotian Mirror with a calm expression and asked his highness's group of immortals.

Although the Tianhe Navy is known as an elite, it is also in the case of a large number of people and a battle formation. Although the army that has been dispersed now is considered an elite, it is impossible to destroy thousands of heavenly soldiers with one blow. Although there is not much that Lingxiao Palace can do, it is not too little.

What really surprised the Jade Emperor was the weapon in Ye Shu's hand. With the knowledge of the Jade Emperor, he can naturally understand that the power of Ye Shu's broken space just now depends on the weapon in his hand, and a person who can possess a weapon of this level has the power behind him. One can imagine.

Could it be that what the Dragon King of Qiantang River said just now is true!This leaf book is really related to that Yinglong, so things will be difficult to handle!The Jade Emperor looked at His Highness's immortals and immediately felt a little headache!
If the many gods and immortals of His Majesty really did their best for him, let alone Ying Long came, even if the Yellow Emperor and Chi You brought a bunch of generals under their command to fight together, the Jade Emperor would not hesitate.

It's a pity that these guys are basically enshrined when the gods were enshrined, and the gods were enshrined after death. Not to mention the power behind them, they still hugged each other after arriving in the heavenly court, which made him unable to do anything.

By the way, do you want to push that guy from Bian Zhuang to be a scapegoat?But it's hard to find someone who is so loyal to me, hey~ I really have no choice but to do this!Let's put it on the charge of "killing innocent people indiscriminately."

Looking at the scene in the Haotian Mirror, the Jade Emperor has already bound the future fate of the guy who was hit by the monkey's stick.

The immortals continued to watch their eyes, their noses, their noses, their noses, their noses, their noses, their noses, their hearts, and their minds, pretending that they didn't know anything. They were all old fritters who had lived for countless years. Except for that second idiot in Bian Zhuang who couldn't see the situation clearly and was strong, who would hit the muzzle of the gun? ?Being wise and protecting one's life is the way to survive and live forever!

Hulushan looked at the hundreds of celestial soldiers who had vanished into ashes, and all the celestial soldiers who flew back to the sky quickly. Ye Shu scratched his head and looked at the Deviant Sword with disgust. But not big.

After all, it is only a special anti-boundary treasure, and the original capture range is only 1000 people. Under the supply of Ye Shu's energy far surpassing Jin Glittering, even if the attack range is increased several times, it will only cause thousands of casualties to them. .

Seeing Guaiyijian's disgusted expression, Ye Ye's mouth twitched when other people who were watching the battle saw it, what the hell is your disgusted expression.

That is a weapon that can cut space directly!The attack power is so strong that even immortals who practice top-level body training techniques may not be able to stop it. If such power is still disgusting, then the weapons of us people should be thrown away as garbage!
Sure enough, there is no way to compare with this "second generation of gods"!Many fairy gods silently cut off the video here, and they have now completely believed that this Ye Shu definitely has something to do with Ying Long, even if it has nothing to do with Ying Long, it must be a powerful illegitimate child.

Ye, who had no idea that he had been slandered all over by the powers of the Three Realms, looked at the heavenly soldiers who had all flown into the sky. .The brows were slightly frowned. At this time, the Tianhe navy was no longer as arrogant as before, and everyone was in a panic. After all, they were beaten in the face again and again, and now they were almost wiped out by the regiment. They were also speechless!
"The baby is bitter, but the baby doesn't say anything." This is probably the common thought in the minds of the Tianhe navy soldiers who are still conscious.

"Hey~ can you come down for a while?" Ye Shu looked at the heavenly soldier in the sky, calculated the attack range of the Deviation Sword, and found sadly that the maximum attack range of the Deviation Sword could not hit the opponent.

Heavenly Soldiers: .Go down and let you take that terrifying sword and strike again?By the way, why don't you come up?Can't fly?
At this time, a few "smart" ones among the heavenly soldiers had already thought of something.

"You come down, I will be very gentle! Aren't you going to catch us? How can you catch me if you don't come down?" Looking at the heavenly soldiers in the sky, Ye Shu continued without giving up.

The two green and white snakes are gentle with you, you ghost!Just now they saw with their own eyes the situation where thousands of heavenly soldiers were wiped out in an instant.

Tianbing A: I see, this guy can't fly, everyone smashed him to death with weapons!

"Smash!" "Smash!".
All kinds of weapons rained down in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the two green and white snakes turned pale for a moment. They didn't expect that Ye Shu's inability to fly was discovered, and they even attacked them.

Although those weapons are only used by ordinary heavenly soldiers, they are also specially made by the heavenly court. If tens of thousands of roots are smashed down, I am afraid that this mountain of gourd can be smashed down.

"Childish, do you really think you can win this way?" Ye Shu said disdainfully. He just didn't want to become half-human, half-dragon, so he said those words. He didn't expect these idiots to think they had found their own weakness. .

How stupid can be!Faint golden ripples appeared in the space in front of Ye Shu, just in the direction of these weapons, and at this moment a magnetic voice full of cheapness came from behind.

"Female benefactor, the poor monk sees that you look pale, do you need a poor monk to find a room to consecrate you alone? The poor monk is Tang Sanzang, a holy monk who went to the west to worship Buddha 300 years ago! The business is absolutely guaranteed! This holy monk is very familiar with it. The child delivery business used to be in the country of daughters."

 There are a lot of things this week, and I haven't saved the manuscript, but it's guaranteed to be at least three times.

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(End of this chapter)

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