The Great Beginning of All Worlds

Chapter 136 Fucked off Chapter 3

Chapter 136 fucked up (laughs) third more
"Noisy, what's the noise, don't let the monkey sleep!" The monkey who came out looked up at Ye Shu and yelled at Ye Shu angrily.

The monkey in front of him had a hairy face and a thunderous mouth, and was wearing a tiger skin suit. The golden monkey fur all over his body was soft and smooth, reflecting the silvery white light under the silvery moonlight.

But if you look closely at the monkey's eyes, you will find that the monkey's eyes are sleepy, and there are some small lumps beside the corners of the eyes, which looks like it just woke up.

Ye Shu is very familiar with this monkey!This monkey actually looks exactly the same as Dou Shengfo and Monkey King, but in terms of temperament, it is neither the domineering and domineering appearance of the Monkey King, nor the amusing appearance of the Buddha's light that illuminates the sky and compassionately.

If Ye Shu had to say it, the monkey in front of him seemed to be domesticated but still retained a certain wildness.

"Where did the monkey monster come from! How dare you live in Dou Zhanfo's cave without permission, I think you don't want to live anymore!" The loud voice made the sleepy-eyed monkey instantly startled, and his sleepiness also went away by [-]-[-]%.

"Master, this is not good!" Lily corrected her righteously from the side.

Ye Shu pretended not to hear.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were a little speechless, is it really okay to be so arrogant in other people's territory?And we don't seem to be here to do something good!
Don't you feel a little bit guilty?Bai Suzhen said that she has refreshed her opinion on Ye Shu's thick skin.

The monkey stared at Ye Shu, with a chill in his slightly shriveled eyes.

"Do you know, who is Dou Victory Buddha? That is one of the seven great sages of the demon clan and my most admired idol!"

The coldness in Monkey's eyes dissipated, but his gaze towards Ye Shu was still cold. Even if you are my grandson's idol, I will never forgive you for waking me up!Monkey thought a little arrogantly.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing looked at Ye Shu speechlessly. Just now, who said that they were going to fight against Buddha's lair, and now you say this again, can we buy Bilian at the pharmacy!
"Back then, Brother Hou fought against [-] heavenly soldiers by himself, and the [-] heavenly soldiers and generals were defeated, so scared that the old Jade Emperor went under the table, not daring to breathe!" Ye Shu said impassionedly.

Low-key, low-key, although we were indeed so brave back then, but we have retired now, it's good to know these things in your heart, why do you have to say it out!The monkey looked at Ye Shu with softer eyes, after all, it's not easy to meet a fan these days!
Bai Suzhen.
Xiaoqing, this should be my line!
The dumb hair on Lily's head moved her eyes to look at Ye Shu's feet, and she always felt that something in the master had fallen to the ground, why couldn't she find it!
"Then Tianting lost to Brother Monkey, so we invited Tathagata Buddha. Tathagata Buddha also used tricks to suppress Brother Monkey under Wuzhi Mountain. If he did it with real swords and guns, that guy Tathagata is definitely no match for Brother Monkey! Ye Shu roared angrily at the sky with red eyes.

At this moment, even Ye Shu himself got into the drama a little bit.

When the monkey heard Ye Shu's words, his eyes turned red instantly. This damn thing really touched the old grandson's heart!Back then, if it wasn't for the Tathagata's use of ghost tricks like holding the Buddha Kingdom to deal with him, how could he have fallen to this point? I didn't expect this person in front of me to know me so well!It's like a bosom friend.

At this time, the monkey looked at Ye Shu as if he saw a bosom friend.

Xiaoqing, you stole my lines again!
Bai Suzhen.
What the hell did Lily drop?
"Later, Brother Hou, after leaving Wuzhi Mountain, protected Tang Monk from the west to learn scriptures and save all sentient beings. Along the way, he trekked through mountains and rivers, slayed demons and demons. After many hardships, Brother Monkey obtained the scriptures and became a Buddhist fighter against Buddha!" ​​Ye Shu Looking at the moon in the sky, a trace of admiration flashed in his eyes.

The monkey felt his nose a little sore. He didn't expect that there would be someone who understood him so well in this world. If he didn't have a mission, he would have wished to befriend this person!
Xiaoqing, you are enough!If you grab my old lady's lines again, my old lady will die with you!
Lily master seems to drop more and more things.

"For Brother Monkey, whom I admire, I even wrote a special song to praise him." Ye Shu said with stars shining in his eyes.

There is a saying that is good, the highest level of fooling people is to fool yourself into it first, and Ye Shu has completely entered the state now.

"Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey! You are amazing!" Ye Shu's broken voice rang out on the silent Mount Emei, and the voice that sounded like ghost howls in the silent night made Xiaoqing and the others frown involuntarily.

Not far from the depths of Mount Emei, there was a stern beast roar, which was frightened by Ye Shu's singing voice!
The monkey is nodding while listening, the lyrics are obviously written for himself, let's start with a point!good song!Good song!

"The mountains of the five elements can't hold you down, and a Sun Walker pops up!"

"Brother Monkey, you are so rare! The recitation of the curse has not changed the true nature of the old grandson!" Monkey's eyes became moist, thinking of the difficult years when he followed Tang Sanzang.

"Pluck a hair and blow out a monkey. Blinking an eyelid can see through a ghost. Flip a thousand miles and shake your prestige! The landslides and the ground crack. Your reputation is passed on by thousands of people. Thousands of families say that you are a golden cudgel. Forever shining to clear away the turbidity of the world~”

After Ye Shu finished singing, Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen couldn't help covering their ears. Although the song was really good, Ye Shu's broken voice was really unbearable.

Others ask for money for singing, but Ye Shu's singing is terrible!

Lily frowned tightly, as if she had been struggling with something, and the dull hair on her head also turned into a greeting in a weird way.

Monkey looked at Ye Shu with teary eyes, this is his confidant! , if you don't know yourself so deeply, how can you make such a song that completely agrees with yourself.

No matter what, my old grandson must worship this person!The monkey thought with twinkling eyes and tears.

"Master, isn't your real name Ye Shu? When did you change your name to Zhang Li?" Suddenly Lily's voice came from behind.

Ye Shu was startled, and then waved, "Lily, don't make trouble, I'm busy!"

"Ke Ke, isn't this song written by Zhang Li? Could it be that master' you used to have a name called Zhang Li? But the time is not right!" Lily said with a look of entanglement.

The monkey returned my touch!

Ye Shu Lili, are you really stupid or fake!
"And didn't the master say that he would come to fight against the Buddha to borrow the Nine Turns Mysterious Art and the 72 transformation? Why didn't you go in?"

Ye Shu Gaia, Alaya, are you really sure that Lily is the best match for my attributes?
At this time, Ye Shu could already see that the monkey in front of him had started to emit black air.

 The third update, I’m going to code Chapter 4 now, it may be sent out after twelve o’clock, you’d better watch it, cultivating immortals is not worth it

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(End of this chapter)

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