Chapter 144

The almost incomprehensible ability changed the expressions of everyone present.

The whole world is someone else's dream, so why fight with others?
It's okay for ordinary people, after all, ordinary people often have nightmares!
But is Tathagata an ordinary person?

He is Buddha!
What is Buddha?
Buddhas and immortals are free from calamities and calamities, without desires and pursuits.

Mastering everything in one's own body can be said to be completely separated from human beings. This category can be regarded as another kind of living body!

This is a higher-dimensional life form. The appearance of human beings is only the external manifestation of Buddha, just like the existence in the plane looks at a three-dimensional cylinder pressed on the plane.

All you can see is a flat surface.

At this time, the Tathagata just said one word to make all the gods present lose their fighting spirit. No matter what kind of backhand they prepared, it seems ridiculous now, and the reason is very simple.

Everyone present is a momentary arrogance, so how could they not understand what Tathagata meant.

How can the illusory hurt the real.

Unless you have the power to break the boundaries between reality and reality!
At this moment, whether it is the army of the heavens, the monsters, or the Buddhas of the Western Heaven, under the influence of a special force, at this moment, the fighting spirit seems to be constantly being worn away.

"Amitabha, why is the World Honored One calling the poor monk?" A young monk came out, the moon-white monk's robe fit him perfectly, with a faint smile on his face, as if he hadn't been affected by what the Tathagata said just now Affect.

He is the initiator of this incident, Tang Sanzang!

"My second apprentice is named Jin Chanzi, and he is currently in Lingshan." Tathagata looked at Tang Sanzang and nodded, then said immediately.

"Then he is really unlucky!" Tang Sanzang replied.

Can you be unlucky!
In the ninth life of reincarnation, he will be eaten by his apprentice in every life, and there will be no whole body in death!Then the tenth life was like a puppet, going through ninety-nine and 81 difficulties to achieve the Buddhahood.

Given a choice, ghosts would choose such a fate!A moment of silence for the unlucky guy with the same name as himself in another world!

"You are very different from him!"

Buddha continued.

"That poor monk is really lucky!"

"Do you think you can change your fate?"

"If you don't try, how will you know!" Tang Sanzang looked directly at Tathagata without retreating, his eyes were bright and energetic. At this time, Tang Sanzang had the demeanor of a great virtuous monk who learned from the scriptures.

How do you know if you don't try?
The eyes of some fairy gods gradually brightened, although they didn't know if they could win.

But since coming here is to put life and death aside, if you don't give it a try, you will regret it for the rest of your life!

"Really? This is your answer!" Tathagata seemed to understand. He looked at the other monsters in Daleiyin Temple for a moment, and the bodies of countless powerful gods and monsters instantly turned into nothingness.

It seems that countless immortals, gods and demons are like ants in the eyes of the Tathagata, and can be easily destroyed!
Tang Sanzang still looked directly at Tathagata without flinching. .

In front of him stood a monkey with a hairy face and a golden armour!

At that moment just now, Sun Wukong blocked the Tathagata's blow for himself.

"Pfft~" the monkey vomited blood.

With just one glance, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, who was making such a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, was hit hard. It was even more shocking than the countless gods disappearing before his eyes.

After all, Tathagata destroyed only some ordinary heavenly soldiers with a glance, but he seriously injured Wukong, the Monkey King, with just a glance. This is really an exaggeration!

"Sure enough!" Who knew that Tang Sanzang, who saw Sun Wukong's injury at this time, was not afraid but laughed out loud!
"As expected, you are not invincible!" Tang Sanzang laughed as if he had discovered something.

"You also have your own limit! That's your cognition! Wukong's power has further broken through beyond your original understanding of Wukong, so you can't destroy him!" Tang Sanzang laughed with tears at the corners of his eyes .

At this moment, he really felt the chance to win the Tathagata!
Originally, it was only stored in my own deduction, but now that I saw the situation just now, I really confirmed what I thought in my heart.

"Odd number!" Tathagata said calmly to Tang Sanzang, who was clutching his stomach and laughing non-stop.

"I think therefore I am. In dreams, things that you think don't exist will definitely disappear, but all the people or things that exceed your original settings are not included in this list!"

Tang Sanzang expressed his thoughts at this time.

"So that's the case. Is it the supernatural power of proving the Tao in a dream? What a pity!" Taishang Laojun said helplessly from the side.

It's a pity that although my cultivation base is still progressing over the past thousand years, it is very small!That is to say, even if his cultivation base at this time is far higher than Monkey King, but in front of Tathagata, it will turn into nothingness in just a blink of an eye.

I think, therefore I am, what I think exists will appear even if it does not exist, and on the contrary, what I think does not exist will disappear even if it exists.

This kind of supernatural power will only appear in dreams!
"You all get out! This place will be handed over to five poor monks, masters and apprentices!" At this moment, a group of immortals behind Tang Sanzang's team said, although they had already guessed the possibility, but after all, they had just been confirmed. And the layout time is not much.

Only the five masters and apprentices broke through the original limit in basic combat power.

And even if you understand the ability in Tathagata's dream, it is useless, because this ability is too powerful.

It means that all the treasures and all the spells are useless to it, it is simply the ultimate enhanced version of the magic eye!
The Devil's Eye of Immediate Death still needs to be aimed at the dead line or the dead point, but the ability of Tathagata just needs to be thought about!It is simply a desperate ability!
"Come out! The burial coffin!" Tang Sanzang shouted.

Then a coffin exuding an aura of death appeared in Tang Sanzang's hands. This was Tang Sanzang's previous weapon, and now he has refined it again.

But it is because there is no reason to bury this world, and its power is far inferior to that of the previous life.

"Tathagata, I need to settle the accounts between my old grandson and you!" Sun Wukong is now a three-body body. The gap in personality of the world lord.

"Buddha, I don't really want to fight you, old pig, but." Zhu Bajie suddenly threw the nine-foot nail rake at Tathagata.

Fighting black hands and so on is what Zhu Bajie is best at.


The rake in Zhu Bajie's hand immediately turned into nothingness.

"That. Buddha, according to the old pig, he was actually checking to see if the rake was working well, and he didn't intend to hit you, really!" Zhu Bajie looked at the fist in the empty space and said with some embarrassment, and then stepped back step by step.

Xiao Bailong and Sha Wujing stood beside them without saying a word.

They are generally the same as the group of salted fish gods who left the Daxiong Palace, and they are responsible for calling 666.

"Do it!" Tang Sanzang motioned to several disciples when he saw the rest of the people had withdrawn from the Great Leiyin Temple.

"A great blow!" Sun Wukong took the golden cudgel in his hand and threw it at Tathagata mercilessly. The magic power plus the power of the golden cudgel itself made Tathagata feel serious.

Tathagata knew that the golden cudgel was not the original version, and only something beyond his expectations could bring him harm.

The dream itself operates according to the thinking of the master himself. For a Buddha like him who can completely control the dream, he is the great way of heaven in this world.

The appearance of Tang Sanzang changed the world.

This is equivalent to being an extraterritorial demon, all I need to do now is to kill this extraterritorial demon that caused a change!

"Amitabha." The Tathagata lightly stretched out a finger, a power that I can rival made it difficult for the golden cudgel to be a foot away from him, and a faint red light radiated from the monkey's body. Condensed to the extreme expression.

"Puhou, it's been so many years, I didn't expect you to be wild and difficult to train! Town!" Accompanied by Hong Zhong Dalu's voice, Sun Wukong seemed to be suppressed by something at this moment, and the whole monkey lay on the ground motionless .

"Show~ Tathagata, do you dare to let me out and let's fight for five hundred rounds!" Sun Wukong refused to accept, he knew the bottom line of Tathagata's power, he was definitely not that strong.

"Hey, I'm not late, am I?"

A frivolous voice sounded from the door of the Daxiong Palace, and Tang Sanzang looked at the door in surprise. At this time, he could only rely on Ye Shu.

"What, I'm here to call 666." Seeing the monkey being pinned down on the ground like a dead dog by Tathagata, cold sweat rolled down Ye Shu's forehead instantly.

"Buddha 666!"

Tang Sanzang.
Sun Wukong.
Ye Shu shouted very rudely, how strong is the monkey?Before the three bodies merged into one, he was on par with himself in the forbidden state. After the three bodies merged into one, Ye Shu reckoned that he would not be able to win the fight without turning on berserk.

Such a ferocious monkey, in front of the Tathagata, it is like meeting a monkey juggler. No wonder the group of salted fish gods outside the Daxiong Palace will have that kind of expression when they see that they are about to come in. Nima, the Tathagata Buddha simply followed suit hanging like.

What Ye Shu regretted most at this time was that he agreed to Tang Sanzang, a scumbag, to beat his master.


The Tathagata looked at Ye Shu and let out a light sigh, and the cold sweat on Ye Shu's head broke out immediately. After all, the pressure of being stared at by a big boss is still quite great!

Then Tathagata withdrew his right hand finger, and his whole body turned into little spots of light and disappeared into the main hall. One of the spots seemed to have consciously penetrated directly into Ye Shu's sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Shu was stunned, because what was contained in the spot of light turned out to be the spell of proving the Tao in a dream. What does Tathagata mean?
Not only Ye Shu was stunned, but also the remaining five Tang monks, masters and apprentices in the entire Daxiong Palace were also stunned, completely unaware of what Tathagata meant.

For a while, several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

In a certain time and space, Daleiyin Temple.

Here, countless Buddhas of different shapes are lined up on both sides. Every Buddha, Arhat, and Bodhisattva exudes an eternal and immortal breath.

The Tathagata on the main seat is even more miraculous. Sitting in the center of the hall, it is as if the Buddha is invincible in this space. Time, space, fate, and no traces are left on him. Countless laws and principles are intertwined on him.

Jump out of fate and overlook the long river of time!
At this moment, a faint smile suddenly appeared on Tathagata's unchanged face for thousands of years. A pale golden lotus seed flew out of Tathagata's hand, and then broke through the space and disappeared into the vast chaos. All the Buddhas who saw this scene were puzzled. endlessly.

Because the pale golden lotus seeds are the lotus seeds of the ninth-grade golden lotus, the highest treasure in the west, and each piece is a treasure. Now the Buddha threw away one at will. I don't know what it means.

However, no one asked questions. These days, no one else asked. Wouldn't it be obvious that I was very ignorant if I asked the question myself!It is the kingly way to pretend to understand if you don't understand, and to make some specious theories.

So many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in this moment all smiled knowingly, except for one person!
"Golden Cicada."

"Ah, ah, what's the matter, Master?" The young monk sitting on the left side of Tathagata asked in a daze as if he had just woken up.

"Go to that Eastern land and reincarnate in the human world!"

Jin Chanzi. I just fell asleep, and you let me reincarnate. Do you want to be so cruel!And you were just sleeping, you bastard!

 In fact, I came from the prehistoric world! ! 1 hahahaha
  The group number is in the profile
(End of this chapter)

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