The Great Beginning of All Worlds

Chapter 158 Let's help the poor witch!

Chapter 158 Help the Poor Miko!
Ye Shu drove the cloud and followed Tian Buyi through the misty sea of ​​clouds and entered the Big Bamboo Peak.

The location of Big Bamboo Peak is relatively remote. Because of the sparse population, there are not many houses on the whole peak. Behind the few black bamboo houses is a black bamboo forest.

Each of these bamboos is as thick as a bowl, and its dark surface is like refined iron. In fact, because these bamboos grow in places with strong aura all year round, their hardness can indeed be compared with ordinary pig iron.

"Immortal Chief, this is your residence. If there is nothing else, I will go down first." Tian Buyi brought Ye Shu to a bamboo house and said respectfully.

He didn't want to be alone with an unknown person like Ye Shu at all.

I can still vividly remember the scene where Ye Shu waved his hand at Tongtian Peak before, and the space was torn like cloth.

At that moment, Tian Buyi had already put Ye Shu in the ranks that he must not provoke.

So after bringing Ye Shu here, he hurriedly thought about leaving first.

"Wait, Tian Shouzuo, let me ask you a few questions." Ye Shu was also a little speechless when he saw Tian Buyi leaving in a hurry. Could it be that he was so scary?
"Immortal Elder, please give me instructions." Tian Buyi turned around and said neither humble nor overbearing, but the bitter look on his chubby face could not be erased no matter what.

Ye Shu shook his head and asked, "Does Tian Shouzuo know what major changes have taken place in this world recently?"

His task was to find the traversers, there were still four, although now he had confirmed two, maybe three, Ye Shu remembered the scream of the girl he heard when he was hit by fried tofu.

Yakumo Lan should have followed Yakumo Zi.

So now there is only one traveler missing, and his first mission is considered complete.

Although most of the current traversers are traversers from other worlds like the land, they probably don't know the plot of Zhu Xian's world.

But no matter whether the traveler who travels through the world is good or bad, whether the ability is strong or weak, the knowledge of another world brought by him will definitely make the traveler bloom in this world with his due demeanor.

This is why Ye Shu asked Tian Buyi.

Tian Buyi was startled, he didn't expect to ask what happened in the world.

Then he thought for a while and said: "If you want to talk about major events, there are really two or three things. One is that there seems to be a big monster with uncultivable cultivation in the section of Huqi Mountain. It is said to be the nine-tailed demon fox. One of them, the Ghost King Sect, had to leave, but because we never hurt anyone's life, we didn't insist on eradicating her."

"Wait, you said the four major sects of the Devil's Cult? Isn't it three?" Ye Shu keenly grasped the key point of Tian Buyi's words, and asked a little strangely.

Tian Buyi glanced at Ye Shu in surprise, and was even more surprised in his heart. He didn't understand why Ye Shu knew the division of forces in this world when he was obviously not from this world.

But I didn't ask too much, I just kept an extra eye in my heart.

Don't look at Tian Buyi who is short, short and fat, looks very dull, but in fact he is a very wise and foolish person, otherwise he would not have a cultivation level second only to Daoxuan Daoxuan.

Even defeated his elder brother Wan Jianyi in appearance, cultivation and demeanor, and married a beautiful woman like Suru as his wife.

"A year ago, the Devil's Cult really had only three major sects, but since the Blood Refining Hall was led by the hall master Nian Laoda a year ago, its power has grown by leaps and bounds, and Nian Da Da's cultivation base is even more unpredictable. Once, I Senior Brother Cangsong besieged Nian Boss, but they still couldn't help him." Tian Buyi said with some emotion.

"If you say that although this year's boss was famous before, he was only mediocre. I don't know what kind of adventure happened, but his strength has become so high!" He looked at Ye Shu, hoping to see something from Ye Shu's expression, but he was disappointed, Ye Shu's expression was extremely indifferent, and there was no change in the slightest after hearing Tian Buyi's words.

In fact, Ye Shu's heart is already a little messed up. This year's boss's strength in the original book is actually a life-threatening, but now he is able to fight against the two leaders of Qingyun sect without defeat.

If he had no ghosts, Ye Shu would wring his head off and kick him like a ball.

I just don't know whether this guy is a time traveler or has benefited from the time traveler.

As for the nine-tailed fox in Huqi Mountain, it might be Yakumo Lankai's trumpet.

Then Yakumo Zi, Yakumo Blue, Nianboda, and Land, it seems that the traversers have been found by themselves!Then the main task can also be completed.

Ye Shu thought excitedly.

After all, the main task also has a reward of [-] points!Although Ye Shu doesn't value it very much nowadays, it's not a small number!But Ye Shu always felt that Yakumo Zi's time travel was not that simple!After all, who has ever seen a master and a servant travel together during time travel?

If you can form a group through time travel, then it is called group wear!

Ye Shu complained, and then saw Tian Buyi was hesitating to speak, but his face was full of confusion.

"What do you have to say?"

"Senior, I don't know what your status is in the Heavenly Court?" Tian Buyi asked with a sigh of relief after hearing Ye Shu's order. For those who practice Taoism, cultivating Taoism and longevity is the ultimate goal.

And the so-called struggle between good and evil nowadays is nothing more than a product of desire for immortality.

If he could live forever, why would ghosts do such trivial things!
Although today's world cannot become a fairy, it can't stand it. Tian Buyi yearns for the heaven, the ultimate pursuit of a cultivator.

"Heavenly Court! I'm not from Heavenly Court." Ye Shu said with some regret. Speaking of which, he hadn't visited Heavenly Court when the White Snake passed on the world!I don't know how the flat peach there tastes better than the ginseng fruit?

"Not from Heaven?! But the old god."

"You talk about the land! He is indeed from the Heavenly Court, but the entire Earth Immortal World is not only the people of the Heavenly Court who are gods, the entire Earth Immortal World has countless powerful people interspersed in it, and some scattered immortals don't even bother to be officials in the Heavenly Court. "Ye Shu paused and continued.

"The ones who go to the Heavenly Court to be officials are generally those gods who are not sure how to survive their own disasters." Ye Shu explained with a smile.

What Ye Shu said was the truth. Once he became an official in the heavenly court, all calamities would not come to him, and with the towering tree of the heavenly court as his back, as long as he didn't commit suicide, he could still achieve longevity.

"It's so!" Tian Buyi said with emotion, he can only say that the city can play, in this world, many cultivators want to live forever but they can't get it, but they don't want to be some gods, this really makes Tian Buyi a little bit incomprehensible.

"Then you?" Tian Buyi couldn't help but became more curious about Ye Shu's identity.

"I'm just an ordinary person. The land is afraid of me. It's probably because my fighting power is about the same as Yang Jian, the number one general in the Heavenly Court!" Ye Shu said as if he knew what Tian Buyi wanted to ask.

Tian Buyi's mouth opened so wide that he could stuff two eggs!

Damn it, I thought that the status in the Heavenly Court would not be as high as that old fairy, but I didn't expect that he was a ruthless character who didn't want to join the Heavenly Court!It's almost the same as the first general in the heavenly court, so why not be so strong!
Although Yang Jian doesn't know how strong he is, can the person who can become the number one warrior in the heaven be a weak person? !
At this moment, Lao Tian was already thinking about hugging his thighs!

Heyang City.

Because it is close to Qingyun Mountain and has the support of Qingyunmen, coupled with its own development over the years, the entire Heyang City has developed very prosperously.

Pedestrians come here to do business, or seek immortality, so the streets of Heyang City are full of people every day, and there are even more merchants.

Here, as long as you have money, you can buy commodities from almost all regions, and the inn business in this area is driven by the flow of people.

On this day, a beautiful girl wearing a red and white maiden costume showing her armpits and a big red bow tie on her head came to Heyang City.

The clothes that are incompatible with this era make her the focus of everyone. If Ye Shu were here, he would immediately recognize the girl as the city manager of Gensokyo, Hakurei Reimu!
At this time, Hakurei Reimu was holding a wooden money box with both hands.

After being kicked out of an inn again, Hakurei Reimu showed a slight disappointment on his face.

"Do people here not believe in God?" Lingmeng muttered with her head down.

Although she herself doesn't know what kind of god she enshrines.

But isn't it common sense to help poor and down-and-out priestesses! (God tm common sense)

"Sure enough, you should go directly to Qing Yunmen to grab it. It would be better to ask for help!"

By the way, you must have wanted to grab it just now!It was only temporarily changed to asking for help!
Then Lingmeng looked at the seven peaks soaring into the sky not far away, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit. This is the biggest sect in the world!There must be many who are willing to help the impoverished shrine maidens.

Lingmeng couldn't wait any longer at this time, and then, under the surprised eyes of the residents of Heyang City, swiped and flew towards Qingyunmen.

On this day, a poor and beautiful fairy spread in Heyang City.

 The two watches are over.

  In the past few days, I will update twice a day (the word count is close to [-] words today), and try to stabilize the [-] words before doing more updates.

(End of this chapter)

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