The Great Beginning of All Worlds

Chapter 175 The Great Move of Zhen Shanhe Should Be...

Chapter 175 The Great Move of Zhen Shanhe Should Be... (Anti-theft)

"Presumably this is Shangguan Ce Daoist from Fenxiang Valley, poor Daoxuan."

Daoxuan, who was far away, saw a man in his mid-to-fifties, dressed in the attire of an elder of Fenxianggu, walking in with a group of disciples.

Compared with the group of people in Fenxiang Valley, because of the future and arrangement of Qingyunmen, there are only three people, Tudi, Daoxuan and Cangsong, but Daoxuan doesn't care.

Although Qingyunmen is still one of the three sects of the righteous way along with Fenxianggu, it is only temporary, when this time things are successful, then Qingyunmen will become a fairy gate!

Then when Daoxuan looked at the people in "Fenxiang Valley", although his face was very polite, he had a condescending feeling.

This feeling made everyone in "Fenxiang Valley" who had been in high positions for a long time feel uncomfortable.

After all, there is a plan. At this time, let alone being despised by others, even being made things difficult, you should bear it or have to bear it!
However, he was not attacked the moment he saw Daoxuan, which also shows that Cangsong's words seem to be true!

In fact, before they came, they had prepared all kinds of means to ensure that they could escape under the siege of the Qingyun sect. Now that Daoxuan didn't start fighting as soon as they met, they all breathed a sigh of relief .

"Shangguan Ce in the lower Fenxiang Valley, I have met Reverend Daoxuan." This is a rather old man.

Daoxuan carefully looked at Shangguan Ce in front of him, in fact he had never met Shangguan Ce, Shangguan Ce was a generation earlier than himself, when the barbarians traveled together, Shangguan Ce had already returned to Fenxiang Valley to guard the Xuanhuo Altar.

"Brother Dao, haven't you been guarding the Xuanhuo Altar? Why don't you come to Qingyun Sect to be a guest when you have time today." Daoxuan sat on the main seat and looked at Shangguan Ce with a smile on his face.

Although he didn't know Shangguan Ce, there were still a few people in the group who he had met once. Therefore, the identities of this group were not fake.

"Teacher, the old man is very tired from busy days, so I will leave first." Seeing Daoxuan, Tu Tu seemed to want to talk about business, and these days, he had been arranging formations, although most of them were guided by the situation, but they also consumed a lot of immortal power.

"Elder, please go ahead." In front of outsiders, Daoxuan always referred to the land as elder, which was also discussed a long time ago.

The land bid farewell, and then he left, but when he passed by several "Fenxiang Valley" guests, he gave them a meaningful look.

Daoxuan laughed and started a conversation with some people from Fenxiang Valley.

In fact, it is very rude to leave without saying hello in front of the guests, but at this time, Daoxuan, the host, does not intend to mention this matter, and the people in "Fenxiang Valley" naturally do not want to talk too much about it. Make trouble.

"Brother Dao, in fact, I am really suffering for this visit! I came to Qing Yunmen for help!"

After chatting for a while, "Shangguan Ce" said with a bitter face.

"Oh, Fenxiang Valley is located in Shiwan Dashan, where the monster clan was suppressed, could something have happened there?" Daoxuan asked with some doubts after hearing the words of "Shangguan Ce".

"Brother Dao, it's really a clever plan, but it's not only the monster clan, but also the witch clan! This is a secret report about the witch clan intercepted by my disciples in the valley." "Shangguan Ce" took out a simple scroll and looked at it Said bitterly.

Hearing the words, Cang Song hurried forward to get the scroll, glanced at it, and his expression changed instantly.

"Brother Master Master, look at this scroll!" Cang Song hastily presented the scroll in front of Daoxuan.

Seeing Cangsong's eager expression, Daoxuan knew that the matter was not simple, so he hurriedly stepped forward to take the scroll.


There was a sharp pain in his hand, Daoxuan threw the scroll subconsciously, and a tiny centipede about an inch long crawled out from the scroll.

"This is the seven-tailed centipede!" Daoxuan exclaimed in shock. In just a moment, the half of the bitten arm had turned pitch black in an instant. The poisonous gas is attacking the mind!
"Cangsong, you." Daoxuan was about to scold Cangsong for what was going on.

Sword light flashed.

Daoxuan changed his steps and easily dodged the oncoming sword light. The floating dust in his hands swept away, and the Cangsong was swept away from the main seat in an instant.

"Clap clap clap."


"As expected, the headmaster of the Qingyun sect, even with the poison of the seven-tailed centipede in his body, can still have such power. If we didn't take this opportunity this time, I'm afraid we wouldn't even be able to hurt you." "Shangguan Ce "At this time, he laughed loudly.

"Shangguan Ce is you! Fenxianggu, why?" Daoxuan clutched his right arm injured by the seven-tailed centipede, really puzzled, is Fenxianggu going to fight Qingyunmen? !
"Hahahaha, Daoxuan old man, who do you think we are?" Everyone in "Fenxiang Valley" laughed, and then under Daoxuan's surprised gaze, their faces changed strangely.

"Yuyangzi, God of Poison, King of Ghosts, Mrs. Sanmiao, and demon cult monsters, how dare you come to my Qingyun Gate to play wild!" Daoxuan counted them one by one, his expression becoming even uglier.

"Let's gossip, kill Daoxuan quickly before anyone else from Qingyun Sect comes!" Cang Song's eyes flashed fiercely.

"Cangsong, you're crazy! You're actually in the company of demons!" Others can use weird transformation techniques to pretend, but I have known Cangsong for so many years, and I can be sure that this Cangsong is definitely not someone else pretending to be.

But at this moment, Daoxuan hoped that this Cangsong was someone else pretending to be.

"Crazy! Hahaha~" Cang Song laughed.

"Maybe I should have gone crazy long ago! After what happened with Senior Brother Wan Jianyi, I must have gone crazy!" Cang Song said crazily with tears in the corners of his eyes.

Daoxuan was silent.

Even the members of the Devil's Cult remained silent.

Wan Jianyi is considered a taboo name in Qingyunmen, so why not in the Demon Cult!Many members of the Demon Cult celebrated for three days and three nights when they heard the news of Wan Jianyi's death.

Wan Jianyi was not dead, and they felt uneasy, and even some members of the Devil's Cult dared not leave the mountain until they confirmed Wan Jianyi's death.

"Don't do it yet. If we wait until other people from Qingyun Sect come, we will never have another chance!" Cang Song shouted. He was worried that the land would come back. If all kinds of weird immortal techniques really came, it would be almost impossible to kill Daoxuan again!

And if Daoxuan didn't die, how could Qingyun Sect be destroyed.

"Since ancient times, good and evil have followed, see that today we use evil to defeat good!" The poison god laughed, but he didn't act in a hurry, and the rest of the people didn't do anything either, they just looked at each other in blank dismay.

An injured tiger is still a tiger. Compared with the battles in the decent demon sect, the battles are more intense. No one is willing to take this risk for others.

"Do you really think I'm settled?" Daoxuan looked at the appearance of several people with disdain.

At this time, it is impossible to wait for other people to rescue, so I can only use that trick!

"Hurry up!" Although Cang Song didn't know Daoxuan had any means to turn the tables, it was obvious that he should act first at this time, so he rushed forward first.

Everyone in the Devil's Cult was also afraid that the duck that had reached its mouth would fly away, so they didn't hesitate at this time, and they also squeezed the magic formula to kill Daoxuan, but the speed was a little slower than Cangsong. In this case, even if Daoxuan counterattacked, he would not He immediately became the target of Daoxuan's attack.

With the formation of the mysterious handprint on Daoxuan's hand, the entire Tongtian Peak made a deafening rumbling sound, and the surging spiritual energy was gathered to Tongtian Peak by the strange magic circle on the ground, which was arranged by the land lord to deal with Ye Shu Formation!

Sure enough, Zhen Shanhe's big move should be used when the arena opens. Even if it can't hurt the opponent, it can still fully mock the opponent!

 Then I will try this chapter, how much subscription gap is there between anti-theft and non-theft prevention, it will affect everyone's reading, forgive me

  Simply choosing early morning is purely a try, don’t mind (⊙o⊙)
  A total of 22 readers have subscribed during this time, sorry, sorry::>_<::
(End of this chapter)

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