The Great Beginning of All Worlds

Chapter 183 The End of Zhu Xian

Chapter 183 The End of Zhu Xian
Although Daoxuan and Ghost King strongly opposed these two malicious names, after half an hour of friendly exchanges with Ye Shu, Ye Shu finally relied on the core idea of ​​"convincing people with virtue", Finally, the two readily accepted.

But speaking of side missions, preaching, this mission.

Ye Shu was blind in both eyes.

After all, we are not from a major.

Xiu why has been making progress. As for the perception, well, Ye Shu has never felt that thing before!
I want to give a lecture like Hongjun Dada, bah!It is preaching, which is impossible!
Another option is to hand over a few apprentices, and then slowly change the world through the apprentices. As long as there is enough time, the whole world can be completely changed.

At that time, my task speed will definitely increase rapidly!If you extract the world, the level will definitely not be low!

Ye Shu's choice was to throw two cheat books to Daoxuan and Ghost King to let them practice!
The secret book came from Qingfeng Mingyue when I was shunning the ginseng fruit. It is an authentic Taoist exercise!If you cultivate to the extreme, although you can't turn into a fairy like Jiuzhuan Xuangong (false), there is no problem in achieving the way of longevity.

The premise is that they can resist the catastrophe that occurs once every 500 years!

By the way, Ye Shu also put together the five volumes of heavenly scriptures as a cultivation method for the low-level disciples of Haoqi League and Evilman Valley.

Thus, under the leadership of Ye Shu, the world of Jade Immortals began a vigorous transformation!

Under the leadership of Haoqi League and Evilren Valley, Fenxiang Valley and Tianyin Temple have all declined in the torrent of history.

In less than two months, the Righteous Way and the Demonic Way had only one voice, and the progress of Ye Shu's task had reached 80.00% with the spread of the Heavenly Book technique.

Even if 60.00% is completed, a resident world can be rewarded. 80.00% can't be said to be high, nor can it be said to be low. If I can stay in this world for a year or so, I guess I can advance the progress of the task.

But Ye Shu didn't want to waste that time.

Although the level of 80.00% is not high, the level is definitely higher than that of the earth, and God knows where the bottom line of the world rewarded by this mission starts?

In case the completion rate reaches [-]%, reward yourself with a prehistoric world!Then hehehe!

It is estimated that the first time I entered, I might not be able to bear it, and the environment in that world directly turned into a puddle of meat!

Therefore, when the mission progress reached 80.00%, Ye Shu irresponsibly left the two major forces, Haoqi League and Evilman Valley, and ran away!
However, Ye Shu said that he was still very conscientious. Before leaving, he found the thousand-year-old fox demon Xiaobai, who was the one who came to Qingyun Mountain with Yakumolan.

Then give her a reader's imprint. In this world, the reader's imprint system gives her four quotas, corresponding to four traversers, and the four traversers are leaving now, so she sent one to Tu Shanya elegant.

The remaining three are actually left over.

A quota of [-] points is really quite a lot.

But it was worth it for Xiaobai.

It's not that Ye Shu likes other people, although there are indeed a little cute ones, especially Nine Tails!The fluffy tail is very comfortable to imagine!But Ye Shu dared to vouch for his personality, this time he had a serious purpose!

The so-called Haoqi League and the Valley of the Evil, although when Ye Shu was around, everyone got along very well.

But at the core of these two organizations are the Righteous Way and the Devil's Cult!

Although Ye Shu got along pretty well when Ye Shu was around, but that was because Ye Shu suppressed them above, and the people below didn't dare to think extraneously!
After I leave, maybe there will be nothing for a month or two, and there will be no major conflicts even within a year or two.

But where there are people, there is conflict.

The so-called human nature is often associated with greed and desire!

Don't talk about immortal cultivators sober and ascetic, cultivating immortals day and night.

There are so many people in the real world who stay up all night cultivating immortals, shouldn't there be conflicts and conflicts!His sister is crazy!
Ye Shu would rather believe in Lingmeng's integrity than rely on human desires.

So after he left, there needs to be an existence that can hold the field to suppress the Evilman Valley and Haoqi League!
Originally, Ye Shu wanted to choose one of Baguio and Lu Xueqi. After all, she was the heroine and was very popular!The most important thing is to look good!
The so-called cuteness is justice!Appearance is justice!It's better to find a girl who is pleasing to the eye than to find someone with a strange appearance like a wild dog to turn your appetite off!

Don't say that Ye Shu's extreme thinking doesn't matter what is good or bad, this is the thinking of normal people!

For example, pretending to be a prisoner of Xiao, the soul of an uncle in his 30s was squeezed into the body of Xiao Zhengtai, and then sneaked into the room of a certain little loli in the middle of the night, euphemistically called it to warm and nourish his body.

Who the hell knows what this guy was thinking? !

In modern times, that would be a minimum of three years and a maximum death penalty!
In other words, why didn't Xiao Mou help others to nourish their bodies, and just choose the most beautiful one?
There is also a young man surnamed Zhang, a little girl I met by the Han River, fell in love at first sight after growing up, his cousin even bit him when he was a child, and in the end he was still struggling to find her brother Aniu !
Not to mention a certain dragon Aotian!

In short, although it cannot be said that good looks are justice, but good looks will definitely add a lot of points to yourself, just like a handsome guy can be considered careless when he touches the sensitive parts of a beautiful woman, but a wretched man does the same thing, hehe, wait Accused!
Ye Shu has seen through this world of faces!

Fortunately, we are not ugly!
Ye Shu patted his chest.

But it's a pity that these two sisters have distinct camps, which is obviously inappropriate.

So after searching for a long time, I found Xiaobai, a monster from the neutral camp.

After dealing with the affairs of Jade Immortal World, Ye Shu left Qingyun Mountain and chose to return!
Familiar air, a world without a trace of aura.

But Ye Shu felt inexplicably at ease, like a wanderer returning home.

Lily and Ilya didn't know where to play, and the villa seemed very quiet.

Ye Shu couldn't wait to open the task reward panel.

After all, there is still a side mission reward that has not been claimed yet!I don't know what kind of world I will draw.

After all, this is the second main world!
It is equivalent to owning the resources of a world out of thin air!
"Extract!" Ye Shu closed his eyes and said impatiently.

A minute later, Ye Shu opened his eyes again, looking at the world in the task panel, a little speechless.

"Your uncle! You are cheating!"

 The exam this afternoon, the exam at [-]:[-], and there was no test paper, we sat there for more than an hour, and waited until [-]:[-] to start the exam! ! ! ! !I have been doing six o'clock, and I am also very desperate!

  In addition, the mid-term defense was drawn by the school, and his brother-in-law could draw me!

  In short, I am desperate in this face-seeking world! ! ! !Is it because I didn't wear matchmaker's red underwear in my natal year? ? ? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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