The Great Beginning of All Worlds

Chapter 185 Tiankui, God of Doubu!

Chapter 185 Tiankui, God of Doubu!

King Wu's defeat of Zhou is a famous event in Chinese history. Everyone knows about this war. Jiang Ziya, who is at the level of a fairy, is so stupid when he writes about King Zhou of Shang. Is this really the case?
After a while, Wu Geng continued to speak to everyone in his mind.

"I don't know what the real King Zhou was like in history."

"But at least my nominal father is not like this." Wu Geng continued.

"There is a special race in this world called the Protoss. All living beings are under the rule of the Protoss. The lord of the Protoss calls himself "Heaven"! Every year, Tian needs a large number of slaves to help the Protoss dig a race called God. Bloodstone ore.

The population of this era is not large, and things like mining are basically gone forever, and the people are living in dire straits. "

Zhang Ye: Is 66666 the source of the slave society?I may have read the fake list of gods!
Xiao Yan: Isn't the one upstairs a professor from Capital University?To believe the words of the Conferred God List!But by the way, Capital University and Tsinghua University are particularly generous to local students!If I had a registered permanent residence in the capital, I might have been able to go to school there!It's only a difference of one or two hundred points!Sorry!

Zhang Ye: Sleeping at three o'clock in the morning, tears of bitterness.Don't forget the exam.Candidates from Henan smiled and watched upstairs pretending to be aggressive.

Lin Jiu: Hehe, Hunan Mathematical Olympiad candidates laugh at all the weaklings!If it is a national unified examination, who am I afraid of in Da Hunan?
Inuyasha: I am dissatisfied with the Huanggang dense volume in Hubei!For us, there are only two kinds of questions: those who can do it and those who make mistakes in the questions. Our grades are divided into two types: those who get full marks and those who are deliberately found by the teacher to deduct one or two points. The solution will be used as a standard format by others. In the end, we only memorize the basic formulas, and derive other formulas by ourselves!

Wang Lu: As the most powerful student in Lingjian Mountain, I laughed at the scumbags and complained. I think back then I was well-versed in both Chinese and Western cultures. It's simple and not difficult at all. It took my invigilator three days to understand my composition for the college entrance examination in classical Chinese!Just ask who else is there? !
Ning Caichen: I just received a needle girl. Although I don’t know what you guys are discussing when I first came here, the talk upstairs is so awesome!
Zhu Houde: Worship the god of learning!

Zhang Zhe: Worship the god of learning!
Li Yunlong: Although labor and management don't know what you are talking about, but it feels so powerful, let alone, labor and management are going to call that old boy Zhao Gang up to challenge that golden pickup!

Liu Hanzo: Worship!
Wu Geng: "You guys are crooked! But I'm a candidate in Jiangsu! Here, "students treat themselves as animals, and teachers treat students as supermen." Fate", the average sleep time for three years is less than six hours a day.

The difficulty factor of the last exam paper: about 360-degree front flip, Thomas jumped and rotated sideways for three and a half weeks, then turned 720-degree back flip. "

"Finally, by the way, the surname of the questioner in our class was Ge, and it seems to be Ge Jun!"

Wang Lu: I sympathize with the anchor, but by the way, I am also from the big js province, otherwise you think how our schoolmaster was cultivated, and finally got a second book (spraying blood)!
Zhang Ye: I sympathize.

Lin Jiu: Sympathy +1
Ning Caichen: Sympathy +1
Tai Hao: +1
Closer to home, after reminiscing about the miserable life in the past, Wu Geng said that the great cause of live broadcasting must continue.

"Then, let's continue to introduce you to the things in this world.

Later, my father, King Zhou, refused to continue to provide slaves to the gods, so he won the title of guilty of heaven. By the way, King Zhou in history also refused to sacrifice slaves to heaven, and then King Wu of Zhou took the opportunity Crusade for this reason! "

History is always written by the victors, Wu Geng's words startled all the people watching the live broadcast.

In fact, it is not just King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty. Almost all the reasons for the demise of any dynasty in history are high-sounding.

In fact, how much real history is there!Historians are human beings too, so how dare they say they are not in the present age?Especially in that feudal era.

Some official histories may not be as reliable as unofficial ones.

"Outside the city is the army of King Wu of Zhou. They have the help of the gods, so they are in full swing. Below is the battle between my father and King Wu of Zhou! Did you see that? That person is King Zhou!"

The screen turned and turned to King Zhou. He was a middle-aged man with a height of eight feet and muscular body. His black hair was scattered and draped casually behind him. The feathers of an unknown bird on his armor were soft and shiny, like a living thing. generally.

The whole person looks domineering and wild!At this time, King Zhou, riding a fierce horse and holding a sword in his hand, was like a flock of sheep in the army of King Wu of Zhou. All opponents fell like mowing grass in his hands!

"Did you see it? That's my father, Shang Zhou!"

"But now it seems that he has the upper hand because of his entry! But... the battle has really begun! The Protoss are coming!"

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere of the entire battlefield suddenly changed, and a meteor mixed with flames fell from the sky to the ground in the sky.

"Boom!" Even through the screen, it seemed as if he could still feel the force of the meteor falling to the ground!
The earth is cracked! , There was even a faint flame emerging from the cracks in the ground.

In the same place, there was an extra big man wearing a bamboo hat, his whole body was dark red, his upper body was naked, and he was wearing a string of huge beads.

"The so-called protoss are born to be able to use the natural power of heaven and earth, or wind, or thunder, or plague. They claim to be superior to others and regard human beings as uncivilized monkeys! The protoss is divided into six parts: fighting, thunder, rain, fire, plague, Yan , the top powerhouse of the six parts is called the Great God! And the bald head below is the Great God of the Six Parts, Tiankui!" Wu Geng's voice became a little low at this time.

Although the powerhouse at the level of a great god is not a top powerhouse, he is still

"Shang Zhou! Accept your fate!" A deep and stressful voice came from Tiankui's mouth, even though he was in Lutai far away from the battlefield, it sounded like it was ringing in his ears.

King Zhou would not stop, and the beast and fierce horse under his feet were burning, and galloped towards Tiankui at an even faster speed.


Tiankui clenched his fist, and a faint golden light shone from the acupuncture points behind him one by one.


The battle was only for a split second. That day, the beast BMW with its own flaming hooves, together with King Zhou was hit, and they were shot towards the distant city wall like cannonballs!

A huge gap was opened in the city wall in an instant!

The power of one punch is so terrifying!
Not only Wu Geng, but also the soldiers on both sides who watched the battle, forgot to fight for a while, and stared at this scene in a daze!

  In addition, I didn’t have time to thank the rewards last week because I was too busy. I really can’t remember this week!Thanks a wave here!There are still a lot of spam writer assistants that are not displayed and I can't find the records. Anyway, thank you very much for your rewards!

  Please finish the exam and finally free up some time!

  In addition, the author is a candidate in Jiangsu!I also caught up with Ge Jun's examination papers, I really beeped Huskies!

(End of this chapter)

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