Chapter 187
At some point, a black-clothed and black-haired figure loomed in the air.

The evil and perfect face is more beautiful than many women, but this evil charm seems to be full of inviolable divine arrogance, which makes everyone lose their minds.

He is like the gods and demons in the demon world, evil and domineering, and like the gods in the god world, not to be profaned.

The gods of the so-called protoss were all a little ashamed when they saw this person who suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Tap the ground with your toes.


An incomparable force spread across the earth, and in an instant, all the people who were close to Emperor Qitian were shattered!The aftermath of this force barely stopped when it approached the position of King Zhou.

Wu Geng, who was on the deer platform, lightly touched the cold sweat on his forehead.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly just now and let Mr. Qi restrain his own strength in time. Otherwise, the whole Chaoge would be reduced to ruins just because he couldn't bear Mr. Qi's power at this moment!

That's right!The card Wu Geng drew for the first time was the Summoning Card of Emperor Qitian!

Qitiandi is a character in the Thunderbolt puppet show, the founder of the alien world, the god of destruction, descended from the realm of the six heavens on the birth of the holy demon, with irresistible divine power, bringing endless destruction, even It is difficult for a few heroes of the righteous way to harm him even if they join forces. He is the most hopeless demon king in the history of Thunderbolt.

He was originally the god of war in the heavens, and his mission was to fight for the heavens, but every time he looked at the world, he would wonder why the gods should protect mankind!

Look at that world, it is full of darkness and filth of human nature, the beautiful environment has been completely destroyed by human beings, and human beings without strength try to use kung fu to make themselves transcend ordinary.

Such self-righteous, selfish, and cannibalistic human beings enjoy the preferential conditions given by the heavens?
human beings!Overprotected, too comfortable to be aware of danger.There should be right and wrong in everything, and there should be clear rewards and punishments. If you are guilty, you should be punished.human beings!If you don't try the despair of the last days, you don't know your own insignificance and ignorance.Heavenly sin, so I came here.

He turned into a god of destruction and regeneration, and came to the world with the body of a holy demon, intending to destroy Kyushu and create a new world.

Such a purpose destined him to be an enemy to other people in the world.

But all the opponents who fought against Qitiandi were all either dead or injured, and no one could retreat completely. Such a record can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented.

Even in the final battle, the protagonist group reluctantly sent Emperor Qitian back to the Realm of Six Heavens under various coincidences, and the protagonist group was also scarred.

But even in that case, what he defeated was nothing more than the holy demon embryo clone of Emperor Abandoned Heaven in the world!

Qi Tiandi's body cannot come to the world, because the body is too powerful!So powerful that the world can't carry all of his power!
Of course, what Wu Geng summoned was just the avatar of the Holy Demon Embryo of Emperor Abandoned Heaven!

"A strange power, did you summon me here!" Qitiandi stood in place, closed his hands, but no one dared to disturb him for no reason at this moment!

Looking at the Qitian Emperor outside the city, Wu Geng was a little nervous. Although he was confident in the binding power of the card, it was impossible not to be nervous when facing a legendary boss like Qitian Emperor!
It might be embarrassing for a cleanliness addict who feels that the world is too filthy, and then plays a scene of destroying the world. There are no three geniuses here who can flirt with abandoning the general station.

"Is the alien world so filthy too! Protoss, it's ridiculous!" Opening his eyes, a domineering voice came from Qitiandi, full of sarcasm!At this moment, it seems that he has already understood most of the things in this world.

"Pretending to be a ghost! Let me meet you!"

The next moment, the god Tiankui, who was closest to Emperor Qitian, shouted loudly, and ran towards Emperor Qitian at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

Where the footsteps fell, the ground shattered, leaving behind a line of faint traces of flames.

"The divine power of the Vajra Realm, Sui Yue!" Thick golden light covered Tiankui's body, and his aura became even stronger in an instant!

Tiankui, the great god of the Doubu of the Heaven Realm, is known as the strongest existence among all the great gods, and his strength is even more unfathomable!

And Suiyue is Tiankui's unique move, as the name suggests, it has the ability to break mountains and break mountains!
I have already seen that it is not easy to abandon the Emperor of Heaven, and to make a move is to use a unique trick directly!


Seeing Tiankui's movements, King Zhou hurriedly reminded him that after all, although he didn't know the person coming, it seemed that he was not an enemy, and an enemy's enemy was a friend.

"Ha, Tiankui just used his ultimate move! It looks like this person must be dead!" Tai Chi, the master of the Ministry of Fire, put his arms around Liuyue and smiled. He was really bluffed by this person's appearance at that moment!

The distance between the two was reached by Tiankui in just a moment, and his golden fist, mixed with the unparalleled divine power of the Vajra Realm, mercilessly threw it at Qitiandi.


The next moment Tian Kui was shocked, Tai Chi was stunned, the other great gods also looked at the scene in front of them in shock, and even Tian looked sideways.

Tiankui's fist was firmly blocked by an invisible wall of Qi two meters away from Emperor Qitian!Can't go any further!
"You, let me down!"

It wasn't until this time that Emperor Qitian raised his head and looked at Tiankui in front of him.

Just a glance!
Tiankui's body was instantly blown away as if he had been hit hard, and then fell apart!

A generation of great gods, known as the strongest gods!Under the gaze of Emperor Qitian, he fell directly!
"What!" Looking at all this in front of him, the other great gods present looked at all this in disbelief, that is Tiankui, the most powerful god in the Doubu!It was killed by someone at a glance!
From beginning to end, the opponent didn't even move a hand!The only movement is just raising his head!

Simply unimaginable!
"Human beings are indeed dirty, but the gods make me even more angry!" Emperor Qitian raised his head and looked at the sky not far away, his eyes were extremely calm, the same as when he looked at Tiankui just now, and even the same as looking at the weeds on the roadside the difference.

The sky also looked at Emperor Qitian.

Although Tiankui's strength is weak in Tian's eyes, being able to deal with the opponent at a glance is enough for him to pay attention to!
"How can human beings become the catastrophe of gods! Weak and dirty gods."

The ridicule of Emperor Qitian made Tian's heart swell. This time, all six parts of the heavens are released, isn't it because of a prophecy that "mortals will overthrow the divine right"? !But who is the person in front of him?Why do you know what your high priest predicted!

"Who are you?" Tian's voice was filled with heavy emotions for the first time, and this sudden appearance made "Tian" feel threatened for the first time in the state of mind cultivated by the invincible world for 10 years.

"Abandon the way of heaven and become a demon god, my name is Qitiandi!"

"Roar~" The black dragon in the sky seemed to feel the heart of the sky, and the sound of the dragon's chant shook the sky in an instant!
"Noisy! God's Thunder!" Qi Tiandi turned his right hand slightly.

Endless thunder fell from the sky.

 Write the next chapter at night! ,

  It is said that the output of standing positions is not at all cowardly, you can milk, resist and fight, let me move and you will win!

  I just give up on this

(End of this chapter)

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