The Great Beginning of All Worlds

Chapter 198 The Poor Monk Is Angry

Chapter 198 The Poor Monk Is Angry

"Wukong, you are naughty again! Come on, be good, and give the golden cudgel to Master."

When everyone jumped off the plane, what they saw was such a strange scene. Tang Sanzang approached Monkey King with a smile, and Monkey King looked at Tang Sanzan with scarlet eyes, as if recalling something.

"Are you Master?" Sun Wukong's voice was full of beastliness, but at this moment, there was a rare trace of emotion, as if he was missing something.

"That's right, the poor monk is your master, good boy Wukong! Put down the golden cudgel quickly." Tang Sanzang smiled, and a faint Buddha's light emanated from the top of his bald head, like a ghost in the night. big light bulb.

Tang Sanzan kept a faint smile on his face all the time, like a real virtuous monk, and at the same time he kept walking in the direction of Monkey King, as if he was really looking at his apprentice.

Only Zhang Zhenyu could see that the monk's gaze was fixed on the golden cudgel in the monkey's hand from beginning to end. Sure enough, Tang Sanzan was a fake monk!Thinking of Qiangwei, Qilin, Leina and other women, they should be fireproof, theftproof and triple burial in the future!
The eyes looking at Tang Sanzan became even more wary.

"Have you forgotten, Wukong? When I was in Liangjie Mountain, the poor monk gave you away!" Tang Sanzan continued to approach, and the distance from the golden cudgel became one step closer.

"When the spider spirits were about to marry the poor monk, you were the one who arrived in time and beat the seven spider spirits to death with a stick." Tang Sanzan said it sincerely, with tears in his eyes.

"And Li Tianwang's adopted daughter, when Chinchilla was about to marry the poor monk, you were the one who brought in the heavenly rescuers in time to save the poor monk." Tang Sanzang said "in time" "There is always a feeling of gnashing one's teeth when saying two words.

"Along the way, you killed the scorpion spirit, the bone spirit, drove away the jade rabbit, and led the poor monk through the daughter country. If you didn't support the poor monk in time along the way, how could you walk away from Daleiyin completely? Temple." Tang Seng choked up when he said this.

Even Zhang Zhenyu believed what Tang Sanzan said a little bit. If it was really all acting, then Tang Sanzan's acting skills were a bit too good.



In an instant, a black shadow fell from the top of Tang Sanzan's head, and the huge stick shadow smashed down from the top of his head with gusts of cold wind.

The next moment, there was no Tang Sanzan in the same place, only a big black hole was left.

"Gulu." The people present couldn't help swallowing their saliva. This damn is cruel enough. I don't know if the three-burial master will still be alive.

"My master, holy monk, how could Tang Sanzang be like you, a fake monk! Pretending to be my master, you deserve death!" The monkey's animal-like voice echoed coldly in the night.

"You people, how dare you find someone to pretend to be my grandson's master, you are all going to die for my grandson!" The golden cudgel, which had become a thousand times bigger, swept across and smashed in the direction where Xiao Yan and the others were.

Wu Geng held the summoning card of Emperor Qitian in his hand. He had already made up his mind that if something went wrong, he would absolutely summon Emperor Qitian. Fighting hard is better than dying in this world!
But speaking of whether the total strength of Qi Zong can destroy the world in this world is still a matter of opinion!

After all, there are all kinds of gods in this world. Although these gods of the science and technology department may not be as good as the natural gods and Buddhas of the cultivation department like Qi Zong, Qi Zong is not the descending of the body. There is a time limit, probably, nothing can happen!

"Ang~" "Hoo~"

In the silent night sky, the roar of the dragon elephant rang in everyone's ears.

At this time, Xiao Yan's whole body exuded a faint golden light, and he was in the shape of a horse.


The next moment, the golden cudgel that was thrown at high speed was hugged tightly by Xiao Yan's whole body!
Scarlet blood flowed from the corner of Xiao Yan's mouth, but he didn't take a step back.

"Fuck! Who is this bastard? Why can't he go to the sky with such great strength!" Morgana, dressed in black, said cursingly while watching the live broadcast below in the black spaceship.

"My Lady Queen, they just came down from the sky." A demon warrior at the side explained carefully.

"Fuck you! Don't I know~" Morgana slapped the entire demon warrior, what kind of IQ is Du Nima, she has no vision at all!

This is the strongest battle fortress created by humans with the help of alien technology from the earth, and it is also the base camp of the Super Seminary.

"Shana, analyze the fluctuations in this visitor from another world named Xiao Yan." This is a middle-aged man in military uniform, watching the live broadcast of the battlefield at this time, and said to the piano girl dressed in the air force next to him.

"Colonel Ducao, this person's physical strength is not weaker than the current power of the galaxy, and there is a special energy fluctuation in his body, but it is not dark energy, but a kind of energy that we have never seen before. "After a while, Shanna said in shock.

"Is it a special energy? Is it really a visitor from another world?" The other world is no secret to people of Ducao's level. Originally, Ducao thought that the people summoned by Zhang Zhenyu probably all It is a person in a world similar to the void world.

But judging from this special energy fluctuation, it seems that this is not the case, because except for the void world, most other worlds are realized based on the power of dark matter.

Even all the technology in this universe evolved based on the use of dark matter. Could it be that this young man named Xiao Yan really came from a different world than this universe?

"Shana, analyze the power system of this person named Xiao Yan." Maybe this power system will become the key point to overcome and end fear.

Just as Shana was exploring Xiao Yan's power system, the battle on the field changed again.

Xiao Yan hugged Sun Wukong's golden cudgel, and the power of the seven dragons and seven elephants exploded instantly. With force under his feet, he actually held the golden cudgel against Monkey King and retreated. Xiao Yan's strength was even greater than that of Monkey King!It's unbelievable!
"Take it!" The golden cudgel was withdrawn instantly, and the next moment it turned into a giant stick that held up the sky again, and violently smashed towards Xiao Yan.

Even though Xiao Yan is stronger than Monkey King, but according to the formula of kinetic energy, he will still be injured if he catches this blow!So sometimes equipment is still very important!
"Stop!" Just as the golden cudgel was about to be smashed down and Xiao Yan was about to spread his fighting spirit and retreat with his wings, a familiar voice came from the big pit where Tang Sanbu was.

Intense golden light emerged from the ground, and then Tang Sanzan slowly rose from the bottom of the pit like a real Buddha.

"The name of the poor monk is three burials, which means burial in heaven, burial place, and burial in reincarnation. The poor monk once discussed Taoism with Sanqing and drank tea with Zhenyuan Daxian! He once preached to his disciples and taught two Apprentice, although you and the poor monk's big apprentice look very similar, but the poor monk is angry this time!" The plain voice echoed in everyone's mind.

"哗啦啦~" The sound of iron chains sounded, and at some point behind Tang Sanzan, a dark copper coffin appeared. It seemed like a black hole in the universe that could swallow even light, and countless chains locked the copper coffin. Strictly.

"This is, the burial coffin!"

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(End of this chapter)

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