Chapter 101 Found out?

Bibi Dong's expression did not change and her heart skipped a beat.

In this Spirit Hall, she will not be afraid of anyone except Qian Daoliu.

Even if the person in front of him is the Second Elder Golden Crocodile Douluo of the Hall of Enshrinement, there is no way to get any benefit from her.

Golden Crocodile Douluo was also a little angry when he saw Bibi Dong's attitude.

But he didn't dare to do it, because he was also worried that Qian Daoliu would blame himself.

"Hmph! If that's the case, then you can do it yourself!"

Golden Crocodile Douluo snorted coldly, and flew away directly.

Although he has a bad temper, at least he doesn't play tricks.

"Mom, are you okay? That uncle is really fierce!"

Qian Renxue ran out at this time and hugged Bibi Dong's arm tightly.

Bibi Dong gently rubbed Qian Renxue's little head, showing a gentle smile.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, but you, if you don't continue to practice, what are you doing?"

"Hee hee, I've upgraded today, I'm already level 27!

Mom, what's the matter, am I strong? "

With an innocent smile on Qian Renxue's face, she burst out with level 27 soul power at the same time.

You know, half a year ago, in order to imitate Xue Qinghe's soul power, Qian Renxue kept her soul power at level [-], and didn't upgrade at all.

But in just such a period of time, her level has been raised to level 27.

This leveling up speed, even Bibi Dong was a little surprised.

"As expected of my daughter, she is indeed a genius!

For the sake of your hard work, let's take a break today, but don't be lazy tomorrow! "

"Hmm! I know mom, but I don't want to rest now, I want to be by your side.

You are leaving for the far north tomorrow, and we will be separated for a while, so I want to spend time with my mother. "

Qian Renxue's voice was so clear, and her feelings did not contain any impurities.

"You are really willful... This character really resembles me.

But forget it, there are not many things today, you just stay by my side and stay with me. "

"Hee hee, great!"

Hearing Bibi Dong's words, Qian Renxue cheered happily.

Then she grabbed Bibi Dong's hand directly, unwilling to let go at all.

Bibi Dong held Qian Renxue's little hand with one hand, and Limulu's avatar with the other, and started to do her own thing.

First, she took a tour of the entire Wuhun Hall for the reason of taking Qian Renxue to play.

Except for Qian Daoliu, the secret room for daily practice, I visited all the other places.

This made Limulu understand what is inside the Spirit Hall.


Bibidong also brought Limulu to the town outside the Spirit Hall.

This town is a subsidiary town under the banner of Wuhundian.

Those soul masters who join the Spirit Hall but are not very strong and have mediocre potential will be arranged to live here.

And this place has all the facilities.

Even the missions of the Wuhun Temple will have a special place for these soul masters, allowing them to choose freely.

So there are not so many soul masters in this place.

After all, Wuhundian treats ordinary soul masters much better than Zongmen and the two great empires!

Even ten-level soul masters, the kind that no one wants to ask for.

Everyone can find the value of survival here.

Seeing this, Limulu couldn't help thinking about the future development direction of the Soul Beast Empire.

Although it is said that Wuhundian has great ambitions.

But in some respects, their approach is still worth learning.

After all, compared with the two great empires and other sects, Wuhundian is more humane in dealing with powerful and powerful soul masters.

that's it.

Time gradually came to the evening.

While eating, Bibi Dong chatted with Qian Renxue.

The two of them, mother and daughter, chatted happily.

The whole room is full of cheerful atmosphere.

Limuru was placed on the table like a light bulb, and she could only stare at it, unable to do anything.

"Master Bibi Dong, Guimei and I have already prepared the things you need, and you can leave at any time tomorrow."

Just when their mother and daughter get along happily.

The sound of the moon closing sounded from outside the door.

Bibi Dong frowned, then said: "Understood, don't bother me tonight."

"Master Bibi Dong, we also don't want to disturb your time with your daughter.

But His Majesty the Pope has something to look for you, so please move to the worship hall..."

Yue Guan knew that Bibi Dong was with his daughter, so he was a little hypocritical when he spoke, for fear that Bibi Dong would get angry.

But Bibi Dong just sighed, then gently stroked Qian Renxue's hair, and said softly.

"Xiaoxue, your grandpa has something to do with me, I'm going over to deal with it.

You play with this slime first, I'll be back in a while. "

With that said, Bibi Dong put Limulu's avatar into Qian Renxue's hands.

Qian Renxue played with the slime in her hand and nodded.

"Mom, hurry up, grandpa will be angry if you go late."

"Got it, you can play by yourself first, and don't be picky eaters!

These meals can make you grow up, so when I come back, you must eat them all. "

With that said, Bibi Dong tidied up briefly, then got up and left.

"Yueguan, come in and play with Xiaoxue, ghost, come with me to the worship hall."

"Obey, Master Bibi Dong."

Yueguan and Guimei took orders at the same time.

The ghost followed behind Bibi Dong and went to the offering hall with her.

Yueguan entered the house, and looked at Qian Renxue who was playing with slime, her eyes lit up.

"Isn't this Master Bibi Dong's little toy?"

After seeing this slime, Yueguan immediately fell in love with it.

He knew that this thing was Limuru's clone.

But he didn't know that Limuru's consciousness was also inside.

Qian Renxue didn't know anything, so she kept poking the slime, and then manipulated it into various shapes.

It made Limuru miserable.

"This little thing is what my mother asked me to play with first.

It's a pity that there is only one of this thing in my mother's hand. It would be nice if there were more.

Because this is really fun, especially the touch, which is smoother than anything I have ever touched. "

Qian Renxue said so.

It's not her first time playing slime, but every time she can't stop.

Seeing this, Yueguan showed a smile.

But suddenly, he found this slime clone, and when Qian Renxue was playing with it, he trembled a little!
This made him a little alert!
"Xiaoxue, let me have a look at this thing, okay?"

"Okay, but don't break it, it's mom's stuff."

Qian Renxue was very obedient, and put the slime in Yueguan's hands.

Yue Guan turned around, and suddenly showed a sinister smile.

"Slime, you are finally in my hands..."

"Hey Hey--"

Rimuru: I feel like I'm not clean...

Just when Yueguan was about to make a move, Qian Renxue suddenly rushed in front of Yueguan and snatched the slime away!
"I almost forgot, my mother said, don't give this little thing to any man, including you, uncle!"

Hearing Qian Renxue's innocent words, Yue Guan felt mixed feelings.

A certain slime was even more relieved.

Rimuru: Saved...

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of 'Hui Dao Zhi Sheng', (`) than heart
(End of this chapter)

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