Chapter 142 Plan (for Subscription)

"Hmph! Those stupid pigs of the Star Luo Empire are really unreasonable!

However, this kind of thing should only be done by a small group of nobles secretly.

After all, hunting and killing soul beast cubs without permission is immoral even though there are no laws or regulations to explicitly prohibit it.

This guy, Old Dai, is not too strict with his subordinates! "

Emperor Xue Ye snorted coldly, obviously feeling ashamed of their behavior.

As for the old Dai he was talking about, it was naturally not someone else.

He is the emperor of the Star Luo Empire.

The relationship between the two of them is not very good, but at least on the surface, it is still in place.

"I know about this matter, and I will conduct self-examination within the Heaven Dou Empire.

I'd like to see if anyone else has done similar things like those stupid pigs!

But how do you plan to deal with the Star Luo Empire, because I really don't want to interfere with their affairs. "

Emperor Xue Ye's answer can be regarded as expressing his attitude.

Li Mulu showed a smile at this time, then got up and walked to Emperor Xue Ye, and took out a map.

"See if it's here, this is the junction of the Far North and the Star Luo Empire.

At this junction, there is a very inconspicuous place called the Frozen Forest.

This is the only passage to enter the extreme north, and it is also the place where the hunters start hunting the cubs of the spirit beast.

Outside the frozen forest, there is an organization called Soul Hunting Field.

This organization, on the bright side, can help soul masters hunt down soul beasts and obtain soul rings.

But in fact, they have been doing the hunting and killing of soul beast cubs.

However, this place has never been discovered because someone is protecting them.

Therefore, I suggest that you inform the emperor of the Star Luo Empire and let him conduct a self-examination.

Afterwards, I will condemn the Star Luo Empire from the standpoint of the Soul Beast Empire. All you have to do is help me spread the word.

It's best to make it known to everyone!

If there is no action on the side of the Star Luo Empire, I don't mind going there myself to solve these scourges! "

When Limuru said this, she was murderous.

Although his appearance is very cute, Emperor Xue Ye also likes it very much.

But this kind of Limulu with killing intent is another feeling.

This also made Emperor Xue Ye startled.

He almost thought that the person standing in front of him was not Limuru at all.

"I will help you with this matter, after all, we are allies, and I am obliged to help you do this.

But as I said in advance, the Star Luo Empire is not easy to mess with. Their number of Titled Douluo is much larger than my Heaven Dou Empire.

So if they launch a counterattack, all I can do is to mediate, and if they really start a fight, there is nothing I can do to help. "

Emperor Xue Ye sighed, looking a little helpless.

Although the national strength of the Heaven Dou Empire is very strong, the current treasury reserves are ten times what they used to be!
Moreover, the army of the Heaven Dou Empire is also huge in number, almost several times that of the Star Luo Empire!
But the army cannot be dispatched on the opposite side, because once the army is dispatched, it means war!

As a result, the strongest power of the Heaven Dou Empire was restricted just like that.

In addition to the title Douluo in the Heaven Dou Empire, there is only one Poison Douluo, who clearly expressed his support for the Heaven Dou Imperial Family.

Although the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is very close to the Heaven Dou Imperial Family, they are only in an ambiguous relationship.

There was no direct official announcement.

If something really happened to the Tiandou imperial family, they might not necessarily help.

That's why Emperor Xue Ye looked so helpless.

After all, in terms of soul master strength, especially Title Douluo, the Heaven Dou Empire is not short of 01:30 points.

"Don't worry, Emperor Xue Ye, if they really dare to do something, they don't need you to help me.

After all, my people are not vegetarians, one Tang Ritian is enough for them, as for the others, hehe! "

Limulu sneered, obviously not paying attention to the other party.

If it weren't for the gods in the sky staring at him, Limulu would have had an idea long ago, gathering the power of the entire Star Dou Forest, and pushing the entire Douluo Continent horizontally.

It's just that the gods in the sky are like a sword of Damocles, hanging over Limulu's head.

Whether it is Ditian or Limulu, it is difficult to carry out some actions against human beings.

Especially Gu Yuena.

Although she is fine now, she has been watched by the gods in the sky.

If you want to make the soul beasts really develop, you still have to find a way to make good use of the human channel.

Therefore, Emperor Xue Ye is not only a good partner, but also a tool that can be used repeatedly.

Anyway, it’s easy to use!

"By the way, what happened to the nobleman before, I see a pool of blood on the ground, it can't be..."

Rimuru suddenly thought of that nobleman, and then asked casually.

"That person, in fact, is nothing, he was killed last night.

But this side should be wiped clean, and you can still see it? "

Emperor Xue Ye glanced at the ground suspiciously.

From his point of view, the ground is clean and tidy, with nothing on it.

But Limuru could see the blood seeping into the ground.

not only that.

He can even see some dried up bloodstains and bloodstains that have gone through many years of wind and frost.

"It's nothing, it's just that my eyes are better, so I can see.

I've finished talking about my affairs, and you can also make arrangements for Bingbing's enrollment.

It shouldn't be a problem for her to be with Gu Yuena and the others, right? "

"Of course it's fine, but..."

Emperor Xue Ye nodded, and then he wanted to say something, but the words came to his lips, and he swallowed them back.

"Forget it, they are still young, let's talk about this matter next time."

"what's up?"

Limulu was a little puzzled, not knowing what tricks Emperor Xue Ye was trying to trick.

However, at this time, Xue Qinghe came over and opened his mouth to explain.

"Father originally planned to let Gu Yuena and the others participate in this Soul Master Elite Competition.

But I persuaded them to come down. After all, their identities cannot be made public, otherwise it will cause riots. "

"Unexpectedly, you will still speak for me."

Hearing Xue Qinghe's words, Li Mulu was a little surprised, and then patted his head to express his gratitude.

Emperor Xue Ye sighed, then leaned on his seat and closed his eyes to rest.

"You all go down first, I want to be alone.

These things have bothered me so much that I have insomnia, and I haven't slept well. "

"In that case, we won't bother you."

Lim showed his tired head, and then left with Bingdi.

After everything was said and the other party agreed to do so, then it was time for Lim to show up.

Xue Qinghe also simply saluted at this time, and then followed behind Limulu in a hurry.

"This kid is very capable, but he and Limulu are too close...

Forget it, let him go, as long as he can stabilize Limuru, I don't have to worry about it. "

(End of this chapter)

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