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Chapter 163: True · Social Death Scene

Chapter 163: True · Social Death Scene (for Subscription)
A hidden corner of the Sunset Forest.

A group of burly teenagers were sitting in the grass, their postures were extremely indecent.

However, they are here not because of collective internal urgency, but to observe their goals.

But when these people saw their target and easily eliminated a soul beast around 2000 years old.

They suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"How could it be that these people in the Soul Beast Empire, in addition to the great soul masters of more than 20 levels, actually have soul masters of more than 30 levels?"

"The other party must have lied about his age. How could someone under the age of 12 have a soul master?"

"You're not serious, as far as I know, their average age is only eight or nine years old!

But at this age, the soul master appeared. Could it be that this is the difference in the world? "

All three showed the same look of shock.

They came here because they wanted to see how embarrassing their target was when facing this spirit beast.

By the way, check out their strength.

After all, these people in the Elephant Armor Sect also know very well that a mere 2000-year-old soul beast has only this strength.

If the number of great soul masters exceeds five, they can basically easily deal with each other.

Because the Elephant Armor Sect has experience.

But what none of them expected was.

The strength of Xiao Wu and Wang Qiu'er is so exaggerated.

A Wang Qiu'er, who looks weak and weak, even a little girl who I feel sorry for.

Unexpectedly, this rough-skinned and thick-skinned soul beast could be kicked away with one kick.

Even the second kick injured him.

Although not fatal.

But it is enough to see how powerful the opponent is!
As for Xiao Wu's appearance.

It was beyond their expectations!
Because of Xiao Wu's charm ability, the opponent directly fell down without any resistance.

Immediately afterwards, the two beauties staged a live teaching on how to turn soul beasts into jerky.

As for Xue Qinghe, who had been entangled with soul beasts before, and Tianmeng Iceworm.

have been automatically ignored by them.

Because these two people, facing this soul beast, not only could not hurt him, they were even chased around.

It is also because of the two of them, their performance is too normal.

This prevented the remaining four members of the Elephant Armored Sect from evacuating immediately.

"As expected of a member of Slime Academy!

No wonder that Dean Limulu would say that if you beat any of them, you can get ten points.

It turns out that they are waiting for us here, so it seems that the other party is not talking too much! "

The man in the lead thought for a while, rubbed his chin, and seemed to be thinking about countermeasures.

"Boss, what shall we do next?
Should we continue to attack them, or should we retreat first to avenge our companions? "

"No, we're not retreating, there are only four of us now.

If you retreat and leave, once you encounter other teams, you will easily enter a passive situation.

So we might as well take a gamble, anyway, they only have one soul master! "

As soon as the voice fell, the man stood up immediately, and walked forward without thinking critically.

The remaining three, although somewhat reluctant, followed.

Because they also knew that retreat would be too much of a blow to them.

It's better to give it a try here.

If it works, take off!
"Listen up, people from the Slime Academy, we are from the Elephant Armor Sect, and we are here..."

The leading boy hadn't finished speaking, and then he saw a shocking scene.

Not just him.

The eyes of the three Elephant Armor Schools behind were even more wide-eyed.

One of them was drooling unconsciously.

because they see.

A 'beauty' wearing a glazed skirt opened the tent and appeared in front of them.

But when they took a closer look, they found out.

This 'beauty' turned out to be one of the boys who was fighting the soul beast just now!
Xue Qinghe and the others knew each other, and he was right behind this 'beauty'.

So the members of the Elephant Armor Sect immediately knew the identity of the other party!
"People from the Elephant Armor Sect, why are they here?!"

Seeing the people from the Elephant Armor Sect appear, Xue Qinghe was a little surprised.

Tianmeng Iceworm covered her face with her hands and ran back into the tent.

But before he ran back, everyone saw it, and his face became extremely red!

This blush even spread to his whole body.

Everyone was amazed when they saw this scene.

After all, this is Tianmeng Iceworm, with an expression that has never been seen before.

"It's so cute, but it's better than my favorite Rimuru, so I checked it out."

Gu Yuena put her hands on her chest, her face was full of joy.

The rest of the people also showed smiles, but Limulu was the only one who was still eating barbecue not far away.

Even because of his current size.

The person who led the Elephant Armor Sect didn't realize his existence at all.

"have you had enough!"

"Originally, I thought that your Slime Academy would be an elite academy, but it turned out that you messed around here?

Now I really don't understand you, what qualifications do you have to make an exception to participate in this trial!

Is it just because you are all geniuses, and you are all from the Soul Beast Empire? "

That boss was really pissed off.

He wanted to compete with the people of Slime Academy, but he saw such a funny scene.

It made that he couldn't understand, and couldn't stand it.

However, the other students of the Elephant Jiazong did not resist so much.

There was even a person who showed an expression of unsatisfactory expression.

"Hmph! What do you know, this is our Soul Beast Empire...

No, it is the glorious tradition of our Slime Academy, do you understand it! "

Xiao Wu put her hands on her hips and walked in front of the opponent, with a 'fierce' expression written all over her face.

But her 'fierce' looks so cute, it can't bring oppression to the other party at all.

"Hmph! I don't care what traditions you Slime Academy people have!
Unscrupulous people like you are not qualified to participate in the trial here!

So, accept our challenge, we, the Elephant Armored Sect, are here to clean up all of you! "

As soon as the man's voice fell, he immediately released his martial spirit and two spirit rings.

"Level 25, a defense-type battle soul master!"

"Please enlighten me!"

The voice did not fall.

The three people behind also released their soul rings at this time.

The four of them are all great soul masters above level [-].

After seeing this scene.

Xiao Wu also frowned.

She didn't expect that the other party actually had some strength.

"Sister Xiaowu, these people are quite strong, much stronger than the teams we have dealt with before.

It seems that one or two people can't solve them. Why don't we go together and cut off their thoughts? "

Wang Qiuer said.

But Xiao Wu didn't say anything, but looked at Gu Yuena.

"Don't dare to mobilize the crowd like this, Ice Empress, it's okay if you join forces with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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