Signing in Douluo starts with Slime

Chapter 165 Depressed Heavenly Dream

Chapter 165 Depressed Heavenly Dream

"You really don't save any face. Look at how these people have been harmed?"

A man in armor couldn't help but sighed when he saw the four members of the Elephant Armor School who had been ravaged so badly.

After the Skydream Iceworm fired their signal flare.

The guard who had been patrolling discovered the situation here immediately, and then rushed over quickly.

Because the appearance of the signal flare means that someone has withdrawn from the trial.

And each flare is bound to the user, a one-time soul guide.

As long as this is used, whether it is in his own will or not.

will be considered eliminated.

In the final evaluation of points, those flares that were not fired were also one of the evaluation criteria.

However, every time this well-informed soldier of the Heaven Dou Empire came to the Slime Academy, he would be shocked.

Because he met people from Slime Academy more than once.

He was also responsible for cleaning up the teams they defeated before.

"Why do you talk so much, get them away quickly."

Tianmeng Iceworm waved her hand with disgust on her face.

The four members of the Elephant Armor Sect all fell into a coma, drooling and rolling their eyes at the same time.

Their bodies trembled even more.

These people have already been spoiled by the Tianmeng Iceworm.

As a result, the soldier didn't even want to move them.

"I'll call someone over, you guys stay here and don't move."

With that said, the soldier quickly left here.

Tianmeng Bingcan sat down at random, with a feeling of refreshment written all over his face.

"Hmph! Although I don't have much lethality when fighting soul beasts, it's still no problem to deal with these mentally weak guys.

Sister Gu Yuena, how are you? Am I amazing? "

Tianmeng Bingcan looked at Gu Yuena, and put on a gesture of praising, which made him roll his eyes.

Xiao Wu, who was next to her, came over and directly pulled Tianmeng Bingcan's hair, and lifted it up for him.

"Look at you, what is this thing called!

We're not here to make enemies.

Now they are so embarrassed by you, after they wake up, I will see what you will do! "

"Hey, what's so scary about this, is it possible that they still dare to trouble us?"

Tianmeng Bingcan spread her hands, obviously not paying attention to the other party.

"The things you caused yourself, you will solve them yourself when the time comes. We have no obligation to help you deal with the funeral."

Gu Yuena's voice came from behind.

This made Tianmeng Iceworm suddenly tremble.

"Stop, sister Gu Yuena, you can't be so heartless!"

Tianmeng Iceworm started acting coquettishly.

But Gu Yuena was unmoved.

Seeing this, Tianmeng Iceworm immediately turned its gaze to Xiao Wu and the others.

But all of them didn't bother to take care of this living treasure.

Even the Ice Emperor cast contemptuous glances, which hurt Tianmeng Bingcan very much.

However, Xue Qinghe came over at this time, patted his shoulder and said.

"Don't worry brother, even if they don't help, you still have me, don't you?"

"Go, go, stay here! You are a big man, who wants your help!"

Tianmeng Bingcan rolled her eyes, then sat down beside the bonfire depressedly, turning grief and anger into appetite.

"Xiaomeng, you should be more mature.

You are the only one present, a hundred-year-old soul beast.

How can you be so childish and petty?

Didn't they just look at you one more time and scold you one more time, did you spoil them all? "

Rimuru said while eating.

Tianmeng Iceworm is only focused on eating now, he didn't catch a word of what Limulu said, but just fooled around.

Regarding this, Limuru just sighed and didn't say anything.

Among all the people present, the Tianmeng Iceworm should have lived the longest.

After all, he is a million-year-old soul beast.

But his mentality is probably not as good as that of Xue Qinghe, an orthodox ten-year-old boy.

Tianmeng Iceworm is the real problem child in this team!

After a moment.

Those soldiers also came here.

However, they were not in a hurry to clean up the members of the Elephant Armor Sect, but had a simple meal here under the hospitality of Gu Yuena and the others.

After all, they all know each other.

These soldiers were also the guards of Tiandou Royal Academy before.

Gu Yuena and the others, as people with special identities, often deal with these guards.

So they are already very familiar with each other, so there is no need to be too polite.

"Thank you for the hospitality. We will continue to patrol around. I hope you can successfully complete the next mission."

After the captain of the guard briefly said a few words, he left here with his team members and the Elephant Armor Sect students who had just woken up.

However, when these members of the Elephant Armor Sect left, they all stared at Tianmeng Iceworm with angry eyes.

They were killed by Gu Yuena and Ice Emperor in a flash.

This means that their strength gap is too large, so they admit that they are not the opponents of Slime Academy.

But Limuru's behavior made them feel angry.

This look also means that they will definitely seek revenge from him in the future!

As for what they will do, no one knows.

"See, you have already been hated by others.

The things you provoked, you will solve them by yourself when the time comes.

If you can defeat them in an open and honest manner, then they will have nothing to say. "

Xiao Wu patted Tianmeng Bingcan's shoulder and said so.

Wang Qiu'er, who was at the side, even sighed, then walked over and took his hands.

"Let's do it for ourselves..."

"Hmph! I'm the Tianmeng Iceworm, even if they come to take revenge, I can beat them all to the ground!
Whoever asks for your help, I don't care at all, okay! "

Tianmeng Iceworm was also on the rise at this time.

When the others heard this, they immediately burst out laughing.

Xue Qinghe even walked in front of him, shaking his head and sighing.

"I hope so..."

Seeing everyone's reaction, Tianmeng Bingcan felt a little annoyed, but had nothing to say.

In the end, he could only turn this resentment into appetite again, and began to eat and eat.

that's it.

Time passed slowly.

More than half of the trial time passed quickly.

It is less than a month before the end of the trial.

Gu Yuena and the others had already moved to another direction to set up camp.

But the current enemy is not Mr. Complete.

It's just that they have found some clues.

Among them, Ghost Sect is a sect academy that is worth observing.

Because their behavior is really weird.

These people do not follow the normal trial process, and rarely conflict with other academies.

Even if they defeated a few academies, it would still be a sneak attack.

And their strength, even if they face the enemy head-on, they will not lose.

But they like to pick leaks.

And they haven't collected all kinds of herbs and ores like those weaker teams.

In addition to this group of people, they have been wandering in the forest all the time.

It makes them seem more deliberate.

(End of this chapter)

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