Chapter 198 Weird
"Actually, this matter is neither big nor small.

After all, Rongrong's happiness is the most important thing.

So I'm not in a hurry to solve my matter..."

Ning Fengzhi touched his nose.

The meaning of his words was obvious, he just wanted Li Mulu to play with Ning Rongrong for a while longer.

However, he did have something to ask Limuru, but he was not in a hurry to say it.

When Limulu heard this, she was also a little bit dumbfounded.

"Okay, hurry up and talk, I just have nothing to do today, after you finish speaking, I will play with Rongrong for a while."

"Actually... I want to have a commission, please help."

Ning Fengzhi paused for a moment before speaking.

"The Great Star Dou Forest is the territory of your Soul Beast Empire.

If it was changed to before, I would let my people do this matter.

But now, if I want to do this, I have to get your consent.

Because I want to collect some herbs in the Star Dou Forest.

As far as I know, there is a kind of magical tulip that can help the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower to mutate, so..."

Having said this, Ning Fengzhi stopped talking.

Limuru was a little surprised.

He knew what this tulip was.

This is a fairy grass, which has very powerful effects. After taking it, not only can it increase the soul power, but even those plant-type soul masters will be weakened part of the soul power in front of him.

And the full name of this fairy grass is Qiluo Tulip!
And this thing only grows next to the Binghuo Liangyi Eye, and the number is limited.

Even around the Binghuo Liangyi Eye of Sunset Forest, there is only one plant.

And the small Binghuo Liangyiyan in Xinghu also has a plant.

However, this thing is currently only available in these two places.

In addition, no humans have entered Xinghu recently, so Limulu has no idea how this news got out.

And the expression he looked at Ning Fengzhi gradually became serious.

"Sect Master Ning, so far, less than ten people know about the Qiluo Tulip.

And how did you know that there is this fairy grass in the Star Dou Great Forest? "

"Isn't this the news you released?"

Hearing Li Mulu's words, Ning Fengzhi was dumbfounded.

"How could I release such news, do you think I look like a fool?"

Li Mulu looked at Ning Fengzhi with the eyes of a fool.

But soon, both of them realized something was wrong.

Chen Xin and Gu Rong on the side also stopped fighting and turned their attention to Li Mulu.

"In other words, someone deliberately spread this kind of news?"

Ning Fengzhi frowned, smelling a hint of conspiracy.

Rimuru also frowned.

"Tell me, what else is there that I don't know."

Hearing what Limulu said, Ning Fengzhi nodded, and then told Limulu all the information he got.

Qiluo Tulip is just the most insignificant point among all the information.

Because this thing, for ordinary people, is a fairy medicine to enhance the soul power, which is of little use.

Only Ning Fengzhi would pay attention to this thing.

After all, this is the fairy grass recorded in the annals that can mutate the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

As for other news, most of them said that the central location of the Star Dou Great Forest had various fairy grasses that could greatly increase the soul power.

It even said that after eating some fairy grasses, you can jump dozens of levels!
Even after Contra eats it, he can directly become a Title Douluo.

If Titled Douluo eats it, 100% will become a Super Douluo!
And these news were discovered after Limulu's confirmation.

All true!

Because those fairy grasses are real!

And it is also the fairy grass that has grown in the past six months.

These things are taken care of by Di Tian himself.

So he has no reason to spread this information to the outside world.

As Ditian's follower, the Scarlet King naturally wouldn't do this either.

Da Ming and Er Ming also had no reason.

And these two have become acquainted in the trading village.

Now in the trading village, apart from the demon spirits, they are the two who are the most popular.

So it is even more impossible for these three people to do so.

As for other people, Limulu couldn't imagine for the time being that there would be anyone in Gu Yi who would spread this kind of information that was not good for him.

If humans come to investigate, then it is impossible for him not to be discovered by Ditian.

This thing is strange!
More importantly, when the other party spread the news, it seemed that they were deliberately avoiding the Slime Academy.

At the same time, the other party is also creating, this is the news released by Limulu, which makes people misunderstand.

So Limulu can probably guess that this should be a message from a certain spirit beast to humans, and then use the feature of human's big mouth to spread it everywhere.


There will definitely be people with malicious intentions, staring at these fairy grasses!
"Wait a minute, I'll contact someone and ask."

Limuru closed her eyes, and then put her thoughts on her clone.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Limulu's appearance and didn't know what he was doing, but he didn't make any movements, but was drinking tea while admiring Limulu's beauty.

Ning Rongrong even climbed onto Limulu's lap.

Single for a second.

Rimuru opened his eyes.

A pair of azure blue eyes, but cold and ruthless, fixedly stared at Ning Rongrong in front of him.

"Please don't do anything that threatens the master, otherwise I will replace the master and destroy you!"

The cold words came out of Rimuru's mouth.

His tone was completely different from Limuru's, and he sounded like a different person at all!

Ning Rongrong was even more frightened, and fell directly to the ground, trembling.

After seeing her fall, the corners of Limulu's mouth raised slightly, and then he closed his eyes again.

King of Wisdom: Letting you climb on the master's lap, I don't have this kind of treatment, let alone you!

Obviously, the King of Wisdom is jealous.


at the same time.

Limuru came to his clone.

He didn't know that the King of Wisdom used his body to scare Ning Rongrong, and also showed his dark side.

The current him, feeling the numbness on his body, called out directly.

"Bibi Dong, what are you doing again!"

"Ahh, Master Limuru, why did you come here suddenly? I, I, I, I am not ready!"

Panicked, Bibi Dong pulled her fingers out of the clone's body, then immediately put on her clothes, and sat in front of Limulu in a serious manner.

Seeing Bibi Dong sitting alone in the room blushing, Limulu felt a little helpless.

More importantly.

Bibi Dong was obviously resting just now, so she didn't wear anything.

Rimuru also saw it all.

Nothing was missed.

"Sorry, I was the one to be abrupt this time, but there is an urgent matter that I need to ask you!"

"Master Limuru, please ask, no matter what the problem is, as long as I know it, I will never hide it!"

Bibi Dong said solemnly.

Li Mulu also recounted all the information she got from Ning Fengzhi.

After Bibi Dong heard about it, she was also a little surprised.

"Master Limuru, I know this information, but you really didn't expose it on purpose?"

(End of this chapter)

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