Chapter 217

Inside the square of Tiandou Academy.

At this time, all the academies that had been invited by Emperor Xue Ye came here, preparing to participate in the qualifiers.

But those who can come here are some colleges that are not weak.

Among them, the Five Elements Academy is included.

Even Limulu saw Shrek Academy in green school uniform.

They are still the same as the original, when they appear on stage, they are so eye-catching.

After all, this outfit is really ugly.

Although the design is not bad, but the green is really out of tune, it is even better to just get red and green to look comfortable.

People from other academies, after seeing Shrek Academy, basically taunted them.

But Limulu didn't bother to say anything, after all, they spoke with strength.

But what Limulu didn't expect was that he found a familiar figure among the teachers of Shrek Academy!

This person is precisely Liu Erlong!
"Liu Erlong, come here!"

Without any hesitation, Limulu yelled directly, scaring Liu Erlong who was chatting with someone over there.

He glanced at Flender, then ran all the way to Limuru.

"Master Dean, don't get me wrong, I just dropped by and have no other intentions."

Liu Erlong said awkwardly.

She did not expect that Limulu and the others would come so quickly.

Limuru shook his head, then pointed to the team behind.

"Leave the second team to you, and what's more, during the game, don't let me touch Flender and them.

Although I'm not worried about tactics being leaked, don't you feel guilty for contacting them frequently? "

Rimuru stared at the other party with burning eyes.

Liu Erlong touched his nose and nodded awkwardly.

She took the money from the Slime Academy, so if she really had frequent contacts with the Shrek Academy, it would be really not good.

She herself is well aware of this.

So she didn't refute, but just silently accepted Limuru's reprimand.

Seeing this scene, Flender couldn't help but wryly smiled, then stepped forward, and simply saluted Limuru with fists clasped.

"Principal Limuru, I think you must have misunderstood something.

Teacher Liu Erlong and I are friends, you know that well.

So today, she just dropped by and came with me, and she didn't have any other intentions.

And during this time, she hasn't revealed anything about your Slime Academy's tactics, so please rest assured. "

"I still have this trust, but I'm very upset about your behavior."

Rimuru waved his hand and continued.

"It's fine if you cancel normally, but now that the qualifiers are about to start, you are still like this, are you worthy of your own identities?"

Hearing what Limulu said, Flender and Liu Erlong didn't argue with each other.

Because they know that this kind of behavior is really bad.

At this time, an unknown middle-aged man came over and said with a sarcasm on his face.

"Hehe, a lowly academy that came out of nowhere, should stay here honestly after receiving the invitation, don't think about making any fools out of it!

But I can also understand, after all, you are just a bunch of country bumpkins, it is normal for you to want to try irregular means to win the game. "

The man's tone was very unfriendly.

When Liu Erlong and Flender heard this, they both frowned and looked unfriendly.

If this is not the square of Tiandou Academy, I am afraid they have already started fighting!
"This teacher, please keep your mouth clean, or you will bear the consequences!"

"Hahahaha, what are you, dare to tell me at your own risk?"

The other party laughed, with a look of disdain written all over his face.

Even the people from other colleges next to them saw it, and they all showed disdainful expressions at this time.

"Teacher, I have a question, I want to ask you, can you answer me?"

Just when Flender and Liu Erlong were about to explode.

Limulu raised her hand, signaling them to be calm, and then turned to look at the harsh and rude teacher.

Hearing Limuru's words, the other party immediately bowed respectfully, and then said.

"Dean Limulu, what's your question?"

"My question is simply that I want to know, are you a thing?"

"Things? How could I be a thing, haha!"

The teacher heard this and answered without hesitation.

But his answer made those around him silent for three seconds, followed by overwhelming laughter.

This made him feel a little bit wrong, but as a teacher, he naturally reacted quickly.

His face was extremely gloomy, and he looked at Limuru sullenly.

"Dean Limulu, are you scolding me?"

His voice was gritted.

If it wasn't for Limulu's identity and strength, he might have already made a move.

"How could I scold you, after all, you are a master.

Those of us from the countryside, how could we dare to scold you, don't you think so, Emperor Xue Ye? "

Li Mulu brushed off the non-existing dust on the opponent's shoulders with his hands, then turned his head to look at the high platform, and at some point, Emperor Xue Ye appeared over there.

After everyone heard Limulu's words, they realized that Emperor Xue Ye had already arrived.

"See Emperor Xue Ye!"

"Hello everyone, this Master, and you too!"

Emperor Xue Ye showed a smile, and then deliberately greeted this person.

The other party was also "flattered" and hurriedly returned the gift, and then hurriedly retreated.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Xue Ye couldn't help showing a smile, and then looked at Limulu.

"Dean Limulu, you are really eloquent."

"Excellent award, it's just that this guy is really annoying.

If he talks casually on my side, I don't bother to interrupt.

But he ran in front of me and sprayed manure, then I couldn't bear it. "

"Hahahaha, interesting, you are really interesting.

But let's stop here, next, I should announce the latest rules of the qualifiers! "

"The latest rules?"

Hearing Emperor Xue Ye's words, many people present frowned.

Because of this matter, all of them are not very clear.

Limulu was not surprised, because he had discussed this matter with Emperor Xue Ye more than a year ago.

It's just that he didn't participate in it later.

So he also wanted to know what this new rule meant.

"The academies you are invited to participate in can each have at most two teams, and the number of each team must not be less than seven!
And our initial rules for the qualifiers remain the same as before, that is, groups of seven form a team for team competitions.

Then comes the point! "

Emperor Xue Ye stopped training for a while, then continued.

"Before we were divided into North and South divisions to facilitate the two groups to fight, and then adopted a points system.

But this time, we will not continue to divide the divisions. All teams will fight in this division.

However, the point system remains the same, and compared to before, it is slightly simplified! "

(End of this chapter)

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