Chapter 222 Negotiation
at the same time.

It was already at Bibi Dong's side when discussing things.

Li Mulu and others also drove away those people who came to attack from Wuhundian.

But each of them covered their faces, and those who could run basically ran away.

Those who couldn't run, also used some means to commit suicide.

Although Limuru had the ability to stop it, he didn't do it.

Because people know in their hearts that these people are people from Wuhundian.

So even if you catch them, it's useless. There is a high probability that they don't have the logo of Wuhundian on them. It's even possible that they are just some non-staff personnel who have just joined.

So it can't constitute evidence at all, and even Wuhundian will bite back and say that they slandered.

It is precisely because of this.

It doesn't make any sense to keep people alive, so it's better to hurry up.

However, Limulu and others also showed their very strong strength in this incident.

Only the members of the first team shot and killed most of the men in black present.

Even the Soul Emperor is not their opponent after joining forces.

As for the enemies above the soul saint level, they are basically handed over to the teachers of various colleges to deal with.

These teachers, after all, want to protect the safety of the students, so of course they can't sit idly by.

And their strength, the most is at the level of Soul Emperor, and the strongest is even at the level of Contra.

But besides Limulu, none of the teachers present had reached the Title Douluo level.

Otherwise, those people would not be able to escape at all.

This is also because Limulu didn't do anything, so he let those people go.

It's just that even if he doesn't do anything, no one dares to say anything.

After all, Limuru has no obligation to help them clean up the enemies.

The purpose of his coming here was just to do a small favor, and the people of Wuhundian knew that they could withdraw after seeing them appear.

Because they all knew that once Limulu made a move, none of the men in black here would survive.

that's it.

After settling the matter here, all of them set out on the road together.

Limulu was driving the car, leading the way, and deliberately slowed down.

The others followed behind, walking unhurriedly.

Now all of them are thinking about what to do after arriving at Wuhundian.

However, just as they were about to arrive at the Spirit Hall, the Tiandou Empire's convoy was waiting for them ahead.

The Huangdou team did not directly enter the Wuhun Hall, but waited for them for a long time.

And they looked like they were not attacked by the Wuhun Temple at all.

Such a scene made some people feel a little dissatisfied.

There are even people who want to question whether the Heaven Dou Empire has teamed up with Wuhundian.

However, this kind of person was arrested by his teacher leading the team before they could speak.

Now their biggest enemy is Wuhundian, if they offend the Heaven Dou Empire because of this nameless fire, then the loss outweighs the gain.

What's more, the relationship between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Soul Beast Empire is very good.

If they dare to question the Heaven Dou Empire, it is equivalent to offending the Soul Beast Empire, that is, Limulu.

No one dares to take this kind of responsibility, so even if someone has an opinion, they can only hold back and say nothing.

At this time, the leader of the Huangdou team walked up to Limulu with a smile on his face.

"I heard you were attacked, right?
How is it, students and teachers, are you not hurt?
Regarding this matter, we are really sorry. It is all our fault that we walked too fast, so we can no longer fight side by side with you.

So when I got the news, I immediately ordered the waiter to stop and wait for everyone.

But now it seems that everyone should be fine, right? "

The teacher said with a smile.

The flesh on his face trembled as he smiled and spoke, looking a little greasy.

His figure is also much fatter than normal people, and he looks to be at least [-] kilograms.

But this is not the most important.

Most importantly, Limulu sensed that the other party was lying through her mental ability!

'Report: This man is not telling the truth, he is deliberately hiding something, he is lying! '

'You don't need to tell me, I can see it, and I suspect that this person has a close relationship with the previous attack.

The attack this time was nothing more than a small disturbance, so Yueguan probably didn't care about it, so he didn't tell me.

But I always feel that this person is definitely related to Wuhundian, King of Wisdom, what do you think? '

'Notice: It is recommended to wait until after the Wuhun Temple before making a decision. '

Hearing what the King of Wisdom said, Limuru nodded, and then smiled.

"Since you're waiting for me here deliberately, then come on. We just want to discuss what we should do after entering the Hall of Spirits."

Lim invited the other party in with a smile on his face.

Then they led a team of teachers, all gathered together, and began to discuss how to deal with Wuhundian.

In about half a day, they discussed two plans.

The first one is that during the competition, the students of Wuhundian are specially targeted, trying to prevent them from participating in the competition in the future.

Although I may also lose the eligibility for the competition due to violations in the future, doing so is the most relieved.

However, everyone thought about this plan and finally decided to give up.

Because most people don't want to sacrifice their team, they all want to try to compete for the first place.

Even if they can't win the first place, it is a great honor for them to compete for the top three and top five.

Then all of them chose the second plan, and this plan was also proposed by Limulu.

That is, after the competition is completely over, all the students will gather in a certain place, ready to leave at any time, and they need special personnel to protect them.

Then send some of the most powerful teachers to find Bibi Dong and demand compensation.

At least compensate each team, otherwise they won't let it go.

Although this plan is not that drastic, it is currently a plan that everyone can accept.

After all, there was no need to ask them to make sacrifices for this plan, so they agreed quickly.

In this way, after making a plan, everyone gathered together and started on the road again.

But when they were already less than a day away from Wuhundian.

In the sky, a gigantic black dragon appeared!

Everyone in the academy was terrified and shivered immediately after seeing this black dragon.

Because this black dragon, with just one look and one movement, can make people with weak strength feel flustered and short of breath, and their soul power reversed.

If he really released his soul power, I'm afraid these people would die suddenly without reason.

But when they were all on guard, the huge black dragon transformed into a handsome human and landed in front of Limulu, shocking everyone's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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