Signing in Douluo starts with Slime

Chapter 227 Bibi Dong's Determination

Chapter 227 Bibi Dong's Determination
In an empty room, candles were lit all around.

Here, not even a single window can be seen.

Not even a little wind.

If it weren't for the candles, the whole room would be pitch black, and you couldn't see your fingers.

But in this closed environment, Limulu obtained a trace of fragrance through her avatar.

Inexplicably, I feel a little refreshed in my body.

And he can still feel that there is something going back and forth in his body.

It feels good too.

But soon Limulu came back to his senses, stared out two big eyes, and looked at Bibi Dong in front of him seriously.

"Bibi Dong, you can leave your hands!"

"Understood, Rimuru-sama."

Bibi Dong said so, but the movements of her hands became faster, and she didn't intend to leave at all.

This made Limuru a little speechless.

"Bibi Dong, you didn't call me here to do such a boring thing, did you?"

"It's not Rimuru-sama, this is my exclusive secret room, even Qian Daoru doesn't know about it.

Because during this time, Qian Daoliu watched me too closely.

In name, he meant to watch me practice and supervise me to complete the assessment.

But actually, I felt as if he had discovered me, the connection to the outside world.

But don't worry, he doesn't know about my relationship with you, he just thinks that I have contacted other forces in private, that's why he is so careful with me.

Today, I took advantage of the first day of the competition, on the grounds that I was busy with official business, so I came to this secret room to meet Rimuru-sama. "

"Since it's so dangerous, don't use this method to contact for the time being.

After all, we still have many opportunities to meet on the bright side.

At that time, you can hint me in other ways. Although I may not be able to understand it, I can analyze it slowly. "

It's not that Limulu doesn't care about Bibi Dong at all.

Anyway, it's good for such a beautiful woman to work under him.

What's more, she is now the pope of the Wuhun Temple, which can be said to be extremely powerful.

In terms of strength, it is only one step away from completing the final assessment.

The more important thing is that she is so kind to Limuru.

In this way, Limulu couldn't ignore Bibi Dong at all.

"I know Rimuru-sama, I will proceed with caution.

But I have an important matter that I must report to you!

If you don't report now, it will be too late! "

"whats the matter?"

Hearing what the other party said, Limulu also frowned, feeling that something was a little unusual.

After all, Bibi Dong's expression was serious when he killed Qian Xunji and asked Li Mulu for help to make Qian Renxue return to her side.

At other times, they all look relaxed.

"Master Limulu, this time the Star Luo Empire has sent troops here.

They plan to surround the Wuhun Hall and wipe out all the students and teachers here!
What's more, apart from their emperor, all the other Title Douluo from the Star Luo Empire have come, a total of three of them, all of them are Title Douluo whose strength is above level 93 and below level 96.

In addition, they also sent an army of nearly [-] soul masters.

The strength of this group of troops, the weakest ones have the realm of great soul masters, and the strongest ones are no more than soul sects.

Although the strength is not very strong, there are a lot of them. Even if it is a Title Douluo, facing an army of hundreds of thousands, unless it has a special group attack ability, or the poisoning ability like Poison Douluo.

Otherwise, this army is enough to strangle any Title Douluo!
Of course it was limited to Title Douluo. "

Bibi Dong's words were not alarmist.

Generally speaking, Title Douluo's strength is still within a certain controllable range.

After relying on the number of people and restricting the opponent's escape route, as long as it is not like Dugu Bo, it has a large-scale destructive soul ability and a highly poisonous attack.

Then it is very sure to kill it with the crowd tactics.

But when you reach Super Douluo above level 96, you won't be limited by the number of people.

Although there are too many people, it is also a trouble for them, but at least they will not be killed by crowd tactics.

This is the most obvious gap between Title Douluo and Super Douluo.

By doing so, the Star Luo Empire was obviously ready to go to war.

"Since this is the case, what is the plan of Wuhundian? How is Qian Daoliu's plan?"

Limulu thought for a while, and then asked Bibi Dong.

Facing his question, Bibi Dong answered directly without hesitation.

"The attitudes of Qian Daoliu and the entire Spirit Hall are basically the same, that is to cooperate with the Star Luo Empire to complete this war of devouring the Heaven Dou Empire and the Soul Beast Empire.

They rely on their own military strength and the large number of Titled Douluo in our Wuhun Hall, so they want to attack you.

If they followed the previous plan, they wouldn't be in such a hurry at all.

But because of your appearance, Mr. Rimuru, they panicked, so they were so anxious.

But precisely because of this, we also have the opportunity to wipe out all these people.

Especially Qian Daoliu, as long as he is eliminated, then people like the Star Luo Empire will not have any threats.

But I am not Sendo-ryu's enemy, so Rimuru-sama, you..."

"Don't worry, just leave Qian Daoliu to me."

Limuru nodded and took over the burden.

However, the person who handles Qian Daoliu is not Limulu, but Di Tian.

It's just that Di Tian's existence cannot be known by Ran Bibi Dong yet.

At least not let her know who Ditian really is.

Therefore, his identity will be kept secret for a while.

"By the way, Bibi Dong, if we win in the end, what are you going to do?
Disband the Wuhun Palace, or continue to lead the crippled Wuhun Palace?
I can say this, after this small-scale war is over, Spirit Hall will definitely be seriously injured.

So you might as well bring your people to Slime Academy, just as we are short of teachers here. "

Hearing Limulu's words, Bibi Dong thought for a while, and then showed a bright smile.

"No, although there is nothing worthy of my nostalgia for this Spirit Hall.

But there are too many people living here, and some of them have developed feelings for this place, and I cannot abandon them.

Therefore, no matter it is for these people or for myself, I want to change the spirit hall and give it a new life.

Only in this way can I be worthy of those who believe in me. "

"Very well, since you already have your own plan, then be yourself.

After all, only in this way can you be qualified to complete the assessment and obtain the inheritance of the god position!Ha ha! "

Rimuru also saw the other party's determination, showed a gratified smile, and left here.

Seeing him leave, Bibi Dong also showed a smile, then extinguished the candle and left the secret room.

(End of this chapter)

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