Chapter 229 Stand Up

"No, no, please let me go!"

"It's really not going to work, if it's going to break!"

"Sisters, no, sisters, aunts, please stop, we really can't stand it..."

"Please let me go, the fight continues, we are really going to die!"

In the arena at this time, the screams were ups and downs, which sounded very cruel.

Those who made such screams were naturally none other than these people from the Star Luo Empire.

They have been abused by Gu Yuena and others for about half an hour.

Whenever they wanted to shout surrender, what greeted them was not all kinds of soul skills, but their little pink fists!
In this way, they are miserable, and the whole person is numb.

However, it seemed impossible for them to faint.

Because they discovered that Ning Rongrong and Bi Ji, the two auxiliary soul masters, came to the arena not to assist Gu Yuena and others, but to assist them.

The strength of the two of them keeps these people awake, and even if they are injured, they will recover quickly.

In addition, Gu Yuena and the others are very measured in their strikes, knowing where to hit and where not to hit.

This also led to a group of them, apart from the pain, the body did not suffer too serious injuries.

It is precisely because of this that they look so miserable.

He couldn't even say the simple word surrender.

The people who watched the battle saw this scene, they could only see their misery, and their spirit of 'would rather die than submit', so they felt admiration.

Even their leading teacher didn't see what was going on in this battle.

Why don't you surrender when you know you can't beat it?

This is beyond his comprehension.

He even thought that these people were just going to fight and win face for the Star Luo Empire.

So he was also moved, and then he didn't go down to help them surrender.

After all, according to the rules, if there is a teacher playing, then the team will automatically lose.

So currently, the only ones who know what happened are everyone in Slime Academy, the students who were beaten up, and the referee.

But this referee is from Bibi Dong.

He was told that no matter what happened on stage, he couldn't stop it casually.

Unless one party says to admit defeat.

So even if he knew what was going on, he could only watch helplessly, unable to help at all.

Who made him a man who obeyed the rules.

Slime Academy didn't commit any fouls, it was just healing the opponent and continuing to fight.

There is no violation at all.

So he couldn't stop either.

What's more, people from Bibi Dong's lineage don't have a good impression of the Star Luo Empire.

Because of those things that the Star Luo Empire did, people in Bibi Dong's lineage were very disgusted.

So besides a little bit of sympathy, he also had a little bit of schadenfreude.

have to say.

The Star Luo Empire is really miserable.

that's it.

Another half hour passed.

The Xingluo Royal Academy finally found an opportunity and called out to admit defeat.

Otherwise, they would probably be beaten until their spirits completely collapsed.

"Protest, I want to protest, why don't they heal our wounds, and then continue to fight us!"

The team captain took the lead in protesting.

Others also protested.

When their voices resounded throughout the audience, everyone realized that they had been beaten all the time, not because of their stubbornness.

It's just because they were beaten, and they didn't even have a chance to shout and admit defeat.

More importantly.

The two auxiliary soul masters at Slime Academy still healed their injuries and increased their buffs, but they were not yet the opponents of the four soul kings and one soul sect.

This is equivalent to nine to five!
This is not an opponent, and even protest?

It's a shame to throw it home!
All the audience, for this group of people who couldn't afford to lose and wanted to protest, suddenly lost any favor.

Even the teacher who led the team called them back with a livid face and gave them a good reprimand.

this battle.

Not only did they lose, they even lost all the face of the Star Luo Empire because of their last protest!
Therefore, these students will naturally be punished accordingly.

On the other hand, Slime Academy.

Although their actions seemed a bit unkind, they did not cause casualties.

None of these people from Star Luo Royal Academy were seriously injured, only minor injuries.

So in the eyes of these people, Slime Academy can be described as an academy full of love.

But this is only the understanding of those people.

Some people who have seen it more thoroughly can see here that their strength is extraordinary!

Especially Brigitte's healing ability is even rarer in the world!
So those people realized that they still underestimated Slime Academy and Limuru.

Even Bibi Dong couldn't help but praise when she saw this scene.

It's a pity that due to his position, he can only tell the ghosts and Yueguan around him.

Otherwise, the Star Luo Empire would definitely take the opportunity to find fault.

that's it.

The first round of competition, after fifteen days of competition, finally completed the curtain call.

Then add up the total points in the previous promotion match and now, the top two teams will get the bye.

As for the calculation of points, it is designed according to the length of the battle.

Slime Academy first did not participate in the promotion round, and then was the academy that took the longest.

none of them.

The other academy teams, even if they were evenly matched, resolved the battle within half an hour.

Only the Slime Academy, which abused the opponent and disappeared more than one, ended the battle.

Even in the past, there has never been such a long game.

This can be said to have broken the record.

So their points can be said to be the lowest here.

In the end, the teams that got a bye were the Huangdou team with the first points, and the Shrek team with the second points.

It is a pity that in the previous promotion match, the Shrek team lost to the Huangdou team because of violent tactics.

So now, even if their strength shown here is stronger than that of the Huangdou team, they can only rank second.

After all, the enemy they faced was the Thunder Academy that should not be underestimated.

It took them almost half an hour to get it resolved.

From this point of view, they also lost to the Huangdou team.

After all, the Huangdou team met the second slime team, which was no match for them.

So their points are naturally higher than the Shrek team.

After this time's competition, out of the fifteen teams from the Star Luo Empire, basically only one or two remained.

On the other hand, the Heaven Dou Empire's team is missing one or two teams.

And this is something that has never happened before!
just now.

The younger generation of Tiandou Empire finally stood up!
(End of this chapter)

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