Chapter 238 Massacre!

"Listen everyone, Qian Daoliu has been killed, if you continue to resist, you will end up just like him!
So here, I will give you one last chance. If you surrender, I can choose to spare one of you.

If you continue to resist, there is only one dead end! "

Rimuru roared loudly.

Everyone present, seeing Qian Daoliu's head, immediately widened their eyes in disbelief.

Even Bibi Dong and the others didn't expect that Limulu would solve it so quickly.

This made the look of worship in Bibi Dong's eyes suddenly increased a bit.

Golden Crocodile Douluo happened to see Bibi Dong's eyes, and then snorted coldly.

"Sure enough, you betrayed us from a long time ago, right!

Bibi Dong, answer my question, did you betray us very early on! "

Golden Crocodile Douluo was very angry.

Those who belonged to the worship hall were also distraught when they saw this scene.

However, these people did not surrender, but chose to continue fighting to the end!

Ever since they followed Qian Daoliu, they never thought of betraying.

Now even if Qian Daoliu is dead, they will not choose to surrender!

This is their pride!
The same is true for Golden Crocodile Douluo.

While attacking, he questioned Bibi Dong, but what he got was Bibi Dong's disdainful sneer.

She didn't even bother to answer the other party's question.

And this also let Golden Crocodile Douluo know her attitude!

"Bibi Dong, you are really good!

Our Spirit Hall has trained you for so long, but in the end you have turned to outsiders!

Do you know that you are deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors! "

"Golden Crocodile Douluo, don't imagine me to be so miserable!

If it wasn't for Chihiro Ji, he would have raped me in front of everyone.

If it wasn't for Qian Xunji and Qian Daoliu, I just wanted someone who could raise Qian Renxue, I'm afraid I would have died long ago!
What's more, Qian Daoliu is still brainwashing my daughter, trying to turn her into their killing tool!
If I hadn't discovered it in time and kept Qian Renxue with me, I'm afraid she would have been brainwashed by you long ago!
Just for this point, Qian Daoliu, an old man, is not worthy of my respect, and I can't talk about bullying my master and destroying my ancestors!
After all, it was you who were unrighteous to me first, so don't blame me for being unkind! "

When Bibi Dong talked about this matter, she was also full of anger and anger!
After bearing the burden of humiliation for many years, she finally found a chance to become a human again!
This is something she never dared to think about before.

If Limuru hadn't appeared and saved her body and spirit, I'm afraid Bibi Dong would go down the extreme path just like in the original book.

Golden Crocodile Douluo was also speechless by Bibi Dong's words at this time, not knowing how to refute.

Because of these things, as the second enshrined in the enshrined hall, he is very clear.

He even knows some details.

Even though he was extremely angry now, he did not refute the fact that this had already happened.

His thoughts flowed thousands of times, and finally turned into a sigh: "Bibi Dong, whether it's Qian Daoliu or Qian Xun Ji, they did this for you, for Qian Renxue's sake!"

"Hehe, what a good one for me, for Qian Renxue!

They just want to control too much, so they don't want to let go!

So Golden Crocodile Douluo, in view of your seniority and meritorious service, I will give you a chance!
It is still too late to surrender, or I will kill you with my own hands!
We have been fighting for so long, and you should have discovered that my current strength is not just level 98.

If I want, I can release the power of Limit Douluo at any time.

Although it can only be used for an instant, it is enough to kill you!

So at this last moment, think about it and don't let me down! "

Bibi Dong looked at each other indifferently.

Golden Crocodile Douluo was silent, not saying a word.

On their side, when they were in a stalemate.

Limulu has already taken action to help those who worship the temple.

These people, no matter how much Limulu persuaded them, were unwilling to surrender.

So he had no choice but to kill each other one by one!

This is also no way.

After all, if these people are disobedient, they can only be ruthless and kill them all.

As for Bibi Dong, Li Mulu originally wanted to help, but Bibi Dong said that she wanted to make a deal with him.

And the current Golden Crocodile Douluo is still thinking about it, so Li Mulu doesn't care about it for the time being.

It's just that Golden Crocodile Douluo finally couldn't sit still after watching the other elders who were also worship hall elders being slaughtered.

"Bibi Dong, it is impossible for me to surrender!
I know, I will never survive today.

But it doesn't matter, even if I die, I will take you to be buried with me! "

Accompanied by Golden Crocodile Douluo's roar, he immediately unleashed his strongest power, attacking Bibi Dong.

But at this instant, Bibi Dong's eyes turned pure black.

A black breath rushed out of her body!

"In this case, let you taste the power of Rakshasa!"

Bibi Dong gave a light drink.

A large amount of Rakshasa power poured out at this moment!

This is the test of God she obtained, the inheritance of Rakshasa God!
But now, she is still short of the last assessment, and now she just learned how to use the power of Rakshasa.

This power can temporarily restore her to the strength of a level 99 Limit Douluo.

But the maintenance time will not exceed ten seconds.

However, these ten seconds were enough for Bibi Dong to deal with him!

In the end, Golden Crocodile Douluo was surrounded by the power of Rakshasa, unable to resist at all.

In the end, within three seconds, he couldn't hold on anymore and turned into a puddle of blood.

Part of its strength and flesh and blood, along with the power of the Rakshasa, merged into Bibi Dong's body, making her unable to restrain herself from moaning.

The power of Rakshasa and the power of Shura seem to be very similar powers.

But the power of God Shura is more inclined towards destruction and killing.

Rakshasa is better at devouring and eroding.

These two forces have similarities, but are completely different in essence.

The current Bibi Dong has mastered the power of Rakshasa so well that she even seldom uses the power of Shura.

So it's not surprising that Golden Crocodile Douluo would be instantly killed.

But with the power of Rakshasa, they all entered behind Bibi Dong's body.

She also spat out a mouthful of blood, half-kneeling on the ground, her chest rising and falling, panting heavily.

"Sure enough, every time the power of Rakshasa is released, the body will have a huge burden.

It seems that you haven't completely passed the test, so it's better to use this power sparingly..."

As she spoke, Bibi Dong glanced at her arm.

There is a layer of black lines on it, which is slowly disappearing.

This is the proof that the power of Rakshasa is eroding her body.

If she fails the assessment, every time she uses the power of Rakshasa, she will be eroded by this power.

So so far, the number of times she has used it is very small.

But after passing the assessment completely, there is no need to worry.

(End of this chapter)

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