Signing in Douluo starts with Slime

Chapter 247 The default champion?

Chapter 247 The default champion?
Wuhun Academy is also one of the three seeded teams.

The strength of this group of people, none of them is lower than the soul king realm!
Those people three years ago were already at the soul king realm. Three years later, after Bibi Dong's special training, Qian Renxue and Hu Liena were already at level 62 and 61 respectively.

The remaining two people have also reached level 58, which is still one step away from the soul emperor realm. .

As for the others, most of their strength hovered between 53 and 56.

Even the weakest person has level 53 strength.

One can imagine how powerful the current Martial Soul Academy is!
As for the last seeded team, that is the elemental academy formed by the merger of the five elemental academies, and now it is basically equipped with soul kings.

It's a pity that their strongest person is only the soul king, and their weakest person is only at level 51.

Such strength.

Although it looks very good, it is not very prominent in the upcoming competition.

Because even the Tiandou Royal Academy, which failed last time and was not selected for the seed team, had a Soul Emperor.

So the Element Academy looks very strong, but in fact, that's all there is to it.

In addition, other colleges also attended.

However, those academies affiliated to the Star Luo Empire, as well as the Star Luo Royal Academy team, were not present.

Because they didn't even pass the qualifiers, they were brutally eliminated.

At present, none of the teams that can come here and participate in the finals is a fuel-efficient lamp.

Each of them is holding back their energy, wanting to compete for this time, basically unprecedented, the most powerful soul master competition!

In this way, almost the whole world will recognize their academy as the number one in the world without any doubts!

However, it is not so easy to obtain this title.

After all, the teams that can come here and participate in the final finals are all the strongest among the strong!
Afterwards, Limulu, Emperor Xue Ye, and Bibi Dong held a meeting at the same time and shared it with all the contestants.

This includes the rules of entry.

That is, there are no rules!
This time, Limulu intends to let go of all restrictions, so that all contestants can play to their due level!
After all, some people's strength lies in the soul guide.

If the soul guide is missing, the strength will drop sharply.

In addition, with the help of Limulu and Bibidong, this world will soon enter the era of soul tools.

This is thousands of years earlier than the time in the original book!

And this is also to promote the function of those soul guides.

That's why Limulu and Bibidong formulated such a brand new rule.

At the same time, we must continue to use it in the future!

Emperor Xue Ye also knew this information at first, but he didn't pay attention to it at first, he just thought that Limulu was joking.

He knew it just by looking at Limuru's serious look now.

Limulu is not joking, but for real!

So it can be seen that the next competitions will become very intense!
It's just that although Rimuru said that there are no rules, any item can be used.

But there are three bottom lines that must never be touched!
Rule [-]: Threatening the lives of contestants is strictly prohibited!

If someone really died or was threatened with life, then Limulu, as the organizer, has the right to disqualify the academy directly!
Second point: Disabling!This is also something that is not allowed to happen.

Everyone who comes here, no matter what, is a genius among geniuses.

If they are disabled, they will become decadent and unable to continue to practice.

So this is a loss for any country, even for this continent.

The third point: fight in private!

Regardless of the reason, regardless of the location, regardless of the time, as long as it is discovered, the teams on both sides will be disqualified at the same time!

Because of fighting in private, there is no way to guarantee the safety of the other party. If someone wants to take this opportunity to cause trouble, the best solution is to send him home!

So these three are the bottom line for participating in the competition.

And if they violated any of the rules, Limulu could send them home directly. There was no need for them to continue competing.

Besides, Bibi Dong also said something about the soul tool.

Soul guides can be used without restrictions, but there is one thing, that is, the use of hidden weapons must not be poisonous!
Even if it is poisonous, the dose cannot be lethal, or the antidote must be carried with you, otherwise it is not allowed to use.

When she said this, she also glanced at Tang San below.

After all, Tang San's hidden weapon technique can be said to be unique in the world.

Even some people whose martial spirit is a throwing object are not as good as Tang San in this respect.

And his poison making skills are completely comparable to Dugu Bo's. He even has more in-depth research on some unorthodox toxins and non-detoxifying toxins than Dugu Bo.

But this kind of toxin, Tang San didn't dare to study too much, after all he didn't have any detoxification method.

Although Limulu is present, it can cure all poisons.

But it's impossible for him to rely on Limulu every time, so in order to avoid accidental injury, he only creates a little bit of this toxin when he uses it.

For the rest of the time, only a little self-defense is left, and the rest are all destroyed.

Not at all.

This is also to avoid being accidentally eaten by some soul beasts, and eventually all the soul beasts in an area will be brutally murdered.

As a child raised by spirit beasts, Tang San now has much stronger feelings for spirit beasts than humans, and he is not as selfish as in the original book.

It has to be said that Tang San was well trained by Ah Yin, at least she was better at educating children than Tang Hao.

In this way, the game started quickly amidst the cheers of the crowd.

But as the game progressed, everyone saw that something was wrong.

That's the people from Slime Academy, singing all the way, like a broken bamboo!

Not to mention their failure, even the strongest few didn't play.

Therefore, those academies that had already lost began to jokingly say that the champion of this soul master competition had already been determined by default.

As for who the champion is, everyone knows everything.

On the other side, the battle at the Wuhun Academy was advancing all the way, and no one could stop them.

In the end, these two teams entered the two half-zones respectively, and they were both semi-finalists.

Next, Wuhun Academy will face the Emperor Fighting Team!

It has to be said that after the last defeat, the Heaven Dou Royal Academy became much stronger.

They even defeated a seeded team and entered the semi-finals!

On the side of Slime Academy, they are facing Shrek Academy!
Two academies of historical generations collided once again since the last time they parted!
In the eyes of outsiders, this is destined to be a battle without distinction!

(End of this chapter)

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