Chapter 10 Night in the Border Town (1)
It is Yun Zaitian who leads the way with a lamp.

With heavy steps, Fu Hongxue followed slowly at the end - some people seemed to never want others to stay behind them.

Ye Kai deliberately slowed down and walked beside him.

Fu Hongxue walked heavily on the gravel, as if the blade was scraping the bones.

Ye Kai suddenly smiled and said, "I never thought you'd be willing to stay."

Fu Hongxue said, "Oh?"

Ye Kai said: "Ma Kongqun invited us here tonight, perhaps just to see if there is anyone who refuses to stay."

Fu Hongxue said, "You are not Ma Kongqun."

Ye Kai laughed and said: "If I were him, I would do the same. No matter who wants to kill other people's entire family, I'm afraid they won't want to stay in that person's house anymore."

He thought for a while, and added: "Even if you are willing to stay, you will definitely behave differently from others, and you may even do something very special."

Fu Hongxue said, "If you were you, would you do it too?"

Ye Kai smiled, then suddenly changed the subject, and said, "Do you know who the person he suspects the most?"

Fu Hongxue said, "Who is it?"

Ye Kai said: "It's me and you."

Fu Hongxue stopped suddenly, stared at Ye Kai, and said word by word, "Is it you?"

Ye Kai also stopped, turned around to look at him, and said slowly: "This is what I wanted to ask you, is it you?"

The two stood quietly in the night, you looked at me, I looked at you, and suddenly smiled at the same time.

Ye Kai laughed and said, "This seems to be the first time I've seen you smile."

Fu Hongxue said: "Maybe it will be the last time!"

Hua Mantian suddenly appeared in the darkness, his eyes were shining, he looked at them, and said with a smile, "Why are you two laughing so much?"

Ye Kaidao: "For something that is not funny."

Fu Hongxue said, "It's not funny at all."

Gongsun Duan was still drinking the wine in big gulps.

Ma Kongqun watched him drink, and after a long time, he sighed and said, "I know you want to get drunk, but getting drunk won't solve anything."

Gongsun Duan suddenly slapped the table forcefully, and said loudly, "So what if you're not drunk? It's the same as being angry with others!"

Ma Kongqun said: "That's not being angry, it's patience, no matter who has to be patient sometimes."

Gongsun Duan clenched his palm tightly again, and the wine in the cup slowly overflowed again. He stared at the golden cup that had been crushed by him again, and sneered, "Be patient, I have lived and died with you for 30 years, and I have experienced 170 battles, big and small. There's enough blood to drown a man, and now you tell me to be patient--you give me the breath of a little cripple."

Ma Kongqun's expression was still very calm, he sighed and said, "I know how wronged you have been, and I also..."

Gongsun Duan suddenly interrupted him loudly, and said: "You don't need to say anything, I understand what you mean, now that you have a fortune and children, you can no longer do things as recklessly as before."

He slapped the table again, and said with a sneer, "I'm just a boy in Wanma Hall, so it's only natural to suffer some anger for the third boss."

Ma Kongqun stared at him, there was no anger in his eyes, but some sadness.

After a long time, he slowly said: "Who is the boss? Who is the buddy? This world was originally created by us side by side, and even our own flesh and blood are not as close as we are. You have half of everything in this place, you Whatever you want, you can take it at any time—even if you want my daughter, I can give it to you right away."

Although his voice was plain, the emotion contained in it was enough to make Iron Stone Man cry.

Gongsun Duan lowered his head, tears could not help but burst out of his eyes.

Fortunately, Hua Mantian and Yun Zaitian had returned at this time.

In front of them, Ma Kongqun's attitude became more calm, and he asked in a deep voice, "Did they all stay?"

Yun Zaitian said: "Yes."

The sad look in Ma Kongqun's eyes also disappeared, and he became calm and sharp, and said in a deep thought: "I'm not surprised that Le Leshan, Murong Mingzhu and the Snitch stayed."

Yun Zaitian said: "Do you think the three of them are not suspected?"

Ma Kongqun said: "It's just that the suspicion is light."

Hua Mantian said: "That's not necessarily true."

Ma Kongqun said: "Not necessarily?"

Hua Mantian said: "Murong Mingzhu is not a simple person, he is just pretending to be like that, in his capacity, after being so angry with him, it is absolutely impossible for him to point fingers and talk nonsense."

Ma Kongqun nodded and said: "I also see that he must have a plan in this trip, but the purpose is definitely not in Wanmatang."

Hua Mantian said: "Where is Lele Mountain? No matter where this pseudo-famous person goes, he likes to call himself a senior. Why did he travel thousands of miles to come here to this barren land?"

Ma Kongqun said: "Maybe he is avoiding the pursuit of his enemies."

Hua Mantian sneered and said, "Wudang faction has a large number of people, and only others avoid them. How often do they avoid others?"

Ma Kongqun suddenly sighed again, and said: "23 years ago, you have not forgotten the humiliation of the sword at the foot of Wudang Mountain?"

Hua Mantian's expression changed, and he said, "I will never forget."

Ma Kongqun said: "But Hui Yunzi, the Wudang swordsman who injured you, didn't he die under your sword?"

Hua Mantian said bitterly: "It's a pity that the Wudang sect hasn't died out yet."

Ma Kongqun stared at him, and sighed: "You have a calm mind, sharp eyesight, and unmatched chances when things happen. It's a pity that you are too narrow-minded. I'm afraid you will suffer from this point in the future."

Hua Mantian lowered his head and stopped talking, but his chest rose and fell, showing that he was still in a very restless mood.

Yun Zaitian immediately changed the subject, and said, "Among the five people, it seems that Fu Hongxue is the most suspicious, but just like what Ye Kai said, if he really came seek revenge, why did he bring a knife?" Wanmatang?"

Ma Kongqun had deep thought in his eyes, and said, "Where's Ye Kai?"

Yun Zaitian pondered, and said: "This person seems to have extremely high martial arts, and the city is even more unfathomable. If it is really him... he would be a very terrifying opponent."

Gongsun Duantu sneered again, and said: "You do the calculations, have you figured out who it is?"

Yun Zaitian said: "No."

Gongsun concluded: "Since you can't figure it out, why don't you do all these five people, wouldn't they end up clean!"

Ma Kongqun said: "What if I killed the wrong one?"

Gongsun concluded: "If you kill wrong, you can kill again!"

Ma Kongqun said: "When will the killing end?"

Gongsun Duan clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on his forehead popped out one by one.

Suddenly heard a child's voice calling outside: "Fourth Uncle, I can't sleep, can you tell me a story?"

Gongsun Duan sighed, as if he had changed suddenly, all the muscles in his body were relaxed, he stood up slowly, and walked out slowly.

Ma Kongqun looked at his huge back, as if looking at his beloved child.

At this time, there was a drumbeat outside, and it was already the second watch.

Ma Kongqun said slowly: "It stands to reason that since they stayed here, they wouldn't do anything, but we still shouldn't be careless."

Yun Zaitian said: "Yes."

He went on to say: "Go ahead and increase the number of brothers on duty at night to eight shifts. From now on, we will patrol three times every half an hour. Whenever we see suspicious people, we will immediately sound the gong to warn."

Ma Kongqun nodded, suddenly looked very tired, stood up and walked outside the door, looking at the prairie that had been shrouded in darkness, his mood seemed even more depressed.

Yun Zaitian followed him out, sighed and said, "I hope this night will be peaceful and you will have a good rest - the things you have to deal with tomorrow will probably be much more difficult."

Ma Kongqun patted him on the shoulder, sighed on his back, and said, "After this battle, we should all have a good rest..."

A gust of wind blew by, and the sky lantern suddenly went out, leaving only half a cold moon hanging high.

Yun Zaitian looked up, his eyes full of worry and fear.

Isn't Wanmatang also like this sky lantern, although it hangs very high and illuminates far away, who knows when it will suddenly go out?
The night is deeper.

The moonlight is hazy, and the horses are silent.

In the desert outside the city, how many people can fall asleep in the bleak moonlit night?

Ye Kai opened his eyes wide, looking at the night outside the window.

He didn't smile.

The smile that always hangs on the corner of his mouth will disappear as long as there is no one around.

He didn't sleep either.

Although Wan Ma Tang was silent, his thoughts were surging like thousands of horses. It's a pity that no one knew what he was thinking.

He caressed his hand, between the thumb and index finger of his right hand, it was as rough and hard as sand and stone, and a hard lump had already been ground on the palm.

That is the mark left by holding the knife for many years.

But what about his knife?
He never carries a knife.

Is it because his knife has been hidden in his heart?
Fu Hongxue still held his knife tightly in his hand.

He didn't sleep either.

Didn't even take off the boots.

The bleak moonlight shone on his pale and cold face, and on the black scabbard in his hand.

Has he ever pulled out this knife?

The third watch, the fourth watch...Suddenly, there was a rush of gongs in the quiet night.

Immediately behind Wanmatang, four figures shot out like arrows and rushed towards the racecourse to the west.

There seemed to be a disgusting smell of blood in the wind.

The lights in Ye Kai's room were turned on first, and after a while, he ran out in big strides.

Murong Mingzhu and Flying Spider also opened the door at the same time.

Mr. Le Da's door was still closed, and his snoring could be heard from inside the door from time to time.

There was not even a sound from Fu Hongxue's door.

Murong Mingzhu said: "Did someone sound a gong to warn you just now?"

Ye Kai nodded.

Murong Mingzhu said: "Do you know what it is?"

Ye Kai shook his head.

At this moment, two figures leaped over like arrows, one with a sword in his hand like a flying flower, and the other with a figure as light as a flying crane.

Hua Mantian glanced at the three people standing outside the door, and without stopping, he rushed towards the door of Lele Mountain and stopped.He had heard snoring from the door, too.

Yun Zaitian turned over in the air and landed outside Fu Hongxue's door. He stretched out his hand and pushed the door open.

Fu Hongxue stood impressively at the door, holding the knife tightly in his hand, and his eyes were frighteningly bright.

Yun Zaitian involuntarily took two steps back, with a livid face, he said: "Did you all leave here just now?"

No one answered.

There is no need to ask this question at all.

Hua Mantian said in a deep voice, "Did anyone hear anything?"


Murong Mingzhu frowned, as if she wanted to say something, but before she could say it, she bent down and vomited.

The smell of blood in the wind has spread here.

(End of this chapter)

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