Chapter 19
Xiao Bieli said, "It's him."

Ye Kai said: "How could it be him?"

Xiao Bieli also sighed, and said: "He is a reckless man, he can't see that Brother Ye, your martial arts are at least ten times better than him."

Ye Kai smiled again, as if he had heard the most ridiculous thing in the world, he shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm afraid Mr. Xiao made a mistake this time."

Xiao Bieli said calmly: "Although my legs are broken, my eyes are not blind. Otherwise, I have endured here for more than ten years, how could I make a move today."

Ye Kai was waiting for him to continue.

Xiao Bieli said: "For decades, I haven't seen a young master like Brother Ye. Not only is his martial arts unfathomable, but he also hides his secrets, so..."

He stopped talking, as if he was waiting for Ye Kai to ask.

Ye Kai could only ask, "So what?"

Xiao Bieli sighed again, and said, "It's not easy for a disabled person with no relatives and no reason to live here. If he can make friends like Brother Ye..."

Ye Kai suddenly interrupted him, and said with a smile: "If you make friends like me, you will have more troubles in the future."

Xiao Bieli stared at him with burning eyes and said, "What if I'm not afraid of trouble?"

Ye Kaidao: "We are friends."

Xiao Bieli immediately smiled and said, "Then why don't you come over for a glass of wine?"

Ye Kai said with a smile: "Even if you don't want to buy me a drink, I still want to drink."

A man rode a horse across the long street, suddenly, a huge hand pulled him off the horse, and he fell heavily to the ground.

He was about to yell, but held back.

Because he already saw that the person who pulled him off his horse was Gongsun Duan, and he also saw the angry look on Gongsun Duan's face. No one would dare to provoke Gongsun Duan who was angry.

Gongsun Duan has already jumped on his horse, beat the horse and went away.

What about his own horse?

Gongsun Duan's horse was galloping across the grassland, but the man on the saddle was Fu Hongxue.

He rushed out the door, jumped on the horse, and beat the horse with the scabbard, hard.

It was as if the horse had been regarded as Gongsun Duan.

He needs to vent, or he's going to go crazy.

The horse also seems to be crazy, rushing from the long street to the grassland, from the dusk to the darkness, the endless darkness.

The stars have not yet risen, he would rather there be no stars in the sky forever, no moon, he would rather be dark.

Gusts of wind blew on his face, and grains of sand hit his face. Instead of dodging, he went forward.

Even having endured such humiliation, what else in the world could he not endure?

He gritted his teeth, his gums were bleeding.

Blood is bitter, bitter and salty.

Suddenly, a lone star rose out of the darkness.

It's not a star, but the headlight on the flagpole of Wanmatang, but it's brighter than a star.

When the stars are setting, what about this lamp?

He grabbed the horse's mane hard and hit the horse with the scabbard hard. He needed to vent, and speed was also a vent.

But the horse had fallen, neighed, and fell to its front hooves.

His men jumped out from their horses and fell heavily to the ground.

There is no grass on the ground, only sand.

The gravel rubbed against his face, and his face was bleeding.

His heart was bleeding too.

endure!endure!Countless times of patience, how long will the patience last?

Who can know how much pain there is in this endurance?How much bitterness?

He couldn't help but shed tears—tears with blood, blood with tears.

The stars have risen, the stars.

Under the starlight, a horse suddenly came galloping on the sand, and the eyes of the man on the horse were as bright as starlight.

Luan bells are as clear as music - Ma Fangling.

She had a sweet smile on her face, and her eyes were full of happy longing. She looked more beautiful than ever before.

This is not because of the bright stars, nor because of the bleak night, but because of the love in her heart.

Love can make the most ordinary woman charming and the ugliest woman beautiful.

"He must be waiting for me. Seeing me suddenly come again, he must be happier than anything else."

She shouldn't have come out.

But the enthusiasm in her heart made her forget all scruples.

She couldn't have come out.

But love made her have the courage, the courage to be desperate.

She hopes to see him, as long as she can see him, she doesn't care about other things.

The wind is cold, as cold as a knife.

But in her feeling, even this cold wind is gentle, but at this moment, she has heard the sound of weeping in the wind.

Who is weeping secretly in such a dark and cold desert?
She had already walked over, and then turned back. Love not only made her person more beautiful, but also made her heart more beautiful.

She suddenly became very kind, very gentle, easy to sympathize with and understand others.

She found the horse that had collapsed from exhaustion, and then saw Fu Hongxue.

Fu Hongxue curled up on the ground, trembling unceasingly.

He didn't seem to hear her horse's hooves at all, nor did he see her jump off the horse and come over.

He was suffering the most agonizing ordeal, the most terrible torture.

His face was as pale as paper under the starlight, and bloody tears were flowing on his pale face, blood with tears.

Ma Fangling had seen him clearly, her eyes widened in surprise, and she said in a broken voice, "It's you?"

She still remembered this strange boy, and she didn't forget the whip marks on his face that she pulled out.

Fu Hongxue also saw her, his eyes were confused and scattered, like a wild horse about to go crazy.

He struggled and wanted to stand up, but his limbs seemed to be twisted by a pair of invisible giant hands. He just stood up and fell down again.

Ma Fangling frowned and said, "Are you sick?"

Fu Hongxue gritted his teeth, white froth flowed from the corners of his mouth, just like the foam from the dead horse's mouth.

He is indeed ill.

This terrible disease has tormented him for more than ten years. Whenever he is forced too hard and feels that he can no longer bear it, the disease will suddenly attack.

He never wanted to be seen. When he had this kind of disease attack, he would rather die and go to hell than be seen.

But now he was being seen.

He gritted his teeth and beat himself with the scabbard.

He hates himself.

One of the most stubborn and proud people, why did God want him to suffer from such a terrible disease?

What kind of cruel torture is this?
Ma Fangling also saw this kind of disease, sighed, and said softly: "Why do you beat yourself? This kind of disease can't kill anyone, and it will soon..."

Fu Hongxue suddenly exhausted all his strength, pulled out his knife, and shouted, "Get out, get out, or I'll kill you!"

For the first time he drew his knife.

What a shiny knife!

The light of the knife reflected his face, with blood and tears.

The pale light of the knife made his face look crazy and ferocious.

Ma Fangling couldn't help but took two steps back, her eyes showed fear.

She wanted to leave, but the boy's limbs convulsed again, and he fell down again.

He fell to the ground and struggled, like a wild horse caught in a trap, lonely, desperate, and helpless.

The knife was still in his hand, out of the sheath.

He suddenly backhanded a knife and stabbed himself in the leg.

The stab was so deep.

Blood gushed out along the blade.

The twitching and convulsions of his body gradually subsided.

But he was still trembling, shaking so much that he shrank into a ball.

Shaking like a frightened child.

The fear in Ma Fangling's eyes had turned into sympathy and pity.

So dark, so cold, a lonely child... She couldn't help but sighed softly, walked over, stroked his hair, and said softly: "It's not your fault, why do you torture him like this?" Own?"

Her voice is gentle like a loving mother.

This lonely and helpless teenager has inspired her innate motherhood.

Fu Hongxue's tears had already flowed down.

No matter how strong and proud he is, he is deeply moved at this time.

With tears in his eyes, he suddenly hissed and said, "I was wrong, I shouldn't have been born at all, and I shouldn't have lived in this world at all."

The cries were filled with despairing sorrow.

Ma Fangling felt another stabbing pain in her heart—sympathy and pity are sometimes like a needle, which can also pierce people's hearts.

She couldn't help but picked him up, hugged him in her arms, and said softly: "You don't need to be sad, you will be fine soon..."

She didn't finish the sentence, because her tears had already flowed down.

The wind is howling, and the grass is howling.

The endless prairie looks like a rough ocean, if you are not careful, you will be swallowed by it immediately.

But isn't the surging impact of human emotions far more terrifying and sinister than ocean waves?

Fu Hongxue's trembling had stopped, but his breathing became more urgent and heavier.

Ma Fangling could feel the heat of his breath seeping through her clothes.

Her chest seemed to be growing hot.

A purposeless and unreserved sympathy and pity had already made her forget that she was holding a man.

That was originally the most noble and great sentiment of human beings, enough to make people forget everything.

But now, she suddenly had a strange feeling in her heart, which was so strong.

She pushed him away almost immediately, but couldn't bear it.

Fu Hongxue suddenly asked, "Who are you?"

Ma Fangling said: "My surname is Ma..."

Her voice paused, because she already felt that the boy's breathing seemed to stop suddenly.

She couldn't figure out what it was for.

No one can imagine how strong the power of hatred is, sometimes far stronger than love.

Because love is soft and warm, like the wind in spring, the flowing water in the wind.

Hatred is as sharp as a knife, it can pierce your heart at once.

Fu Hongxue didn't ask any more questions, but suddenly hugged her tightly and ripped off her clothes.

This change came too fast, too scary.

Ma Fangling was completely shocked, and forgot to dodge or resist.

Fu Hongxue's cold hand had already slipped into her warm chest, grabbing her hard... This strange feeling was also like a knife.

Ma Fangling's heart had been pierced by this knife, panic, fear, humiliation, and anger all gushed out at once.

Her men jumped up and slapped Fu Hongxue hard on the face.

Fu Hongxue didn't dodge and resist, but his hands still held her tightly.

She was so painful that tears flowed again, she clenched her fists and hit the bridge of his nose hard.

He let go of one hand and caught her fist with the other.

Her chest was immediately exposed to the cold wind, hard and firm.

There are red threads in his eyes, and he pounces on them again.

She bent her knees and hit hard.

For some unknown reason, neither of them spoke or shouted, and shouting was useless at this time.

The two rolled, struggled, and bit the ground like beasts.

There are more nudity on her body.

He was close to madness, and she was also mad like mad, but she was gradually unable to resist.

Suddenly, she screamed: "Let me go, let me go...Why are you doing this to me? Why..."

She knew that no one would come to rescue her at this time, and she also knew that he would never let her go.

She was crying to God.

Fu Hongxue panted, and said, "This is what you wanted, and I know you want it."

Ma Fangling had almost given up struggling, and after hearing this, she suddenly used all her strength and bit him on the shoulder.

His whole body shrank from the pain, but he still pressed her tightly, as if he wanted to squeeze out her life and desire together.

But her mouth had already left his shoulder, biting his blood, his flesh...she suddenly vomited.

Vomiting made her even more powerless to resist, only to shout.

"Please, please, you can't do this."

He had almost possessed her, and whispered vaguely: "Why not? Who said it couldn't be?"

Suddenly a person said: "I said! You can't!"

The voice was calm, terribly calm.

When anger reaches its extreme, sometimes it becomes calm—isn’t the knife also calm.

In Fu Hongxue's ears, this voice was indeed like a knife.

His men get out immediately.

Then I saw Ye Kai!

(End of this chapter)

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