Anthology of Gu Long: The Prodigal Son of Border Town

Chapter 25 The Secret of Mistress Shen

Chapter 25 Shen Sanniang's Secret
There were no lights in the house either.

Shen Sanniang was wearing a loose dress, as if she was washing her face, her face looked pale and painful.

There were bloodstains on the face towel she had used just now.

Ma Fangling said, "You...are you injured?"

Shen Sanniang didn't answer this question, but instead asked, "Do you know that I went out just now?"

Ma Fangling smiled, blinked and said, "Don't worry, I'm also a woman, I can pretend I don't know."

She was laughing because she felt like an adult for the first time.

Keeping secrets for others is something that only fully mature people can do.

Shen Sanniang didn't say anything, and slowly dipped the bloody silk scarf into the water, watching the blood melt in the water.

There was still a salty taste of blood in her mouth, and she endured the blood until she returned to the house before spitting it out.

Gongsunduan's fist is really heavy.

Ma Fangling had jumped onto the bed and crossed her legs.

She was always a bit cautious in this room, but now she has become very casual, and suddenly said: "Do you have any wine here, I want to have a drink!"

Shen Sanniang frowned, and said, "When did you learn to drink?"

Ma Fangling said: "At my age, haven't you learned how to drink?"

Shen Sanniang sighed, and said, "The wine is in the bottom drawer of the cabinet over there."

Ma Fangling laughed again, and said: "I knew you must have wine hidden here. If I were you, I would get up and drink a couple of glasses by myself when I couldn't sleep at night."

Shen Sanniang sighed: "In the past two days, you really seem to have grown up a lot."

Ma Fangling had already found the wine, pulled off the bottle cap, took a sip mouth to mouth, and said with a smile: "I'm already an adult, so you must tell me, who did you go out to find just now?"

Shen Sanniang said: "Don't worry, it's not Ye Kai."

Ma Fangling's eyes moved, and he said, "Who is it? Fu Hongxue?"

Shen Sanniang's hand that was twisting the silk scarf suddenly became stiff, and after a long time, she slowly turned around and stared at her.

Ma Fangling said: "Why are you staring at me? Is it because I guessed right?"

Shen Sanniang suddenly snatched the wine bottle from her hand, and said coldly: "You are drunk, why don't you go back to sleep, and come to me when you wake up."

Ma Fangling also put on a serious face, and said with a sneer, "I just want to know what method you used to seduce him. It must be a good method, otherwise why would he fall in love with an old woman like you?"

Shen Sanniang looked at her coldly, and said word by word: "Could it be him you like? Not Ye Kai?"

Ma Fangling seemed to have been slapped on the face suddenly, her paleness immediately turned red.

She seemed to want to come over and slap Shen Sanniang on the face, but at this moment she heard footsteps in the corridor.

The footsteps were slow and heavy, and they had stopped outside the door, and then someone called softly: "San Niang, are you awake?"

This is Ma Kongqun's voice.

The faces of Ma Fangling and Shen Sanniang immediately changed color, Shen Sanniang pouted her mouth under the bed, Ma Fangling bit her lip, and finally slipped in quickly.

She is also as guilty as Shen Sanniang, because she also has ulterior secrets in her heart.

Fortunately Ma Kongqun didn't come in, he just stood at the door and asked, "Just got up?"


"Did you sleep well?"

"not good."

"Come up with me, okay?"

"it is good."

They've been in a relationship for years, so their conversations are simple and intimate.

Ma Fangling was wondering again.

Her father had obviously brought a woman back, so why did he ask Third Aunt to go up now?
Who is the woman he brought back?

Ma Kongqun occupied three rooms on the upper floor by himself, one was the study, the other was the bedroom, and the third was his secret room, even Shen Sanniang had never entered it.

When he went upstairs, his waist was still straight, and no one could see that he was an old man when looking at his back.

Shen Sanniang followed him silently.As long as he asked her to go up, she never refused, and she was neither too hot nor too cold for him.There were also times when she devoted herself to him with utterly gratified enthusiasm.

This is exactly the woman Ma Kongqun needs, women who are too hot are no longer suitable for his age.

The upstairs door was closed, Ma Kongqun stopped outside the door, turned around suddenly, stared at her, and asked, "Do you know what I asked you to do here?"

Shen Sanniang lowered her head and said softly, "It doesn't matter what you want to do."

Ma Kongqun said: "What if I want to kill you?"

His tone was very serious, and there was no smile on his face.

Shen Sanniang suddenly felt a chill rising from the soles of her feet, only then did she realize that she was also barefoot.

Ma Kongqun smiled again and said, "Of course I won't kill you, there is someone waiting for you in the room."

Shen Sanniang said: "Someone is waiting for me? Who?"

Ma Kongqun smiled strangely, and said slowly: "You will never guess who he belongs to!"

He turned around and opened the door, but Shen Sanniang hardly had the courage to go in.

The day finally dawned.

Fu Hongxue was slowly sipping the freshly cooked hot porridge.

Ye Kai already faintly felt that Cui Nong would not come back, and was wearing his boots.

There was no sound in the small building, Gongsun Duanzheng buried his head in the horse drinking trough, drinking cold water like a horse, but now even the water of a river may not be able to wake him up.

In the morning wind on the wilderness, there was still a faint smell of blood.

Hua Mantian and Yun Zaitian also went back to their own room and began to prepare to have breakfast in the lobby.

Every morning they have to come to the lobby to have breakfast, this is Ma Kongqun's rule.

Shen Sanniang finally plucked up the courage and walked into Ma Kongqun's room.

Who is waiting for her inside?
Cui Nong hugged her knees and curled up on a large sandalwood chair in the study.

She looked tired and frightened.

When Shen Sanniang saw her, both of them seemed to be taken aback.

Ma Kongqun observed the expressions on their faces coldly, and suddenly said: "Of course you recognize each other."

Shen Sanniang nodded.

Ma Kongqun said: "Now I have brought her back, so you won't have to look for her again in the middle of the night."

Shen Sanniang's reaction was very strange, she seemed to be in deep thought, as if she didn't hear Ma Kongqun's words at all.

After a long time, she turned around slowly, facing Ma Kongqun, and said slowly, "I did go out last night."

Ma Kongqun said: "I know."

Shen Sanniang said: "The person I am looking for is not Cui Nong either."

Ma Kongqun said: "I know."

He has sat down, his expression is still very calm, no one can see the joy and anger in his heart from the expression on his face.

Shen Sanniang stared at him, and said word by word: "The person I am looking for is Fu Hongxue!"

Ma Kongqun was listening without even moving the muscles in the corners of his eyes.

Instead of surprise and anger, there was a strange understanding and sympathy in his eyes.

Shen Sanniang was also very calm, and continued slowly: "I went to him only because I always felt that he was the murderer who killed those people."

Ma Kongqun said: "He is not."

Shen Sanniang nodded slowly again, and said: "It is true that he is not, but I can't feel at ease until I find out."

Ma Kongqun said: "I understand."

Shen Sanniang said: "I can tell from his attitude towards me that women are born with a subtle feeling. If he hates you, he must have a different attitude towards me."

Ma Kongqun said: "I understand."

Shen Sanniang said: "But he was very polite to me. Although he seemed a little surprised when I went, when I was about to leave, he didn't make it difficult for me."

Ma Kongqun said: "He is a gentleman."

Shen Sanniang said: "It's a pity that you have a friend who is not a gentleman."

Ma Kongqun said: "Oh?"

Shen Sanniang gritted her teeth, her eyes were reddened, she suddenly unbuttoned her skirt, and she was naked under the skirt.

Although she is a woman in her 30s, she is still in good shape.Her chest is firm, her belly is flat, her legs are long and strong, but unfortunately, there are already several bruises and swellings on this crystal white body.

Cui Nong couldn't help but uttered a soft cry, Shen Sanniang's tears were already falling, she said in a trembling voice: "Do you know who beat this?"

Ma Kongqun stared at the scars on her waist and abdomen, his eyes showed anger, and after a long time, he said in a deep voice: "I don't want to know."

Of course Shen Sanniang understood what he meant, what he meant by not wanting to know was that he already knew.

Shen Sanniang didn't say anything more, slowly covered her skirt, and said sadly: "It's fine if you don't know, I just want you to understand, for you, I will do anything."

The anger in Ma Kongqun's eyes had turned into pain, and it took a long time before he let out a long sigh and said, "Over the years, you have indeed done a lot for me and suffered a lot."

Shen Sanniang choked with sobs, and suddenly fell to her knees, lying on his lap, and burst into tears.

Ma Kongqun gently stroked her soft hair, staring out the window.

The morning breeze blows across the grassland, the weeds are undulating like waves, the sun has just risen, the golden sun shines on the emerald green grass waves, and the horses are running towards the sun.

Ma Kongqun sighed, and said softly: "This place is a desert. Without you, I might not be able to change this place into such a beautiful place. No one knows how much you have helped me."

Shen Sanniang wept softly, and said: "As long as you know, I will be satisfied."

Ma Kongqun said: "Of course I know, you helped me make this place so beautiful, but you just made me feel more painful when I lost it."

Shen Sanniang suddenly raised her head, and lost her voice: " are you talking about?"

Ma Kongqun stopped looking at her, and said slowly, "I'm telling a secret."

Shen Sanniang said: "What secret?"

Ma Kongqun said: "Your secret."

Shen Sanniang said: "I...what secret do I have?"

The pain in Ma Kongqun's eyes deepened, and he said word by word: "From the first day you came here, I already know who you are!"

Shen Sanniang's body trembled, as if a pair of invisible hands had suddenly strangled her throat.

She even stopped breathing, stood up slowly, stepped back step by step, her eyes were full of fear.

Ma Kongqun said, "Your surname is not Shen, but Hua."

These words were like a hammer, hitting Shen Sanniang's head heavily.

Just as she stood up, she was about to fall again.

Ma Kongqun said: "Bai Xianyu's concubine Hua Baifeng is your real sister."

Shen Sanniang said: "You... how do you know?"

Ma Kongqun sighed, and said: "You may not believe it, but before you came here, I have seen you, your sister and Bai Xianyu together, when you were young, your sister already had a Bai Xianyu's child."

Shen Sanniang's trembling suddenly stopped, and her whole body seemed to be stiff.

Ma Kongqun said: "After Bai Xianyu died, I also looked for your sisters, but your sister has been hiding very well. Who would have thought that you would come here?"

Shen Sanniang slowly backed away, finally found a chair and sat down, looking at him.

It was this person, for seven years, she had to sleep with him at least ten days a month, endured the clumsy stroking of his fingerless hand, and endured the smell of his sweat.

Sometimes she even thought it was a horse, an old horse, sleeping next to her.

She endured it for seven years, because she always thought that she would gain something, and he would pay the price for all this sooner or later.

Only now did she know that she was wrong, ridiculously wrong, terriblely wrong.

She suddenly realized that she was like an earthworm in the hands of a child, being played with all the time.

Ma Kongqun said: "I already know who you are, but I haven't said it out, do you know why?"

Shen Sanniang shook her head.

Ma Kongqun said: "Because I like you, and I really need a woman like you."

Shen Sanniang suddenly smiled and said: "And I was willing to deliver it to my door for free."

She was indeed laughing, but it was more painful than crying.

She suddenly felt like throwing up.

Ma Kongqun said: "I already knew about your relationship with Cui Nong."

Shen Sanniang said: "Oh?"

Ma Kongqun said: "The news from my side is transferred from Cui Nong, and the news from outside is also transferred from Cui Nong to you."

He also smiled, and said: "It's indeed a smart idea for you to use someone like her to convey the news."

Shen Sanniang sighed: "It's a pity that you already knew about it."

Ma Kongqun said: "I haven't stopped you all this time, just because I have no important news for you at all."

Shen Sanniang said: "You may still want to get outside news from me."

Ma Kongqun also sighed, and said: "It's a pity that your sister is much smarter than you. I have been unable to find her trace for so many years."

Shen Sanniang said: "So she is still alive."

Ma Kongqun asked, "Where's her son?"

Shen Sanniang said: "Also alive."

Ma Kongqun said: "Have you come here now?"

Shen Sanniang said: "What do you guess?"

Ma Kongqun asked, "Is it Ye Kai? Or Fu Hongxue?"

Shen Sanniang said: "You can't guess?"

Ma Kongqun smiled again and said, "Even if you don't tell me, I will find out."

Shen Sanniang said: "Then why do you ask me?"

Ma Kongqun suddenly sighed again, and said: "Actually, until today, I still don't want to expose your secret, because I still can't bear to interrupt our current relationship."

Shen Sanniang said: "It's a pity that now you have to expose me."

Ma Kongqun said: "Because this matter can no longer be dragged on."

Shen Sanniang said: "Since it has been delayed for more than ten years, why not delay it for a few more days?"

Ma Kongqun said with a more serious expression: "I have sons and daughters, and hundreds of brothers. I can't bear to see them die before my eyes one by one."

Shen Sanniang said: "How many people died last night?"

Ma Kongqun said sadly: "There are enough dead."

Shen Sanniang said: "Who do you think is the murderer? Ye Kai? Fu Hongxue?"

Ma Kongqun's eyes showed hatred, and he said slowly: "No matter who the murderer is, I can assure you that he will not escape!"

Shen Sanniang stared at him, and said word by word: "The sky net is fully restored, it is not leaked, the murderer dies... right?"

Ma Kongqun said: "Not bad."

Shen Sanniang suddenly sneered and said, "Then what about yourself?"

The anger in Ma Kongqun's eyes suddenly turned into fear, a kind of fear that penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

He stood up suddenly, facing the window, as if he didn't want Shen Sanniang to see the expression on his face.

At this moment, a copper bell rang outside.

Ma Kongqun sighed, and murmured: "How soon, it's another day, and it's time for breakfast again."

Shen Sanniang said: "Can you still eat today?"

Ma Kongqun said: "This is a rule I made myself, at least I can't break it myself!"

He didn't look at Shen Sanniang again, and suddenly strode out.

Shen Sanniang said: "Wait a minute."

Ma Kongqun is waiting.

Shen Sanniang said: "How could you just leave like this?"

Ma Kongqun said: "Why not?"

Shen Sanniang said: "You...what are you going to do to me?"

Ma Kongqun said: "It's not very good."

Shen Sanniang said: "I don't understand what you mean."

Ma Kongqun said: "I'm not interested."

Shen Sanniang said: "Since you have exposed my secret, why didn't you kill me?"

Ma Kongqun said: "It's one thing to expose your secret, but another to kill you!"

Shen Sanniang said: "But..."

Ma Kongqun said: "I know that of course you can't stay here anymore."

Shen Sanniang said: "You let me go?"

Ma Kongqun smiled sadly, and said slowly, "Why didn't I let you go? Can I really kill you?"

Shen Sanniang looked at him with surprise in her eyes.

Until now, she found that she still couldn't understand this person, maybe she never really understood him.

She couldn't help but asked again: "Since you are ready to let me go, why do you want to expose my secret?"

Ma Kongqun smiled again, and said flatly: "Maybe it's just because I want you to know that I'm not an idiot."

Shen Sanniang bit her lip and said, "Maybe it's just because you don't want me to stay here anymore."

Ma Kongqun said: "Maybe."

He didn't say anything, and walked out without looking back.

Footsteps had come down the stairs, slow and heavy.His heart may be heavier.

"Why didn't he kill me? Did he really treat me well?"

Shen Sanniang clenched her fists, and she decided that she must never think about it anymore, thinking about it would only make it more painful.

It was this person who lied to her, played with her, but let her go when others had to kill her.

Maybe it wasn't that he was going to cheat her, but that she was going to cheat him.

No matter what he did before, he didn't feel wronged by her.

Shen Sanniang suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart.

She shouldn't have felt this way, and she never thought she would feel this way.

But people are always people.

People always have human emotions, contradictions and pains.

Cui Nong stood up, walked in front of her, and said softly: "Since he has let us go, why don't we go?"

Shen Sanniang let out a long sigh, and said, "Of course I have to go, but... maybe I shouldn't have come at all."

(End of this chapter)

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