Chapter 3 The Man Without a Knife (2)
Ye Kai said slowly: "It's just that when I invite people to drink, it's okay for anyone not to drink, and not to be drunk."

The purple-shirted boy's chest heaved, he suddenly turned his head and said, "Do you know that people ask for money to buy wine?"

Ye Kai laughed and said, "Silver? Do you think I look like someone with silver?"

The purple-shirted boy smiled and said, "You really don't look like one."

Ye Kai said leisurely: "Fortunately, you don't have to use silver to buy wine, you can also use beans."

The purple-shirted boy was startled, and said, "Douzi? What kind of bean?"

Ye Kai said: "It's this kind of bean."

Suddenly there was a sack in his hand, and with a shake of his hand, the beans in the sack slipped out, as if by magic.

What he sprinkled out were golden beans.

The purple-shirted boy stared at the golden beans rolling all over the ground. He was stunned for a long time before he raised his head and said with a forced smile, "There's only one thing I don't understand."

Ye Kai said: "I must understand what you don't understand."

The Zishan boy said: "You don't want others to invite you to drink, why invite others? What's the difference?"

Ye Kai blinked, walked up to him, and said quietly: "If a dog wants to invite you to eat shit, will you eat it?"

The purple-shirted boy changed his color and said, "Of course I won't eat it."

Ye Kai said with a smile: "I don't eat it either, but I often feed the dog."

When Fu Hongxue walked out, there were two more lights outside the door.

Two men in white stood upright in the middle of the street with lanterns in their hands.

Fu Hongxue closed the door and walked down the stone steps slowly. When he came over, he realized that there was a third person behind the two people carrying the lanterns.

The lantern swayed in the wind, but the three stood there like stone statues, motionless.

The light shone on them, their hair and the folds of their clothes were covered with yellow sand, which made people feel indescribably mysterious and terrifying in the middle of the night.

Fu Hongxue didn't look at them at all.

When he walked, his eyes always seemed to be looking into the distance.

Is it because there is someone in the distance waiting for him who is unforgettable and haunting in his dreams?
But why are his eyes so cold, even if there is emotion, it is definitely not warmth, but pain, hatred, and sorrow?
He walked slowly through the middle of the street, and the man standing behind the lantern like a stone statue suddenly came up to him and said, "Your Excellency, please stay."

Fu Hongxue stopped.

When someone tells him to stop, he stops, without asking who the person is or why.

This man's attitude was very polite, but when he bent down, his eyes were fixed on the knife in his hand, and the clothes on his body suddenly tightened, obviously his whole body was full of vigilance.

Fu Hongxue didn't move, neither did the knife in his hand, and even his eyes were still staring into the distance.

It was dark in the distance.

After a long time, the white-clothed man's expression relaxed a little, and he smiled and asked, "I'm sorry to ask you for advice, but I wonder if your Excellency just came here today?"

Fu Hongxue said, "Yes."

Although his answer was only one word, he still thought about it for a long time before saying it.

The man in white asked, "Where do you come from?"

Fu Hongxue lowered his eyes, looking at the knife in his hand.

The man in white waited for a long time before forcing a smile and said, "Are you going to leave soon?"

Fu Hongxue said, "Maybe."

The man in white said: "Maybe you won't leave?"

Fu Hongxue said, "Maybe."

The man in white said: "If you don't leave for the time being, the third boss would like to ask you to drive over there tomorrow night."

Fu Hongxue said, "Third Boss?"

The man in white smiled and said, "The one I'm talking about is of course the third boss of 'Wanmatang'."

This time he actually smiled.

In his opinion, it was really ridiculous that someone didn't even know who the third boss was.

But in Fu Hongxue's eyes, it seemed that there was nothing ridiculous in the world.

The man in white didn't seem to be able to laugh anymore, he coughed twice, and said, "Third Boss has ordered me to please Your Excellency, otherwise..."

Fu Hongxue said, "Otherwise what?"

The man in white forced a smile and said, "Otherwise, I won't be able to explain it when I go back, so I just have to stand here and not leave."

Fu Hongxue said, "Just standing here?"

The man in white said, "Yes."

Fu Hongxue: "How long will you stand?"

The man in white said: "Stand until Your Excellency agrees."

Fu Hongxue said, "Very good..."

When the man in white was waiting for him to speak, he turned around and left.

He took a step with his left foot first, and then his right leg slowly followed from the ground.

His right leg appeared to be completely stiff and numb.

The man in white's face changed, and his clothes became taut again, but until Fu Hongxue's body was submerged in the darkness, he still stood there without moving.

A gust of wind and sand rolled in his face, and he didn't even blink his eyes.

The lantern bearer couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Just let him go like this?"

The man in white closed his mouth tightly and did not speak, but a trace of blood slowly oozed from the corner of his mouth, and was blown dry by the wind in an instant.

Fu Hongxue didn't look back.

As long as he starts to go forward, he never looks back.

The wind was stronger, and a row of wooden houses in the dark alley seemed to have been shaken by the wind.

He walked past the row of wooden houses and stopped at the door of the last one.

As soon as he stopped, the door opened.

There were no voices or lights inside the door, and it was darker than outside the door.

Fu Hongxue didn't say anything, just walked in, turned around, closed the door, and bolted it.

He seemed completely used to the darkness.

Suddenly a hand reached out in the darkness and took his hand.

This is a warm, smooth, soft hand.

Fu Hongxue just stood there, letting this hand hold his - the hand that didn't hold the knife.

Then a voice sounded from the darkness, whispering in a whisper: "I have been waiting for a long time."

It was a soft, sweet, youthful voice.

It was a girl's voice.

Fu Hongxue nodded slowly, and after a long time, he slowly said: "You have indeed been waiting for a long time."

The girl asked, "When did you come?"

Fu Hongxue: "Today, at dusk."

The girl said: "You didn't come here directly?"

Fu Hongxue said, "I haven't."

The girl said, "Why don't you come directly?"

Fu Hongxue said, "I'm here now."

The girl said softly: "Yes, you have come now, as long as you can come, no matter how long I wait, it will be worth it."

How long has she been waiting?Who is she?Why wait here?

No one knows, no one else in the world knows except themselves.

Fu Hongxue said, "Have you prepared everything?"

The girl said: "Everything is ready, no matter what you want, just say it."

Fu Hongxue didn't say anything.

The girl's voice was softer, and she said, "I know what you want, I know..."

Her hands groped in the darkness, and found Fu Hongxue's button.

Her hands were light and gentle... Fu Hongxue was suddenly completely naked.

There was no wind in the room, but his skin shrank and trembled as if in the wind.

The girl's voice was like a dream, and she said softly: "You have always been a child, now, I want you to become a real man, because there are some things that only a real man can do..."

Her lips were warm and moist, kissing Fu Hongxue's chest lightly.

Her hands were exploring...Fu Hongxue fell down on the bed, but he didn't let go of the knife.

This knife seems to have become a part of his body, a part of his life.

He can never get rid of it!

Dawn shone through the tall, small windows.

The man is sleeping, the knife is in hand.

There are only two rooms in total, the one at the back is the kitchen.

The smell of rice wafted from the kitchen.

A white-haired old woman is carefully shoveling two poached eggs out of the pot with a spatula and putting them on a plate.

Her body was bent and her skin was shriveled.

Her hands had become rough and ugly from the labor of work.

The outside room is very comfortable and clean, and the bedding on the bed has just been changed.

Fu Hongxue was still sleeping deeply.

But when the old woman came out of the kitchen gently, his eyes were already opened.

There is no sleep in the eyes.

There were only the two of them in the two rooms.

What about the gentle and affectionate girl last night?Has she also disappeared with the night?
Could it be that she is the elf of the night?
Fu Hongxue watched the old woman walk out with no expression on her face, she didn't say anything, she didn't ask anything.

Why didn't he ask?
Could it be that he has regarded what happened last night as a dream?

Eggs are freshly fried, along with fresh tofu, wormwood bamboo shoots and peanuts boiled in salt water.

The old woman put the tray on the table and said with a smile: "It's five cents for the breakfast, and four and seven cents for the rent. It's ten taels of silver for a month. It's cheap in this place."

There are so many wrinkles on her face that she doesn't look any different when she smiles than when she doesn't.

Fu Hongxue put an ingot of silver on the table, and said, "I'm staying for three months, this ingot is 50 taels."

The old woman said: "The extra 20 taels..."

Fu Hongxue said, "Buy me a coffin after I die."

The old woman laughed and said, "What if you don't die?"

Fu Hongxue said, "I'll save it and buy a coffin for you."

Going out of this back alley is the long street.

The wind has stopped.

The sun shone on the street, and the yellow sand shone golden.

There were already people on the street, and the first thing Fu Hongxue saw was the man in white.

He was still standing in the same place last night, even his posture hadn't changed.

The snow-white clothes were covered with sand, and his hair was dyed yellow, but his face was pale, so pale that there was no trace of blood.

He is suffering.

There were curious eyes secretly looking at him everywhere, and this kind of eyes were even more scorching and unbearable than the scorching sun in autumn.

Patience is a kind of pain, but sometimes it is also an art.

He knows the art well.

People who understand this art usually get what they hope for.

Fu Hongxue was walking towards him, but his gaze was still fixed in the distance.

Suddenly, yellow sand rose up in the distance.

With the sound of drum-like hooves, seven fast horses connected end to end, and rushed into the long street like arrows.

The knight on the horse was excellent in riding skills. When he galloped in front of the man in white, he suddenly got up from the saddle, pulled the downwind flag obliquely, and drew his knife with his backhand. He hung on the saddle and saluted him with the knife.

This is the most respectful etiquette among knights.

From their etiquette, it can be seen that the status of the man in white is not low.

He didn't have to put up with it, but he would rather.

No matter who wronged himself so much, he must have a purpose.

What is his purpose?
The light of the knife flashed across his expressionless face, and the seven fast horses rushed to the end of the long street in an instant.

Suddenly, the last horse neighed and stood up, and the horse was near the reins. The horse turned around and rushed back like an arrow.

The man was already standing on the saddle, holding a black iron spear wrapped in white silk high in his hand.

The horse rushed over, the spear flew out of his hand, and plunged straight into the ground beside the man in white.

The white silk on the gun immediately spread out against the wind, and it turned out to be a large triangular flag.

There are five bright red characters on the flag: "Kandong Wanmatang".

The big flag fluttered in the wind, which happened to block the rising sun for the man in white.

Looking at the horse again, it has turned its head, caught up with his companion, and left in a hurry.

One person and one horse came and went in a sudden, leaving only the yellow sand and a big flag in the street.

The sun is shining on the banner!

Dozens of pairs of eyes on the street have stared straight, forgetting to applaud.

Suddenly I heard a person laughing loudly and said: "Kandong Wanmatang! What a Guandong Wanmatang!"

(End of this chapter)

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