Chapter 40
The distinctive banner of "Kandong Wanmatang" is fluttering in the wind again.

If you stand on the grassland and look at it from a distance, sometimes you even feel like a parting lover waving a silk scarf to you.

The five bloody words on it are like the blood and tears of a lover.

Could it be that these five words are intertwined with blood and tears?

Now there is a person standing quietly on the grassland, staring at the big flag.

His figure was thin and stubborn, but he carried an indescribable loneliness and loneliness.

The blue sky grows grass, he stands there, like a stubborn tree on this grassland.

Trees are also stubborn and lonely.But I don't know if the tree also has as much pain and hatred in his heart?
Ma Fangling saw him and saw the knife in his hand: a gloomy man, an ominous knife.

But when she saw him, she suddenly felt an indescribable warmth in her heart, as if she had just poured a cup of spicy bitter wine down her throat.

She shouldn't have felt this way.

When a lonely person sees another lonely person, no one can experience the feeling except himself.

She didn't think about anything anymore, so she rode her horse and rushed over.

Fu Hongxue didn't seem to notice her at all - at least he didn't look back at her.

She had jumped off the horse and stood staring at the big flag. When the wind blew, he could hear her rapid breathing.

The wind is not strong.The power of the scorching sun seemed to have suppressed the wind, but the wind was just strong enough to blow the flag up.

Ma Fangling suddenly said, "I know what you're thinking."

Fu Hongxue didn't hear it, he refused to listen.

Ma Fangling said: "You must be thinking in your heart that one day this banner will be cut down."

Fu Hongxue shut his mouth tightly and refused to speak.

But he couldn't stop Ma Fangling from continuing. She sneered and said, "But you can never cut it down! Forever!"

On the back of Fu Hongxue's hand holding the saber, veins had popped out.

Ma Fangling said: "So I advise you, it's better to leave as soon as possible, the farther you go, the better."

Fu Hongxue suddenly turned around and stared at her.There seemed to be a kind of flame-like light in his eyes, as if it was going to burn her.

Then he said word by word: "You know that what I want to chop off is not the flag, but Ma Kongqun's head!"

His voice was like a blade.

Ma Fangling involuntarily took two steps back, but said loudly: "Why do you hate him so much?"

Fu Hongxue smiled, showing his snow-white teeth, laughing like an angry beast.

No matter who sees this kind of smile, they will understand how terrible the hatred in his heart is.

Ma Fangling involuntarily took another half step back, and said loudly: "But you will never be able to defeat him. He is far stronger than you imagined, and you are no match for him!"

Her voice sounded like a cry.The more frightened a person is, the louder he speaks.

Fu Hongxue's voice was very calm, and he said slowly: "You know that I can definitely kill him. He is already old, too old, so old that he only dares to bleed."

Ma Fangling gritted her teeth desperately, but her body had softened, she didn't even have the strength to be angry, just fear.

She suddenly lowered her head and said sadly: "That's right, he's old, he's just a helpless old man, so even if you kill him, it won't do you any good."

A cruel smile also appeared in Fu Hongxue's eyes, and he said, "Are you begging me not to kill him?"

Ma Fangling said: "I...I'm begging you, I've never begged anyone like this before."

Fu Hongxue said, "You think I will agree?"

Ma Fangling said: "As long as you promise, I..."

Fu Hongxue said, "How are you?"

Ma Fangling's face suddenly turned red, and she lowered her head and said, "I'll do whatever you want. If you want me to go, I'll follow you. Wherever you want me to go, I'll go."

She finished these words in one breath, and after she finished speaking, she regretted why she said these words.Even she herself didn't know if these words were what she really wanted to say.

Could it be that she was just testing Fu Hongxue, was she still as eager to get her as yesterday!

Isn't it too stupid, too dangerous, too scary to use this method to test!

Fortunately, Fu Hongxue did not refuse, but just looked at her coldly.

She suddenly found that his eyes were not only cruel, but also had a more unbearable irony than cruelty.

He seemed to be saying: "Since you rejected me like that yesterday, why did you come to me again today?"

Ma Fangling's heart sank.This silent ridicule is more painful than rejection.

Fu Hongxue looked at her, and suddenly said, "I only have one thing to ask you - are you begging me for your father? Or for yourself?"

He didn't wait for her answer. After asking this question, he turned around and walked away. He took a step with his left leg first, and then slowly followed with his right leg.This strange and ugly walking posture seems to have become a kind of irony now.

Ma Fangling clenched her hand tightly and gritted her teeth, but she still fell down.

The sandy soil is hot, salty, hot, and bitter.So are her tears.

Just now she was just pitying herself and sympathizing with herself, but now she is hating herself, maddened with hatred, terribly hated, wishing that the earth would immediately crack and bury her!

Just now she only wanted to destroy those who betrayed her, but now she only wanted to destroy herself...

The sun was just shining in the middle of the street.

There is not even a person on the street, but there are many pairs of eyes secretly looking out, looking at a person between the window gaps and the door cracks.

Look at Lu Xiaojia.

Lu Xiaojia was taking a bath in a big six-foot-high wooden barrel, which was placed in the middle of the street.

The water was so full that he stood in the barrel with his head just above the water.

A set of brand new white shirts and trousers were neatly folded and placed on the wooden shelf next to the barrel.

His sword is also on the wooden stand, and of course there is a large bag of peanuts beside it.

He could get a sword as soon as he reached out, and a peanut as soon as he reached out his hand. Now he is picking up a peanut, crushing it, peeling it off, throwing it up, and opening his mouth.

The peanut just fell into his mouth.

He was obviously very comfortable.

The sun was very hot, and the water was steaming, but there was not even a drop of sweat on his face.

He didn't even think it was hot enough, so he knocked on the wooden barrel and said loudly: "Boil water, boil more water."

Immediately, two people came out of the narrow door with two large pots of boiling water. One was Ding Laosi, and the other was yellow and emaciated, with two mouse-like beards. He was the shopkeeper Hu of the grain store.

He looked exactly like a mouse stealing rice.

Lu Xiaojia frowned and said, "Why are there only two of you, what about Chen?"

Shopkeeper Hu apologized and said with a smile: "He will come. He probably went to find a woman now. There are not many women in this place."

As soon as he finished saying this, he immediately saw a very attractive woman.

This woman appeared with a pleasant ringtone, and her laughter was as clear as the ringtone.

The sun shone on her, and her whole body was shining with golden light, but her skin was like white jade.

She was wearing a thin light shirt, and when the wind blows, a man's heartbeat might stop.

Her wrist was soft, her fingers were long and beautiful, and she was holding a man's hand tightly.

Shopkeeper Hu's eyes were straightened, and the eyes in the window gap and the door gap were also straightened.

They could vaguely recognize her as the girl in red who "liked" Lu Xiaojia very much.

No one thought that she would hold Ye Kai's hand and suddenly appear here again.

Even if everyone knows that a woman's heart changes quickly, no one would expect her to change so quickly.

Ding Linglin didn't care what other people were thinking.

There was no one else in her eyes at all, she just looked at Ye Kai, and suddenly smiled: "Today is obviously the weather for killing people, why is someone killing pigs here?"

Ye Kai said: "Kill the pig?"

Ding Linglin said: "If it's not for killing pigs, why do you need such hot water?"

Ye laughed and said, "I heard that hot water is also used for giving birth."

Ding Linglin blinked and said, "It's strange, why did this child grow up so big when he was born?"

Ye Kai said: "Could it be a freak?"

Ding Linglin nodded solemnly, suppressed a smile and said, "It must be a freak."

Someone behind the door couldn't help laughing.

The laughter suddenly turned into an exclamation, and a peanut shell suddenly flew in through the crack of the door, knocking out two of his big teeth.

Lu Xiaojia's face was livid, as if she was sitting in ice water, staring at Ding Linglin, and said coldly, "So it's the terrible girl Ding."

Ding Linglin's eyes moved, and she said sweetly: "The word "death" is so ugly, why don't you call me a nicer name?"

Lu Xiaojia said: "I should have thought it was yours. There are not many people who dare to take my name."

Ding Linglin said: "Actually, your name doesn't sound too nice. I always wonder why someone calls you Sika Deer?"

Lu Xiaojia said calmly: "Maybe it's just because they all know that the sika deer's horns are also very sharp, and anyone who touches it will die."

Ding Linglin said: "Then you should be called Big Buffalo, wouldn't the horns be more powerful?"

Lu Xiaojia's face darkened.Now he finally realized that bickering with women is unwise, so he suddenly changed his words: "How is your elder brother?"

Ding Linglin smiled and said: "He has always been very good, what's more, he won a good sword recently. He won it in a sword competition with a flying whale swordsman from the South China Sea. You know that his favorite thing is a good sword."

Lu Xiaojia asked again: "Where's your second brother?"

Ding Linglin said: "Of course he is also very good. Recently he beat Hebei's 'Hufengtang' to pieces and cut off the heads of the three tigers. You know that his favorite thing is to kill robbers."

Lu Xiaojia said, "Where's your third brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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