Enjoy life from Douluo

Chapter 131 Hu Liena in Lingtian City

Chapter 131 Hu Liena in Lingtian City

In the Great Plains, the fully automatic irrigation machines are refreshing, and the iron machines that can be seen everywhere on the plain are busy running around there.

The huge white windmill kept turning there.

On the cement road, you can often see strange iron cars passing by the carriage.

All of these constantly washed away her worldview, making her feel incredible.

Hu Liena slightly poked her head out from the small window of the carriage, annotating the front. At the end of her sight, above the gate of that majestic city, the three large gold characters of "Lingtian City" were shining brightly.

Hu Liena also learned about this Lingtian City from the driver. Most people call it the City of Science and Technology.

The carriage was still driving forward at full speed. Before reaching the gate of Lingtian City, the speed of the carriage began to slow down, and finally stopped a hundred meters away from the gate.

"Miss, we have arrived in Lingtian City. Horse carriages are not allowed in the city, so we can only send it to you." The coachman said.

Hu Liena slowly got out of the carriage, looked at the driver and asked, "Why don't you let the carriage in?"

"This is a regulation in the city. The traffic roads inside do not support carriages." The coachman explained.

Although the coachman explained, she, Hu Liena, still didn't understand what was going on.

In desperation, she could only pay the coachman the fare, and walked slowly towards the city gate.

There were not many soldiers in front of the gate of Lingtian City, only two soldiers, and the soldiers did not question the people entering and leaving the gate, allowing people to enter and exit freely, but stood solemnly on both sides of the gate, as if they were not worried at all. People with bad intentions sneak into the city.

Hu Liena followed the crowd and quickly entered Lingtian City. As soon as she entered the city, she froze in place, looking at the wide concrete road in the distance, with many iron-skinned strange cars driving back and forth in an endless stream.

There are two slightly narrow concrete roads on both sides of the road, and there are many people riding weird little iron cars on the small road.

Seeing this, Hu Liena also immediately understood what the coachman said before. The Lingtian City has replaced the horse-drawn carriage with this strange iron-skinned cart. Obviously, this strict iron-skinned strange cart is more suitable for driving on this road.

At this moment, a young man walked over from the side, looked at Hu Liena and asked, "My lord, do you need a guide?"

Hu Liena looked at it, and saw that there were many young people standing in the direction that the young man came from, and there were many iron wagons parked beside those people.

"Tour guide? What is a tour guide?" Hu Liena looked at the young man and asked.

"Sure enough, I'm not mistaken, my lord, it must be the first time you've come to Lingtian City." The young man smiled.

Hu Liena nodded and said, "It's indeed the first time here."

The young man went on to say: "A tour guide is a person who guides tourists and visits. Since the completion of our Lingtian City, many people from other cities have come to our Lingtian City to visit and play every day.

But our Lingtian City is very big, and there are many places to visit. Without the guidance of our locals, I am afraid that you who come from outside the city will find it difficult to find the places you want to go. "

"Guiding tour guides, I understand..." Hu Liena smiled. Originally, she wanted to go directly to the City Lord's Mansion, but now she changed her mind and wanted to learn more about Lingtian City through the young man in front of her.

"You shouldn't be a tour guide for free, right? How much do you need to be paid?" Hu Liena asked.

The young man replied indifferently: "The charging standard is not uniform, but depends on your itinerary. The approximate daily fee is about ten gold soul coins."

Hu Liena was stunned, and said in surprise, "What? Ten gold soul coins per day?"

Seeing Hu Liena's appearance, the young man nodded slightly, and said, "Yes..."

"Why is it so expensive?" Hu Liena asked with an incredulous expression.

The young man smiled and pointed to the strange iron car in the distance and said, "My lord, there is a reason for the high charges. I will use the car to show you around the whole journey."

Hu Liena looked in the direction of the young man's finger, saw a strange iron car parked in the distance, and said, "Is that called a car?"

The young man nodded and said, "Yes, my lord, it's called a car."

Hu Liena thought about it, and it would be nice to visit by car, but the price is still a bit expensive, so she said, "Even so, the price is still very expensive."

It took so many days for the carriage to go from Wuhun Temple to Lingtian City before, and it only collected three gold soul coins. This strange iron car called a car actually charges about 10 gold soul coins every day.

The young man smiled, and said helplessly, "I can't help it. I didn't set the price. All the prices are uniform, and the exact amount is charged according to the meter on the car..."

Hu Liena heard this, she was a little confused, so she had no impression of the meter at all, but judging from the young man's expression, it seemed that it was indeed not his problem. Ten gold soul coins were not much to her, so she could just throw them away by herself It's gone, but she still wants to try this strange iron car.

Hu Liena took out ten gold soul coins, handed them to the young man and said, "Okay, I'll give you the money."

The young man took the money with a smile, bowed slightly, spread his palms in one direction, and said to Hu Liena, "Thank you, sir. My name is Xie Kai. Thank you, Xie. Let's start, sir, please."

Hu Liena followed Xie Kai towards the car on the side of the road, and said as she walked, "Xie Kai, your business must be very profitable."

Xie Kai smiled slightly and said: "Not bad, you know, I am from Golden Soul Village, of course, there is no Golden Soul Village anymore.

Now our Holy Soul Village has been merged into Lingtian City, and do you know who built this technological city?He was Yuntian who was also born in our Golden Soul Village, not only did he build this technological city, but he also established the Lingtian Sect, establishing..."

Before Xie Kai could finish speaking, Hu Liena suddenly interrupted him, "Wait, you mean there is a Lingtian Sect here?"

Xie Kai nodded and said: "Yes, this Lingtian City is a subsidiary city of Lingtian Sect. When this city of science and technology was established, the suzerain took special care of our Golden Soul Village and recruited us. People from Soul Village go to work.

Let us in Golden Soul Village have some property. After the establishment of Lingtian City, we specially allowed us to buy real estate in Lingtian City at a very low price. Otherwise, we people in Golden Soul Village would not be able to live in such a good environment.

And for those of us with the original name of the Golden Soul Village, the suzerain also provides free education for our children, and the children who awaken their soul power can also become outer disciples of the Lingtian Sect. In addition, tour guides like me, because I People from Golden Soul Village, as long as I get the business first, they won't dare to compete with me. "

 Today's fifth change, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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