Enjoy life from Douluo

Chapter 189 Hu Liena who has never practiced exercises

Chapter 189 Hu Liena who has never practiced exercises
"I've seen my lady..."

Hu Liena couldn't help being taken aback when she saw this, and asked curiously: "What lady, and who are you?"

"I'm Nanny Rong, and the one next to me is Nanny Li!" said the middle-aged woman on the right.

As for the meaning of the empress, Nanny Rong didn't explain it, and she couldn't explain it, as long as she did her own job well.

Traveling through the world is so amazing, she still can't believe it.

Seeing that the two didn't answer her question, Hu Liena was a little annoyed, she pursed her lips, and said, "Where's Yuntian? Where's your suzerain? I want to see your suzerain..."

Mother Rong thought for a while and replied: "The suzerain is busy now, so he ordered the two of us to come and teach you!"

Nanny Rong simply changed her address, fearing that the other party would ask her a question that she couldn't answer again.

Hu Liena was bored, and said, "Teach me? What can I teach you!"

Nanny Rong smiled slightly, "Papa..." clapped her hands, and saw two female disciples at the door carrying a huge box and slowly placing it on the ground. After going back and forth several times, there were five big boxes in total. appeared in the chamber.

Hu Liena was a little curious, and stepped forward to open a box, and the novelty things that had never been seen in the box appeared in front of her eyes.

Hu Liena picked up a long novelty, and couldn't help thinking in her heart: This Lingtian Sect is really magical, full of strange things, why does this thing look so strange?

Hu Liena turned her head to look at the two nuns, and asked, "What is this? Why does it look so strange!"

Nanny Rong smiled slightly and said, "This is for food!"

"Eat!" Hu Liena was stunned for a moment. She ate a lot of delicacies that she had never eaten before, and she had never seen such food.

Curious, she subconsciously put it into her mouth. It was thick and filled her beautiful mouth in one bite.

Hu Liena bit it lightly, but she didn't bite the thing in her mouth. She felt a little strange in her heart, and asked, "What the hell is this? Why can't I bite it!"

The two mothers smiled and said, "This is not for the upper ones, but for the lower ones!"

Hu Liena's face was full of doubts, what the hell, what's up and down, why can't I understand it?

Suddenly, she seemed to understand what it was, and Hu Liena's face was instantly flushed, and the red face was very cute.

"You want to teach me this? How is this possible?" Hu Liena asked in surprise.

Nanny Rong nodded and said, "This is arranged by the suzerain!"

Hu Liena was even more shocked, Yuntian arranged?
What does Yuntian want to do?

Why should someone teach me this?

Do you want me to be Mrs. Yazhai?

Could it be that he also took a fancy to my beauty?
Although he is handsome, he is a good match.

But Lingtianzong and Wuhundian are hostile.

How can he do this?

Is there some conspiracy?

Or does he really like me?

My heart is so messed up?

What should I do?

Why is my heart beating so fast?

Teacher, teach me!
Just when Hu Liena was thinking wildly, Nanny Rong hit her acupuncture point, and Hu Liena couldn't move for a moment.

"Why can't I move? What's going on? What did you do to me?"

Hu Liena was terrified, she had never been in such a predicament when she grew up, and she was at a loss for a while.

Rong Momo smiled and said: "I just tapped your acupuncture points, you can't move for the next three hours.

The suzerain said, if you don't want to learn, you can use coercive means to make you learn, offending your empress! "

After Mammy Rong finished speaking, she and Nanny Li beside her helped Hu Liena onto the bed, then turned around and walked towards several large boxes.

Hu Liena said loudly: "Who said I don't want to learn anymore, I will learn, and I can't succeed in learning?"

Hu Liena was about to cry, but her cry did not get any response from the two nuns.

The two nuns took out two strangely shaped glove-like items from the big box and put them on their hands.

The voice of "嗞..." kept ringing, the voice was very soft.

Although Hu Liena lost her soul power, her perception was still very strong, and she could hear the sound from the glove clearly.

Seeing the two people walking towards her, she shed tears and said, "What are you doing, help!"

In the territory of the Lingtian Sect, is it useful for the saintess of the Wuhun Temple to call for help?
The answer is obvious.

Not only did it not work, but it also ushered in the formal teaching of two nuns.

"Ah...how can this be...I don't want to..."

At this time, Hu Liena hadn't learned any exercises, so she didn't know a reason.

"He is strong and he is strong, and the breeze is blowing on the hills; he is tyrannical, and the moon is shining on the river;"


The atmosphere in the Pope's Hall of Wuhun Hall was very tense, Bibi Dong looked expressionlessly at the ghost covered in blood below.

Originally, she just wanted to test the strength of Lingtianzong, but she didn't expect to be empowered by the other party.

The Elephant Armor Sect was also one of the next four sects, not only had thousands of soul masters, but also Hu Yanzhen, a soul douluo close to the title Douluo, was wiped out by the Lingtian Sect just like that.

The key point is that the Elephant Armor Sect is working for the Wuhun Palace, isn't this slapping Bibi Dong in the face nakedly?

Gui Mei is also a Title Douluo after all, but he just came back in such a disheveled state.

She is now even more certain that Ju Yueguan may have died under the other party's hands.

The strength of Lingtianzong exceeded her imagination, it can destroy thousands of soul master teams in ten seconds, how terrifying is this mysterious weapon.

But Hu Liena, whom she regarded as her own, was kidnapped by the other party, and even threatened her to pay one billion gold soul coins.

One billion gold soul coins is such an exaggerated figure, it will take at least ten years for the Spirit Hall to save such an astronomical amount of money.

All of this, as if listening to the Arabian Nights, was slowly spoken from the mouth of a ghost.

After Bibi Dong heard this, she felt a little depressed. Since she became Pope, it was the first time that someone made her suffer so much.

And the other party's approach made her fall into a dilemma.

Let's fight, without knowing the opponent's true strength, it is not a knowing move.

If she didn't slap her, she really couldn't swallow this breath. Being slapped naked in the face by the other party was the kind of slap in the face, how could it make her swallow her breath.

And the other party still has her favorite apprentice Hu Liena in his hands. Once the Lingtianzong is attacked, the other party will definitely use Hu Liena to blackmail her. What will she do then?
She couldn't afford such a huge sum of one billion gold soul coins at all. Regardless of the hundreds of millions of gold soul coins that the Wuhun Hall can get every year, half of them are given to the group of old things in the Elder Hall. Most of the half was spent on the people below, otherwise why would the other party follow her?
(End of this chapter)

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