Chapter 284
And on the wooden table, there are many bottles and cans. Beside the pretty face of the little doctor, there is still some black powder left on a piece of oil paper, and there is also some black powder left on the corner of the little doctor's mouth. .

"This is... poison?"

Could it be that the departure time of Little Doctor Immortal's Enandu body has been advanced?

Yun Tian probably had a guess in his mind, and couldn't help being surprised.

Immediately, he pushed open the door, walked quickly to the little fairy doctor's side, and stretched out his hand to touch the little fairy doctor's breath.

Fortunately, his breathing was normal, but he was just unconscious.

Yun Tian thought for a while, and began to recall the memories about the Ernandu body.

From the original novel of fighting qi, the little doctor got the inheritance about the Enandu body, so he got rid of the sequelae of the Enandu body.

But Yuntian knew that it was obviously unrealistic now.

From Yuntian's point of view, there are actually many ways to get rid of the aftereffects of the Ernandu body.

Little Immortal Doctor is like Dugu Bo on the Douluo Continent. To put it simply, he poisoned himself with toxins.

With the evolution of Wuhun, Dugu Bo completely solved the problem of toxins in his body.

The martial soul can also be useful to the little doctor, but the problem is that Yuntian has lost contact with the spirit world, and he can't get the awakening stone to help the little doctor awaken the martial soul.

The second is the soul bone, forcing the excess toxin into the soul bone can also solve the sequelae of the little fairy doctor, but it is also impossible to do it now.

The fastest and most effective way right now is to inhale the toxins in the little doctor's body into his own body. Yuntian has already been invulnerable to all poisons, which is why he can boldly and safely eat the food prepared by the little doctor.

As for the poison of the little fairy doctor, in Yuntian's opinion, it might be a treasure, of course, it is not sure yet, everything will be known after trying.

Thinking of this, Yuntian had a thought, and summoned the Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams Formation Figure Martial Soul, and the black and white dragons broke out and got into Yuntian's body. Also turned into black and white.

Yun Tian gently lifted up the little fairy doctor's clothes, and the willow waist instantly appeared in front of Yun Tian's eyes, but there was a thin seven-color hidden line on her fair belly.

"Sure enough!"

For this colorful line, it is described in the original work of Yuntian Skills that the colorful line will grow with the concentration of toxicity contained in the body, and when the colorful line spreads to the heart, it is the strongest moment of the Enan poisonous body. At the same time, The owner will also suffer from all kinds of poisons.

Yuntian's right hand was immediately placed on the lower abdomen of the little fairy doctor. The little fairy doctor has a good figure, especially the willow waist, which is slender and soft, but at this moment Yuntian doesn't care about anything else, and his mind is all on her poison.

I saw two dragons, one black and one white, break out of the body in an instant, and got into the body of the little doctor, and then the black and white dragons kept wandering in the body of the little doctor, and after a while, they got back into Yuntian's body.

Although Yuntian was already invulnerable to all poisons, so much poison entered his body, it still made him tremble.

But soon after being devoured by the two very white dragons, the toxins in Yuntian's body became less and less, and the soul power in his body was gradually enriched.

"My idea is right!" Sensing the situation in his body, Yun Tian was very excited.

The little fairy doctor in front of me is just a mobile power bank. As for Xiao Xun'er's power bank, it has long been broken. Ever since Xiao Xun'er soaked in the medicine liquid of Yin Yang Foundation Establishment Pill, Yun Tian couldn't charge it from her body. up.

Unexpectedly, there was a new power bank. How could Yun Tian not be excited by this discovery?
However, although Yun Tian's soul power has increased, it has not increased significantly. It is obvious that the quality of the toxin in the little fairy doctor's body is still a bit poor.

However, it only takes a few years for Xiao Yixian, and Yuntian has the confidence to turn this power bank into a fast charge at that time.

The toxins in the body were quickly digested, and the black and white double dragon penetrated into the little fairy doctor's body again, and then returned to Yuntian's body to devour it.

After a few back and forth, the colorful lines on the little fairy doctor's body have returned to normal levels.

Just when Yun Tian was about to take back his arm, the little fairy doctor suddenly opened his eyes and faintly woke up.

She felt something strange in her body, there was obviously a warm foreign object in her lower abdomen, her heart skipped a beat, and a blush appeared on her face instantly.

Seeing this, Yun Tian immediately withdrew his arm, but the little doctor had no time to put down his clothes, and the snow-white willow waist was still exposed to the air.

"Brother Yun, you..." The little fairy doctor immediately woke up, sat up quickly, and put down his clothes.

At this time, the atmosphere in the room was extremely awkward, Yun Tian thought for a while, and said: "I was going to say goodbye to you, but when I knocked on the door, no one answered. I thought something happened to you, so I came in."

Hearing Yuntian's words, the little fairy doctor recalled thoughtfully, and Yuntian's words sounded again.

"Little fairy doctor, I ask you a question, you must answer me truthfully, did you take poison just now?" Yun Tian asked.

The little fairy doctor was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes!"

She paused, showing a bitter smile, and then said: "I don't know what's going on. I have had an inexplicable desire for poison since I was a child. Although I know that poison cannot be eaten, I don't know why. I just want to eat poison." To eat them, when I was tricked by Su Mo and the others to the Moshan Mountains, I escaped by relying on the poisonous powder I refined. Now that the poisonous powder is used up, I plan to refine some more, but there is nothing like I couldn't hold back and ate them."

Yun Tian smiled slightly, and said: "Then after taking the poison, you are prone to coma, but every time you wake up, there is nothing the same, and even your fighting spirit will improve a lot?"

The little fairy doctor was startled, nodded, and said, "Yes, that's it, Brother Yun, is there something wrong with my body?"

Yuntian knew that the little fairy doctor didn't know what happened to his body at this time, he said: "You have a very special physique, it is an Enandu body."

"Enandu body?" Hearing these words, the little fairy doctor couldn't help but feel a little heartbroken, because this name doesn't sound like a good name at all.

Yun Tian said with a smile: "The Ernan poison body is an extremely special physique, also known as the natural poison body. The special feature of this physique is that you will not be poisoned by any poison you take, but it will increase the fighting spirit and reduce the fighting spirit. It has been transformed into a special kind of Poison Dou Qi, every move and every move is highly poisonous, and as long as you keep taking the poison, you can continuously improve your cultivation, it can be called a special physique unparalleled in the world..."

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(End of this chapter)

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