Enjoy life from Douluo

Chapter 325 Inventory of the harvest

Chapter 325 Inventory of the harvest
And there are more women in Yuntian, so there is no need to waste the light of the flesh, which will also allow the girls to upgrade the Nine-Turn Golden Body Art to Dzogchen as soon as possible.

The spiritual light group is a good thing, but at present, Yuntian's spiritual power is also strong enough. Instead of this, it is better to let the girls improve first, so that he can save some time.

Now that there are so many trial towers every day, it will take a long time to refine the daily light clusters.

Yun Tian did not take out the spiritual and physical light clusters in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, but took out gold, blue, green, and red light clusters of four different colors.

At first glance, the appearance of these four groups of light is no different from the regular light group with a single attribute, but when you look closely, the shape between them is a little strange, the shape of the regular light group is circular.

And the shape of these four light clusters is indeed oval, very much like an egg emitting light.

Yun Tian closed his eyes and sensed what the four balls of light were.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and an incredible expression appeared on his face.

He never expected that the boss on the third floor of the trial tower would drop such a powerful thing.

These four light clusters of different colors are the four beasts, that's right, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu.

By refining these four groups of light, you can obtain these four great beasts.

Not only that, but the four great beasts can also be promoted continuously. Like the previous blessings, the voice of silence, the void of shadows, and the gap in space, he exists in the form of skills, and the initial level has reached the platinum level.

This happiness came too suddenly, not to mention the four great beasts, just take out one, it will definitely make Yuntian pretend for a year.

Just imagine what it feels like to stand on the head of a green dragon and soar in the sky.

Stepping on the dragon's head and grabbing the dragon's horns, Yun Tian became more and more excited as he thought about it.

Yun Tian calmed down his excitement, and was not in a hurry to refine the light ball of the four divine beasts, but continued to check the treasures dropped by the four divine beasts in his mind.

Yuntian took out four more light clusters of different colors that looked like jade plaques, perhaps because the shock of the four divine beasts before was too great, so Yuntian didn't expect much from things like jade plaques.

It's just that when Yun Tian opened his eyes again, he was no less shocked than before.

These four pieces of jade tablets respectively represent the skills of the four different attributes of the four divine beasts.

Qinglong's Heavenly Thunder God Jue, Baihu's Killing Jue, Suzaku's Immortal Phoenix Sutra, and Xuanwu's Dark Water God Poison Sutra.

These four exercises are all exercises that can transform any energy into soul power. When he entered the lower plane, Yuntian was able to modify the running path of some exercises for his subordinates to use.

However, after arriving in the Dou Qi Continent, Yuntian did not turn those exercises into ones that could transform Dou Qi. The main reason was that the energy of Dou Qi was too domineering. of.

It is also because of this that the development of Yuntian's power in the Douqi Continent is destined to be inferior to that of the Douluo Continent. But I can't do it, the most important thing is the lack of good exercises.

And these four divine beast skills are immortal-level skills that surpass heaven-level skills. Yuntian's Dragon and Phoenix Yin-Yang Art belongs to god-level skills, and these four skills are immortal-level peak skills below god-level skills. Law.

This is enough to instantly kill all the martial arts on the Douqi Continent, not only that, but these four martial arts, and the supporting tactics, are equivalent to the fighting skills on the Douqi Continent.

For this, Yun Tian was not surprised, after all, it was the peak of the immortal level, and some supporting tactics could not be more normal.

But the fly in the ointment is that these four jade cards also have a disadvantage, that is, they will collapse after use, that is to say, they cannot be spread infinitely through this jade card, and the same cannot be done artificially, because the person who absorbs the jade card , There will be restrictions left in the depths of the soul, the exercises can only be used by oneself, and cannot be passed on to others in any way.

However, this is not difficult for Yuntian. Now Yuntian, under normal circumstances, can get 68 jade tokens a day. Immortal-level peak skills are not Chinese cabbage.

Only those who have contributed to their beliefs have the opportunity to obtain it. Not only that, but also the other party has good talents, which cannot be cultivated by all kinds of people.

Just like Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong, Yuntian will definitely teach them the exercises, of course, there are many such people.

But for this jade card, Yuntian can get [-] to [-] yuan a year, compared with this amount, these people are more than enough.

Finally, there is another problem that has been bothering Yuntian before, that is, people like Dugu Bo who have been promoted to Limit Douluo by relying on pills, his potential is destined not to be very strong, but now with these skills, they can completely increase their potential Potential, the possibility of conquering the Ten Thousand Realms is not high, but it is still very easy to conquer the Qi Continent.

Conquering the third floor of the trial tower can be said to be a huge reward, Yun Tian restrained his excitement and continued to study the rest of the dropped objects.

Yuntian thought for sure, and four groups of energy light engraved with strange shapes appeared in Yuntian's hands.

The next moment, a shocked and excited look appeared on Yun Tian's face again.

The four balls of energy light engraved with strange shapes are the soul bones of the four divine beasts. The reason why the four divine beasts are called divine beasts is that their combat power can be imagined. It would cause them to kill each other, and every time Yun Tian made a move, he had to wait until they were seriously injured.

But to deal with the four divine beasts in their heyday, Yuntian was not sure at all, and his escape was thanks to the setting of the trial tower. Judging from Yuntian's current combat power, he was expected to be instantly killed by the four divine beasts.

It is conceivable how precious the soul bones of these four divine beasts are. With these four energy light clusters, Yuntian studied each soul bone, "The right arm bone of the Qinglong, the right leg bone of the white tiger, and the skull of Xuanwu. ……this is!"

"Suzaku's external spirit bone!" Yun Tian tried his best to restrain his voice, but even so, this shocking discovery made him unable to help but exclaim.

He really didn't expect that dropping the soul bone was enough, but the key was to drop the external soul bone. Looking at the red light ball with wings engraved in his hand, Yun Tian showed a bright smile.

This Suzaku's external suit soul bone is Suzaku's wings, which not only has the ultimate flying ability, but also has the ultimate fire control ability.

Once this soul bone is refined, Yun Tian's flying speed can reach the top level even on the Dou Qi Continent.

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(End of this chapter)

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