Chapter 117 The Birth of a Sprite
After so many years, Ziyuan has long since become numb to the helpless fate of the witches in the kingdom of ghosts. She thought it was like this, but in fact, if it was possible, no one would be willing to accept such a fate!
And Li Hao's appearance was like throwing a stone into her calm heart lake that had already turned into stagnant water, causing ripples in that pool of stagnant water again, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

"Then what is your choice?" Li Hao asked her, "Will you join me and break your helpless fate, or do nothing and accept your fate obediently? Or do you want to stop me instead?"

Zi Yuan looked at Li Hao and said in confusion, "I don't know."

At this time, Ziyuan really looked like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, no longer trying to hide it, letting the bewilderment in her heart show on her face.

Li Hao said: "Is that so? Then you should think about it carefully. I will start to act in three days. Presumably, your heart will tell you the answer when the time comes.

Whether to fight hard and punch the so-called fate in the face, or to make the safest plan to prevent me from dealing with the sprite depends on whether you dare to challenge fate, and whether you are willing to believe Me, pin your hopes on me. "

After speaking, Li Hao took his leave and left. He had already done all the preparations that needed to be done, and the rest was up to Zi Yuan's decision. If she could choose to help him, that would be great.

If Ziyuan chooses to stop Li Hao, he can only use a backup plan. He has spent so much time planning and preparing, no matter what, he will never give up. He must get the sprite!

Leaving the shrine, Li Hao looked up at the eagle soaring in the sky, and whispered to himself: "Oshemaru and the others should start to act."

On the border of the country of ghosts, in a mountain forest that intersects with the neighboring country of marshland, in a heavily guarded cave, two people, Sasuke and Dou, are walking into the cave.
This cave is where the monster's seal is located. The purpose of Sasuke and Dou appearing here is naturally not just to come here for an outing.

Step on.
In the empty cave passage, apart from the slight sound of the wind, there was only the sound of the footsteps of two people walking. After a while, the two came to the deepest part of the cave, where the monster seal was located.

"It's here." Dou frowned, staring at the huge and deep darkness under the seal, "Is that the 'monster'? Just vaguely feeling a trace of its breath, it feels ominous and Disgusting."

Sasuke on the side was expressionless, and the virtue of bifacial paralysis had been initially developed, "Since we have arrived, let's do it quickly, and there is no need to talk about irrelevant nonsense."

From the very beginning, Li Hao was not prepared to passively wait for Ziyuan's decision. Since Ziyuan couldn't make up his mind, let him give her a push and drive the ducks to the shelves. Anyway, he will help Ziyuan and the Kingdom of Ghosts in the end. To solve the trouble of sprites, it doesn't matter if you use some means, at least the result is good, isn't it?

Two hours later, the Oni Nation came to change shifts, and the guards of the Oni Nation who handed over the task of guarding the sprites saw the huge Chakra beam rising suddenly into the sky, the red and black The unknown chakra shot straight into the sky, and the whole world seemed to be plunged into darkness in an instant, but in an instant, the entire mountain forest was razed to the ground by the huge chakra explosion, and a monster was born!
"Then what is that!?"

"Master Ziyuan! It's not good! The sprites have broken out!" Ashho lost his composure and ran all the way in the shrine, even ignoring the fact that Shion had already fallen asleep, and broke into her room directly to inform her of the shocking news great change.

"I already know." Ziyuan got up at some time, knelt quietly in the room, and said to Ashio indifferently, "From the moment the demon's seal was broken, I have already felt it."

"Master Ziyuan."

Ziyuan stood up indifferently, and said, "Let's go, escort me to the seal."

"No." She seemed to think of something suddenly, and after shaking her head, she said, "It's better to send me to see that Priest Hao first."

It was already late at night. In the darkness, Li Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and he already felt Ziyuan's arrival.

When Ziyuan and Ashui arrived, Li Hao was already fully dressed and went outside to welcome Ziyuan and the others.

When Ziyuan walked in, Li Hao asked: "Ziyuan, you came to visit late at night, what's the matter? Could it be that you already have the answer?"

"The sprites have broken the seal." Ziyuan looked at Li Hao expressionlessly, "And I have the answer. Let's go, meet the sprites, and accomplish your goal."

"Wait! Master Ziyuan!" Suho suddenly said, and turned his head to look at Li Hao firmly, "You bastard, what is your purpose? What did you say to Master Ziyuan before?! Is the birth related to you?!"

Although Ashiho couldn't understand the conversation between Ziyuan and Li Hao, he was keenly aware that the matter was definitely related to sprites!
Moreover, as soon as this Haocai appeared in the kingdom of ghosts, after visiting the Miko, the sprites were released. It is hard not to doubt this guy due to the coincidences and changes.

"My purpose?" Li Hao smiled, "It's okay to tell you now, the purpose of my coming to the Kingdom of Ghosts is to destroy the monsters, and this is what I talked about with Miko Ziyuan."

Ashho turned pale in shock, and shouted: "What?! Destroy sprites?! Could it be that sprites were released by you for such a whimsical thing?!"

"Okay." Ziyuan said, stopping Ashio from continuing, she looked Li Hao in the eyes lightly and said, "Whoever released the sprites is not important now, we have to do it now." The goal is to stop sprites from endangering the world.

So, nothing is important now and I choose to believe in you, and I will go with you to face the monsters, anyway, at most, I will die, right? "

Things have become like this, Ziyuan has no other choice, anyway, the monster has already been born, if Li Hao can't destroy it, then he can only seal the monster again at the cost of her life .

Li Hao smiled and said approvingly, "A wise choice."

Originally, he had prepared a lot of excuses in advance, and was going to put the scapegoat for letting the monsters out on the heads of those guys in Huangquan, but now there is no need for this, because Ziyuan doesn't care who the monsters are. She was released because she followed Li Hao's proposal and faced her fate as a witch.

"Let's go, the longer the sprite returns to the present world, the more its power will recover." After Ziyuan greeted lightly, she turned and walked out. Seeing this, Ashui had no choice but to follow quickly and turned around. Shi Shi cast a vicious glance at Li Hao.

"Hehe." Li Hao rubbed his nose with a bit of a smile, and also set off to follow.

(End of this chapter)

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