Chapter 119
Although they didn't know what Li Hao was going to do, everyone still vaguely sensed the meaning, and they all stood still, waiting to see Li Hao's so-called 'fireworks blooming'.

"The sprites have already found him, and the two have joined hands." Sasuke opened Sharingan, and silently watched Li Hao's actions. From such a long distance, only his Sharingan could barely notice Li Hao's movement. It's kind of gone.

Everyone looked into the distance, and a purple thunder suddenly streaked across the night sky, like a huge lightning knife. Lei Mang, and in the next second, several tentacles of the monster suddenly broke, were cut off directly, and fell from the air.

Dou asked, "Does Hao want to weigh the weight and strength of that sprite first?"

"Hmph, what you think is too simple." Orochimaru smiled softly, and said lightly, "Just wait and see, what he will do next is his real purpose. That sprite , I guess it’s going to be bad luck.”

Orochimaru's understanding of Li Hao is definitely far beyond Dou's understanding of Li Hao. The things and secrets that Li Hao knows are amazing. Sometimes Orochimaru even thinks that in this world, there are still How many things Li Hao doesn't know?

And this sprite was obviously not among them. Li Hao knew its details very well from the very beginning, so did he need to go to the extra effort to test that guy's strength and details?
Therefore, Orochimaru is very sure that Li Hao's action must have other meanings. Orochimaru doesn't know what purpose he is aiming at, but he can know that the sprites will definitely suffer!

Sure enough, soon, Li Hao's warning sound came from the communication equipment in their hands, "High-energy response ahead! Attention! This is not a drill! Everyone should take countermeasures immediately! The nuclear warhead will detonate in 30 seconds, now Start the countdown, thirty, 29"

Li Hao made initial contact with the sprite, and after cutting off a few of its tentacles, he landed directly on top of the sealed cave, took out the miniature nuclear warhead and launched it into the cave, then turned around and headed towards the cave. Running all the way to the rear.

"What strange things is that guy talking about?" Sasuke asked everyone in confusion.

"Nuclear warhead?!" Orochimaru's pupils froze. Others didn't know what it was, but he knew it very well. He had seen the scene of destruction of heaven and earth with his own eyes in the 'movie'.

"Of course that's why I asked you to wait and see." Orochimaru smiled playfully, "Fireworks? It's really an incredible firework? Keep your eyes open and watch carefully, that's the great art of technology! "

[Dilada: Art is an explosion! 】

At that moment, everyone sensed that destructive force. Although no one among them except Orochimaru knew what it was, their instincts still drove them to turn their heads and look into the distance. The strong crisis in their hearts Feelings and palpitations also frantically called the police in their subconscious, get out of here quickly!

Individuals with powerful strength and life are naturally extremely sensitive to the perception of danger. The stronger the strength, the more acute this kind of "danger warning" ability.

Although sprites may not be called normal life, its power is unquestionable. In other words, its ability to sense danger is also extremely powerful. Even Orochimaru and Shion who are several miles away They can all feel a strong sense of crisis, so how could the sprites who are so close at hand not notice it at all?

Subconsciously, the monster launched an attack on the energy source that was exuding a huge sense of crisis
Under the stimulation of external force, the tiny nuclear warhead, which was originally in an extremely unstable state, immediately erupted a nuclear fusion reaction, and the split nuclear fusion hidden in this nuclear warhead exploded and released in an instant, and it was too late to wait for the timing When it returns to zero, it explodes ahead of time!

Blazing flames and strong light radiated from the shattered projectile. At that moment, the sense of crisis in the sprite's heart reached its peak. It roared and stretched out its tentacles, wrapping the nuclear bomb layer by layer. Want to block and crush it!
But it was useless. Although this miniature nuclear bomb did not complete the complete fission nuclear fusion and raised its power to the peak, it was still unstoppable!
The sunlight-like light beam pierced its body and tentacles almost instantly, and the sprite's small body was immediately shattered and carbonized into dust. The light of the nuclear explosion suddenly expanded to the limit and filled the entire body. Caves, indiscriminate incineration destroying everything!
However, this is just a simple nuclear explosion, and because the equivalent is insufficient and the nuclear fusion reaction has not reached its peak, it is at best equivalent to a tailed beast cannon. Although the power is terrifying, it is still necessary to seriously injure or even kill the monster Impossible, what is truly terrifying is the aftermath it caused!
The place where the monster's seal is located was originally under a crater, but because of the seal, it slowly turned into a lush mountain forest. When the monster was born, the mountain forest was completely destroyed, and the landform was rebuilt Turned into a volcanic cave.

And under the nuclear explosion, this volcano that had been silent for a long time was also aroused, as if it was a brat who was awakened from a deep sleep, and lost his temper unrelentingly!

Huge roaring muffled sound, emanating from the ground, as if the earth was roaring, the earth shook and the mountains shook, the huge cave that sealed the sprite's body exploded in an instant, and countless rolling stones and soil clods were shaken into the sky, like a torrential rain As it fell, the ground shook and vibrated, and thick and terrifying cracks spread out from the explosion in all directions on the ground.

The next moment, the crimson magma fire column suddenly shot up from the crater and went straight to the sky. The dark curtain formed by the chakra reaction shrouded in the sky was instantly washed away, and even the high-altitude clouds above were also gone. Shattered and scattered by the turbulent hurricane and impact, for a moment, the clear moonlight swayed down without any cover, illuminating the entire area like day and dusk.

This is the real catastrophe!

On Orochimaru's side, everyone felt a gust of wind rushing toward them, almost blowing them away. Fortunately, none of the people present were weak, and they could still stabilize their figures under the gust of wind. .

In the bitter hurricane and the shock wave, there are countless trees, earth and rocks mixed in, like cannonballs fired from the chamber, hitting head-on, a big tree hugged by two people, and a boulder blown by a strong wind. The whole thing that hit exploded into a pile of debris and sawdust. Without even thinking about it, everyone immediately launched ninjutsu or searched for a cover to hide.

At this time, even Er Zhuzi didn't try to be cool, what to do in the majestic wind, I felt like a cool guy who was calm and immovable as a mountain, and hid behind a giant tree with a blink of an eye. If necessary, using manpower to fight against the might of heaven and earth is something only a fool would do!

(End of this chapter)

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