Main God Space: You have been listed as a black household

Chapter 157 The Troublemaker in the Rain Banquet

Chapter 157 The Troublemaker in the Rain Banquet

In the Kingdom of Alabasta, there is such a place called the Dream City——Rainland, and the lair of Crocodile is in this city, where he runs a The huge and luxurious casino 'Rain Banquet', because of the great prestige and protection of the name of Qiwuhai, there is an endless stream of rich and famous ladies who come here to have fun.

Li Hao walked into the Rain Banquet Casino alone, looked around, "It's really luxurious, but it's a pity that this luxury and grand scene may not last long."

The two waiters standing at the door to welcome guests just glanced at Li Hao casually, and then ignored them. These people work in the casino, and their eyes are very poisonous. For a 'boy' like Li Hao, most They just ran in to watch the excitement, or to find family members and elders. Instead of wasting time on them, it is better to wait for those rich guests and serve them. The tips may be higher than their wages.

Li Hao didn't care about the waiters' "dog's eyes see people as inferior", he exchanged some chips at the front desk, and found a table of poker-like poker to play, no matter whether he won or lost, he didn't seem to be moved , anyway, he was just killing time.

blu blu blu
"Sorry, I won't follow up with this one, I have a call." Li Hao greeted the gamblers at the same table with a smile, and then answered the phone as if no one was there, "Hey, what's the matter, is the matter finished? "

Robin's voice came from the phone bug, "I have lit the 'dancing powder' around the rainy land according to your request, and I have also falsely transmitted Crocodile's order, instructing the outside agents of the Baroque Work Agency to come to Ala Bastan is gathered. The rest is up to you, I wish you good luck."

Robin hung up the phone bug, Li Hao didn't take it seriously, stood up, and said loudly: "Everyone! Please look here! I have something to announce, it may be related to everyone's life safety, so please Everyone, listen to me. Hey, look over here!"

Everyone was having fun when suddenly someone jumped out and yelled. This kind of behavior immediately made many people feel dissatisfied, and they all looked over coldly, wanting to see what this guy was up to.

After getting most people in the casino to pay attention to this side, Li Hao stopped greeting.

He paused first, cleared his throat, and then said: "Listen to me, everyone, I've lost tens of thousands of Baileys in this casino in less than an hour, so, I'm in a bad mood right now." Very bad!
I seriously suspect that the owner of this casino is cheating out of money, deliberately cheating my money, and then I want to trouble him. So, for the sake of everyone's safety, please leave the venue as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a fight later. Get up, it's not good to hurt you.

Well, that's it, everyone please leave first, otherwise, you will be at your own risk. "

"." In an instant, a needle drop could be heard in the casino. What was that white-haired boy talking about?He lost tens of thousands of Baileys, suspected that the casino was out of money, and wanted to trouble the casino owner?
In the next second, everyone roared with laughter.

"Oh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

"Hey! White-haired boy, did you drink too much?"

"Did I hear you right? You want to trouble the owner of this casino? Hahaha, boy, do you know where this is? Who is the owner of this casino? You dare to speak like this, I'm afraid you're a fool green?"

"Hahahaha boy, you are very good. You managed to make me laugh. You said you lost tens of thousands of Baileys, right? Come on, my uncle rewarded you with [-] Baileys, but I just don’t know that you still don’t have that fate. Go spend it."


All of a sudden, the gamblers in the casino started laughing at Li Hao. There was endless laughter and sarcasm, all talking about how Li Hao dared to speak nonsense here because he didn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet." Seeing someone making trouble in the casino, several thugs from the Baroque Work Agency jumped out to calm the situation, "Everyone continue to play, we will deal with that kid, let everyone."

With a gunshot, the noisy waves of people fell silent.

The person who spoke, before he could finish his sentence, was shot by Li Hao and the sky cap was blown away. The bright blood sprayed out several meters away, splashing the group of gamblers behind him all over their bodies and faces. , Those unlucky guys froze for an instant, their pupils dilated unconsciously, and their heads went blank.

"I've said it all, clear the field, and leave the people who have nothing to do with it." Li Hao threw a high-explosive grenade, threw it and caught it, and said in an indifferent voice that can chill people to the bone, "This is your This is the last chance, I will give you one minute to get out of here, or I will just throw a mine."


"Ah! Killed!"



After proving what he said was true with practical actions, the crowd immediately began to riot. Those guys who were still laughing at Li Hao's "death" all immediately hated their parents for giving them a few legs. Crying and screaming, they ran out of the casino, the main entrance of the casino was smashed by them!
The irrelevant people have already left the stage, so Li Hao no longer pays attention to those guys. I just hope that those guys don't catch a cold from the heavy rain for a while.

"You bastard, who are you?! You dare to come to our rain banquet to make trouble, are you tired of work?!"

Li Hao didn't bother to answer the questions of passer-by A and soldier B. He shot him directly between the eyebrows, and then walked towards the inside of the casino. Among the people in this casino, what he cared about , just the sand crocodile.

bang bang bang
Going deep and killing all the way, wherever Li Hao went, blood spattered everywhere, cruel and stern and full of alternative violence beauty.

He didn't deliberately slaughter those soldiers from the Baroque Works, but if they appeared in front of him, he didn't mind rewarding those guys with a shot. Anyway, the bullets are very cheap, and those guys are weak, but mosquito legs are also meat. It's all delivered to my mouth. I don't eat it for nothing.

"Jin, I've come to your door, why don't you show your face?" Li Hao looked at the large group of miscellaneous soldiers pouring out from the casino again, and secretly complained that Crocodile was fine and put on some boss airs, so he came out directly Wouldn't it be better?And let me go and find you in person.

It seems that I want to make some big noise for you. Thinking of this, Li Hao directly took out a string of grenades connected in series like firecrackers from the storage space, rounded his arm, and shook it violently. go out!

The crowd in front of them was instantly scattered by the grenade and flew upside down. All those who were hit by the attack were smashed and their bones were broken. They couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and lost their breath.

Li Hao's power is so great, the strong impact and kinetic energy on the grenade thrown out with all his strength are even stronger than ordinary cannons, the crowd can't stop it at all, it shattered the wall unabated, and smashed directly into the wall. into the depths of the casino, and then burst open!

The sound of the huge explosion and the rising flames soaring into the sky can be clearly seen and heard even if it is several miles away.

I saw a huge group of flames suddenly rising from the Rain Banquet Casino, and went straight to the sky. In an instant, nearly half of the casino was razed to the ground by the huge explosion, leaving only a blackened area after the explosion. ruins!

(End of this chapter)

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