Main God Space: You have been listed as a black household

Chapter 2 Lord God: You have been listed as a black household

Chapter 2 Lord God: You have been listed as a black household
"Return!" Li Hao lay on the bed and stroked his thoughts. After resting for a while, he communicated with the main god space in his heart and issued a return command. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is his "savior", but that guy is not a good person, and he was not called back to the present world for some lofty reason such as "resurrecting the former combat hero", but because he wanted to Get something he is interested in from Li Hao, and study him by the way.

This is not a "life-saving benefactor", so Li Hao feels that it is enough to keep his gratitude to him in the bottom of his heart, and there is no need for any other communication. status is resolved.

However, after the order to return was issued, there was no response for a long time, and the connection between him and the main god space was broken!

Because he has been judged as 'dead' by the main god's space, the power that the main god's space added to him, the unique ability of the reincarnation, all disappeared!He is now a black household whose account has been cancelled, and the word "death" has been printed on the list, but in fact he is still 'alive' in a special way!The main god space doesn't care about him at all!
"Are you kidding me?" Li Hao quickly raised his left hand to look at it. Fortunately, his main god watch is still there. That guy Dashemaru respects his personal privacy and sovereignty, and he didn't take his main god watch away out of curiosity. .

clap clap clap.
Li Hao frantically pressed on the main god watch. The technology produced by the main god space is awesome. It hasn't been used for decades, and it still has enough energy, and there are no malfunctions.

A golden light screen invisible to ordinary people is projected from the watch.

The first thing that catches the eye is the full-body image of a handsome young man with white hair wearing a black long windbreaker, black trousers, and tall brown leather boots. It is Li Hao's virtual projection, and then, his various items data.

【Name: Li Hao】

【Sex: Male】

[Race/Bloodline: Human/Intermediate Spartan Bloodline/Trace Divinity]

[Life status:? ? ? ? 】

Obviously, I am in the state of being reincarnated in the dirty soil, which is neither alive nor dead. Even the main god watch can't distinguish his current life state and form. You must know that in the main god space, even some ghosts and zombies can transform him After becoming a ghost, it will be regarded as alive by default in the column of life status, and evaluation and judgment will be given.

Is it because I have been judged as 'dead' by the main god's space, so the data on the main god's watch will become like this?
Unable to understand, Li Hao simply ignored it, and after a glance, he continued to look at the character attribute column on the next page.

[Strength: D+ (E)]

【Agility: C (D-)】

[Physique: D+]

【Spirit: D】

The attributes of the character have changed a lot from before his death. Apart from the same physical and mental changes, his strength and agility have been weakened by a notch. It seems that the reincarnation of the unclean soil has had a great impact on him. With his current Data, at most, can display the combat power of an elite jonin.

Forget it, it's hard to be able to 'live' again, if the strength is weakened, it will be weakened, it's better than staying in the eternal silent darkness.

And then, the most important thing.

Li Hao tried to communicate with the storage space in the main god's watch with his mind, and in the next second, a ferocious and domineering red glove appeared and was put on his right hand.

Great!The Lord God did not take back my things and value points!

Needless to say that glove, it comes from the prototype of Li Hao's bloodline enhancement, the demon armament held by Dante in Devil May Cry, one of the components of Impact Steel Gilgamesh, the right hand glove, Li Hao's experience After spending so many plot worlds, he has saved the value of this single glove, which can definitely be called the majority of his net worth. If this is taken back by the Lord God, Li Hao will bleed in his heart!

And the value points are equally precious. Although he seems to be unable to go back to the main god's space now, it seems useless, but who knows what will happen in the future?What if one day the Lord God thought of him again?Although that's unlikely.

After all, although the main god is called the main god, it is actually just a big ball of light without any self-thinking. It is just an information processor like a mechanical computer. Since he has judged Li Hao as dead, his data , it has probably been thrown into the recycle bin and deleted, so it is almost impossible for Li Hao to return to the main god space.

but!Li Hao also has a master watch!Although the main god watch does not have the function of being able to exchange, it is the key for the reincarnation to return to the original world, because after becoming a reincarnation, you will get your own main god watch, which will record all your information, including the original world. .

And when you can accumulate 5W value points, you can directly activate the return to the original world function of the main god watch, leave the main god space, and return to the original world!
So, although Li Hao can no longer return to the main god's space, the value points are still useful. When he has accumulated enough [-] value points, he can return to his original world!

Although he can no longer be regarded as a reincarnation, since the main god watch can still be used, it means that he can still get value points, because the main god watch is equivalent to a "sub-body small main god". After putting the reincarnations into the mission world for the first time, all the actions of the reincarnations are recorded and monitored by the main god's watch, and then sent to the mother main god's big light ball in real time. Except for the main task, all the value point acquisition and side task It is the responsibility of the main divine watch.

So Li Hao is at best without the main mission issued by the main god.

And this is even better, after all, the main task released by the Lord God not only has very few rewards, but also puts these reincarnated people in a life-and-death crisis every time, but they have to do it, otherwise they will be obliterated !

But now the main god has listed him as a black household, that is to say, the main god no longer cares about him, so the damn main task will never appear again, and Li Hao is now more free!
You must know that as long as the strength reaches a certain level of creatures, there will be rewards after killing them, and there are countless side quests in every world, especially in a large world like Naruto.

The reason why no one relies on this to 'score points' is because they have to give priority to the main task. After all, if the main task fails, what awaits them will be obliteration!

Moreover, every mission of this bastard of the Lord God will have a time limit. Even if there is no time limit in the mission, you can't delay it for too long. This is already an unwritten rule among reincarnations , the longer you prolong the time, the more difficult the task will be if the main god's soul is weak, and even in the end, you will find that the whole world has been changed by the main god, and a mouse will evolve into a soaring sky The dragon, I will give you a mouthful of saliva (dragon's breath) and burn you into coke.

So when he thinks about it this way, Li Hao feels that he has really made a lot of money. Without the restrictions and threats of the main god, he can slowly and safely collect enough value points, and then return to the original world.

As for obliteration, what stimulates your potential between life and death, breaks through the genetic lock and realizes the evolution of human beings to gods. I can go to your uncle!The Sa family is now a black household, and your main god can no longer control me. From then on, the sky is high and the sea is wide, and the whole world feels brighter in an instant.

 Well, please vote (serious face).

(End of this chapter)

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