Chapter 305

Dante began to rush back towards Fuduna. When passing through the forest, he not only recovered his impact steel, but also cleaned up the fish that escaped the net. De's whole body was blown up into pieces all over the sky!

"It's really rare to be a woman today." If a female demon like Eckard can be considered a woman
In this way, Dante walked towards the man-made gate of hell, and lost the magic weapon as a driving force. This gate should not be able to make any more famous things, but thinking about not leaving troubles for the future, it is better to destroy it .

Dante punched out, like an inch of strength in an ancient oriental country, and punched out quickly at a very close distance.

After a few seconds, there was no movement. But looking carefully, cracks appeared in various places on the stone slab. Dante shrugged when he saw this, and turned and left without hesitation.

"So... In short, one piece was recovered." As Dante muttered to himself, the stone slab of the gate of hell behind him collapsed.

There are still two magic tools left, and Hao and Nero seem to have no time to fish anymore.

Well, until now, he still doesn't know that the other two magic tools have been hacked by Li Hao
Fortuna, the central cathedral, the huge body of the savior was built from the sky and landed in the center of the city. The Pope emerged from the savior again, holding the Yan Mo knife in his hand, squinting at The square ahead.

"Really, that guy Agnes is such a waste!" The Pope complained and cursed, because the Pope's plan was affected to some extent because of that guy's disappearance.

If that guy, Agnes, heard that the Pope, who was determined to be loyal to him for the rest of his life, and regarded him as a "confidant", would probably cry out. That guy has done so many things for the Pope, and now he is missing. I don't know, but the Pope wasn't worried about nervous him at all, but cursed angrily for delaying part of the plan.
It's really not worth it. Poor Agnes, even now, still wants to help the Pope complete his plan. Even though he was tortured by Rector, he still refuses to reveal half of the Pope, and he is unwilling to help Rector destroy it. Destroy the previous settings between him and the Pope.

In a room at the corner of the square, Rector, Agnes, and Ji Liye are leading a dozen order knights to lurk here.

Through the window, Agnes, who was tied up with five flowers, saw that the Pope manipulated the savior to come here, and he couldn't help shouting happily: "Hahaha, Rector, you bloody traitor, did you see it? That's Savior! His Majesty the Pope, he succeeded!"

"Shut up!" Rector directly hit Agnes with the hilt of his sword, pulled him up from the ground by his collar, and yelled at him, "Tell me! The Pope What does he want to do?! Where is the gate of hell switch you arranged earlier?! I will destroy it!"

"Bah!" Agnes spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva, and said with a smirk, "It's useless, His Majesty the Pope has already succeeded, and our plan will eventually succeed!"

"It's under the cathedral." Rector said suddenly, "Don't forget, before, my status in the church was higher than yours, even if the pope didn't tell me in detail where the gate of hell is. , but I can still guess it!"

Agnes: "."

"It seems that I guessed it right." Rector grabbed Agnes and said back, "Everyone come with me, we will destroy the altar that summons the gate of hell before the Pope!

Well, Ji Liye, you stay and hide. "


"There's nothing wrong with it. Until now, I just woke up like a dream and realized my previous mistake. So now I have to correct it! Fudu is our hometown. I can't watch the pope summon the devil to give Here comes destruction and disaster!"

[The big uncle seems to have set a very great flag. As the saying goes, the blackening is twice as strong, and the whitening is three points weaker. Especially when this kind of final battle is about to start, the big uncle decided to To destroy the Pope's plan]

Ten minutes later, the knight squad led by Rector unexpectedly encountered the Pope in the original cathedral where the Pope was assassinated!

The pope glanced at the destroyed summoning altar, and his face suddenly became gloomy as if water was about to drip, "Rector, are you betraying me?"

"It doesn't matter what betrayal, I'm just doing what I think is right." Rector stared at the Pope, "And, His Majesty, I have something to ask you, you have been deceiving me for so many years Right? And I seem to be possessed by a demon, I have no doubts in you, and I respect you very much. Is it your trick?"

The pope squinted his eyes, and then laughed loudly, "Hahahaha. Thank you for discovering it, Rector, I just took advantage of your character, added a little guidance and 'magic' means to cooperate .

But what I didn't expect was that after I've taken care of you for so many years, you can still get out of my control. "

Rector nodded and said: "As expected, then there is nothing to say."

He drew out his sword and aimed it at the old man whom he had respected and served for many years, "Your Majesty, today I will stop your ambition here!"

The Pope shook his head and laughed, "Creto, you still don't understand, obviously you can join me and become a member of the 'Kingdom of God', just like before, and become my most 'trusted' arm, what a pity "

"No, no, no, that's right, Credo, you can't stop me and His Majesty the Pope's plan!" Agnes, who was tied into a rice dumpling and had a bruised nose and face, lay on the ground like a caterpillar, wriggling and trying to crawl To the Pope, "Master Pope, quickly solve Credo and these rebels, and then we will work together."

"Agnas." Only then did the Pope realize that Agnes was here, "Are you involved too? You brought Rector here?"

"No no no no, His Majesty the Pope, you, you, you must trust me, me, me, me..." Agnes stuttered when he was nervous.

Who knows, the pope didn't care about Agnes' explanation at all, "It doesn't matter, anyway, now that the altar is destroyed, the gate of hell can't be summoned for the time being."

As he said that, the Pope wanted to leave, but he had no intention of rescuing Agnes at all!
"Your Majesty the Pope!" Seeing that the Pope seemed to be abandoning himself, Agnes hurriedly shouted, "Help me!"

The Pope turned his head and showed a gentle smile, but his words were unusually indifferent and chilling, "Sorry, Agnes, I may not be able to compete with so many order knights in Rekdoga in my current state.

And the plan has been completed now, you, Agnus, are useless. Your current value is not worth my risk, so you can destroy it with Rector and the others.

Well, when the Kingdom of God is established, I will write your achievements into the 'New Bible' and pass them down forever. "

When everything fell to the ground, the pope... finally revealed his cool and true face!
"How... how... Your Majesty the Pope, am I not the person you trust and value the most? Are these all lying to me?!" Agnes yelled uncontrollably, but the Pope didn't even move. Didn't stop!
"Soldiers!" Rector roared, "Stop His Majesty the Pope! We are here to completely shatter his ambitions!"

Rector rushed towards the Pope with his people
(End of this chapter)

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