Chapter 32 Peaceful Development
"Wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!" Naruto flew upside down for a long distance, fell to the ground in embarrassment and rolled several times before stopping.

"Damn it! You bastard!" Seeing Naruto being "badly handed" by Li Hao in front of his eyes, Jing Yin's expression became fierce in an instant, and he rushed towards Li Hao gritted his teeth, apparently wanting to fight directly with Li Hao Li Hao did the same thing.

"Hey, Ms. Jingyin, you..." Li Hao felt a little flustered, the girl obviously misunderstood something, although his kick seemed to be quite powerful, kicking Naruto far away.

But he used ingenuity, and there is no magical power attached at all, in order to "peacefully develop" with Naruto and the others, but obviously, the mute girl seems to have misunderstood, and her eyes turned red in an instant, and she rushed forward like desperately , this is not in line with Li Hao's expectation.

Naruto lay on the ground grinning and yelled a few times in pain, and then turned over and stood up. This was something that even Li Hao hadn't thought of. What a serious injury, but it should be impossible to recover from this.

But who would have thought that Naruto would just get up and pat the dust and nothing would happen. Should it be said that he is the protagonist of the hot-blooded manga?Has this thick-skinned and thick-skinned talent been revealed since such a young age?

This is something that can't be helped. After all, Naruto's current situation, to put it bluntly, is still a kid. No matter what considerations and mentality he has, can Li Hao really kill him directly?For future considerations, he can't do this either. After all, from the beginning to the end, he didn't regard himself as someone who was on the side of Orochimaru. He had his own considerations.

On Jing Yin's side, her eyes are already red. According to her "level as a medical ninja for many years", she can completely judge that Li Hao's kick can kick people more than ten meters away. How much impact and lethality, such an attack, even she would have to suffer serious injuries, let alone a boy like Naruto.

Therefore, at that moment, Jing Yin felt the undisguised "killing intent" on Li Hao's body. Even for a young man like Naruto, he was never soft, and every shot was a heavy blow. .What about that, and carefully washed the clothes he lent him.

Who knew that this guy was actually such a fierce and cruel person, and her first reaction was that she was still unwilling to fight him. She was stunned for a second, and Naruto rushed forward recklessly, and then Naruto It was his 'poisonous hand'!
So, creatures like women have always been emotional creatures. From the beginning when they had a good impression of Li Hao and didn't want to fight him, now their eyes are red and they can't wait to tear him to pieces immediately. It's just a few seconds.

"Go to hell!" Jing Yin looked as if she wanted to die with Li Hao, she didn't defend at all, her moves were wide open, she just wanted to stab the kunai in her hand into Li Hao's chest.

Her bitterness is above all, but she was coated with poison, and when she saw blood sealing her throat, even if she just cut a little bit of skin on Li Hao's body and pierced into his body, the toxin would enter the blood, killing Li Hao instantly. In her own words, she is a medical ninja, a pure nanny type, although the output is not strong, but in terms of medical ninjutsu, she is not even under Tsunade!
So she can fully afford this kind of injury-for-injury, injury-for-life style of play. As long as she stabs Li Hao with Kunai and she is not directly killed by Li Hao, she will win this battle for sure!

But to be honest, with Jing Yin's physical skills that are only slightly stronger than the current Naruto, it is really not enough to fight Li Hao in close quarters. You know, Li Hao is able to fight against Li Hao only by relying on physical skills. An elite Jnin character, in terms of physical skills, even that guy Akai can't keep up with his speed and strength unless he opens the Bamen Dunjia.

So, if Li Hao really wanted to kill her, based on her current reckless tactics, Li Hao was 60.00% sure that she would be able to seriously injure her or even kill her!

But in the same way, Li Hao also dared not exchange injuries and lives with Jing Yin's fierce fighting method that was almost like fighting for her life. Moreover, he never thought of fighting her for real life and death, of course it would not be because It was because he was worried about Orochimaru.

After all, with Orochimaru's current situation, can he not be worried that Li Hao will suddenly turn against him?So don't look at them now looking like "brothers are good friends" who are fighting against the enemy together, Li Hao is sure that Dashewan must have his own unknown ideas.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about the comparison of the strengths of the two sides in their battle now, the half-disabled Orochimaru and the result of the match between Jiraiya and Tsunade, do you need to say more?
Jiraiya is still thinking about his former friendship with Orochimaru, and he doesn't want to really kill his friend, so the current situation is still in a delicate balance.

But if Li Hao breaks this balance—seriously injured or even kills Naruto or Jing Yin, the balance will be broken immediately, and one can imagine what kind of situation Li Hao, the person who broke the balance, will face.

Furious Jiraiya and Tsunade, it would be strange if they didn't tear him to pieces, but Orochimaru can't be counted on at all.

It would be good if he didn't take the opportunity to evacuate immediately, Li Hao didn't want to be the victim who attracted the firepower.

And one day, Li Hao will definitely get rid of Dashewan, especially at the moment when his soul and body are fully reunited, he needs a person who is proficient in medical ninjutsu to watch him beside him and help him Protect the law, so as not to have any accidents at that time.

What's more, before he returned to the present world, that guy Orochimaru used a knife on his 'remains' to do experiments. Who knows if that guy did anything secretly on his body?This also requires others to help him conduct a comprehensive physical examination before he can rest assured.

Those who can do this will undoubtedly have a very strong medical level and knowledge of the human body. For such a person, Orochimaru counts as one, and the output of milk is more than half of them. But how could Li Hao be able to do these two guys? Will you rest assured to let them come to help?
Therefore, his gaze inevitably shifted to the outside world. Before that, his goal was set on Tsunade. After all, he and that guy Hashirama are also old friends. As a friend of grandpa, Tsunade Hands should help, right?

But now after he came into contact with Tsunade, he realized that he may not be able to rest assured about Tsunade. Although compared with Orochimaru, she can be said to be a "righteous person", but how should I put it, although she is He is a junior in name, but her life experience of more than 50 years is much richer than that of Li Hao, an 'old senior'.

So who knows how things will turn out?Even if she agreed, what if there were any conditions?Don't forget, she is the princess of the Senju clan, and she will be the Hokage in the future. By then, Tsunade will be a politician/person. Even if she is a kind person by nature, Li Hao is not. Dare to count on these.

And just at this time, Jing Yin appeared. Although this girl is already 28 years old, she still has a very simple personality. Although she is not stupid, she also has a sense of being silly and sweet. Isn't this the best candidate?

It was precisely because of this that he rushed to win the job of dealing with Jing Yin, in order to avoid any accidents, and he didn't have the habit of caring for this guy.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to have a good chat with Jing Yin's sister, gain some favorability, convey his kindness to her, and make some preparations for the future in advance.

But it's a pity that this is just the beginning, Jing Yin's sister has not felt his kindness, her eyes are already red, and she is going to fight him to the death, which is really embarrassing.

"Hey, Ms. Jingyin." Li Hao jumped back a long distance, and said, "Calm down, you must be calm! If you think about it carefully, there is no reason for life and death between us, isn't it? Is it? So."

"Shut up! You bastard! Suffer!"

Li Hao: "." Damn it, why is my popularity with women always so bad!

(End of this chapter)

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