Chapter 326
Countless pieces of paper burst out from the two origami wings behind Xiaonan like a rainstorm and snowflakes, and shot towards Jilai, and among these pieces of paper, there are also a lot of detonating symbols, which are basically It cannot be blocked head-on, and for a while, even a super strong like Jiraiya had to retreat and temporarily avoid his edge.

And when Konan and Jiraiya were fighting fiercely, Nagato was not idle, a small black singularity emitting strange white light like a black hole emerged from Nagato's palm, and then slowly flew into the sky.
"Nagato!" Xiaonan felt the movement from Nagato's side in mid-air, looked back, his expression changed drastically, and he called out.

What Nagato cast was naturally Earth Explosion Star!But with Nagato's current physical condition, he is simply not allowed to use such tricks anymore!That's why Konan behaved like this, even gave up the fight with Jiraiya, turned around and flew back to Nagato, looking at him sadly and angrily.

He smiled softly, "Hehe, Xiao Nan, don't need to show such a sad expression, I'm fine, I can't hold it anymore. But those people must know the majesty of God, and that will be forever engraved pain in their souls!"

The singularity that rises into the sky emits an unimaginably huge gravitational force to the surroundings, attracting everything around, the ground begins to burst and shatter inch by inch, trees are broken and uprooted, and countless boulders and soil The block is pulled into the air by the huge gravitational force, rises to a high altitude and attaches to the singularity
Countless earth boulders, and even trees and beasts, were all pulled up to the sky by the huge gravitational force, adsorbed and aggregated on the black singularity. The light that was originally just like a firefly has swelled and exploded to the size of a stone mill. It is still constantly attracting all things to rise into the air and condense, and its body shape continues to increase rapidly.

"What is this?!" Jiraiya looked up at the huge 'meteorite' growing in size above his head in astonishment, and he was very vigilant. He has been in the ninja world for so many years, but he has never seen such horror. Ninjutsu!

The increasingly greater gravitational force made Jiraiya feel unable to stand upright, as if his body was about to fly upwards involuntarily.

"Nagato! What did you do?!"

"I'm just fulfilling the duty of God and sending punishment and pain to the world." Nagato's face was withered, and even the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth was black, with a trace of lifelessness, but his eyes were the same as before. bright.

"Mr. Jiraiya, you don't have to struggle anymore. It comes from the eyes of reincarnation and the power of the Sage of the Six Paths. The Sage of the Six Paths used this ninjutsu to create the moon!"

Ji Lai was also about to say something, but before the words reached his mouth, his face suddenly changed, it's too bad!

Crack bang!
The gravitational force was getting stronger and stronger, and the speed of the ground's collapse also began to accelerate. Just when Jiraiya was resisting that gravitational force with all his strength, the ground on which he was standing broke apart from the ground, dragging him Fly to the sky!

The Earth Explosion Sky Star technique is definitely one of the strongest forbidden techniques in the ninja world. If you don’t know its weakness and can’t stop it, you can still let it develop like this, let alone this mountain forest and Konoha a few kilometers away. Yes, even half of the Fire Nation would have to be destroyed into a meteorite crater!
It is precisely because of this that Nagato chose to cast this technique here instead of moving it to the sky above Konoha, because with the power of Li Hao's savior, he can definitely defeat the star before the Earth Explosion Star is formed. smash it!
He wanted to break away from this floating fragment, but the huge gravitational force in the sky pulled and suppressed him so that it was difficult to move. He just made some movements, and the force against the gravitational force loosened slightly, and his whole body seemed to be sucked up directly. It's average. There is no way at all!
Wow la la.
Just when Zilai was at his wit's end, a silver-white chain suddenly jumped up into the sky like a spirit snake and tied one of his feet, and then someone dragged him down from the sky abruptly from below!
Ok? !Seeing Li Hao and the members of the seventh class who suddenly appeared in the field, Payne couldn't help but change his face, but he was finally relieved to see that Li Hao didn't have the terrifying stone statue beside him.

If that terrifying stone statue wasn't there, Li Hao wouldn't be able to stop the formation of Earthburst Star!Even if he kills himself now, as long as he passes through the initial stage, Earth Explosion Star will be unable to stop it.

"Nagato, stop this technique!" After Jiraiya was pulled down from the air, before he had time to thank Li Hao, he turned his head and said sharply to Nagato, "If that technique is allowed to continue, many people will die. Yes! Stop it quickly!"

"What if I say no?" Nagato said, "You guys who are disappointed, are you going to kill me?"

Everyone was silent, Li Hao glanced at Nagato's withered body and understood that he was about to die, and he didn't care about the threats from everyone at all.

"Why?!" Naruto yelled, "You bastard, aren't you also a disciple of the Lustful Immortal? Why did you attack us Konoha?"

"There's no reason, you're too naive." Maybe it's because people are about to die, but Nagato is surprisingly peaceful at this time, and he is willing to chat with Naruto, "And the Earth Explosion Star, once activated , even I, the caster, cannot reverse it.

So, feel it carefully, feel the pain brought to you by the Earthburst Star, and then you will understand what the pain you have inflicted on others is like. Only when you understand the pain, can people understand and tolerate each other. "

"You bastard!" Naruto gritted his teeth, and he was about to go forward and have a good argument with Nagato, a guy with abnormal three views.

Li Hao pulled him back and said, "Okay, let's wait until the 'stone' in the sky is resolved before starting the ideological and political work."

"Do you have a solution?" Kakashi stepped up and said, "Can you summon the giant again to solve the meteorite in the sky?"

Li Hao rolled his eyes, he really thinks that my magic power is infinite, the savior is a mana-consuming man, it is more troublesome than your divine power, even I can't drive it by myself, and I need to arrange demons in the nodes of its body Provide energy, to do it again, my entire demon army will have to be pumped into 'demon fuck'.

"No need!" Li Hao said, "That technique is called Earth Explosion Star. I have encountered it before, and I know how to break it. It is still in the incomplete stage. We only need to attack its core together, and use the last It can be stopped by blowing it up with a strong attack.

Well, just in case, let's take out the bottom of the box! "

Now that they knew the way to stop them, everyone naturally had a direction, glanced at each other, and everyone took action.

Naruto and Jiraiya both entered the sage mode, Sasuke turned on the Susanoo, Kakashi opened the forehead guard, revealing the scarlet Sharingan, and Li Hao also pulled out Zhengzong from the storage space.

As for Sakura and Sai, the two of them didn't have any powerful long-range attack methods, so they simply didn't mix, turned around and stared at Nagato, in case he suddenly attacked from behind everyone.

But Nagato no longer had the desire to do anything at this moment, he just looked at the backs of the people indifferently, waiting for the final result to see if everyone worked together to destroy his Earth Explosive Star, or after failure, the Earth Explosive Star would destroy the Earth Explosive Star on the ground. Everything devours and destroys!

"Senfa. Goemon!" Different from Naruto's sage mode, Jiraiya's sage mode is actually not perfect. He needs Fukasaku sage and Shima sage from Mt. Miaogi to help him enter the sage mode .

But everything has disadvantages and advantages. Although his sage model is more complicated than Naruto's, but because of this, there are two more toad sages from Mount Miaomu as helpers. The three of them work together to exert stronger power!
Just like his current immortal method, Zilai also sprayed out toad oil, and the toad fairy couple used the wind escape and fire escape techniques respectively. The oil helped the fire burn. It was like a volcanic eruption!
"Immortal method! Wind escape. Helix pill shuriken technique!"

"Divine power!"

"Add earth life! Ancient Majia Arrow of Heaven!"

"Infinite Dimensional Slash!"

PS: Thanks to the book friend 283827.qdcn, I am sad. , and a tip from 'Book Friends'.

(End of this chapter)

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