Main God Space: You have been listed as a black household

Chapter 358 Humanoid self-propelled nuclear warhead

Chapter 358 Humanoid self-propelled nuclear warhead

On the border of the Land of Rain, the theater of the third main battle force of the Ninja Alliance.

Morning comes, but the sky and the earth are still gray—the sky is covered with dark clouds, wisps of strange purple-red thunder snakes are swimming among the clouds, and the drizzle is like powder, Floating down from the sky is a rare coolness.

In the past night, Akatsuki's army attacked and harassed the coalition forces eleven times in a row, and they would come up to tease the coalition forces at an average interval of half an hour, but these guys just retreated every time. Once the coalition forces started to fight back, They retreated, deeply embodying the tactical thinking of our army's "Sparrow War".

If there is a chance, I will steal a few of your 'grains'. You reacted and wanted to fight back, so I immediately retreated, but I couldn't ignore them, because if they didn't respond, they would tear a hole in the defense line After that, maybe the whole army is on top.

So this night, the coalition troops were really annoyed by harassment, and they didn't have a good rest all night——this is Xiaodi's purpose, a tired enemy is always the easiest to defeat!
In a cave not far from the battlefield, Douzheng was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a chessboard in front of him, holding stones in his hand, and was quietly fiddling with it.

Obito, who was standing beside him, also focused his attention on the chess game that was being deduced by the bag, and said: "Your harassment strategy against the ninja coalition has been successful, and the effect is also very good. So, what do you think? Shouldn't it be time to do it?"

Dou side raised his head, glanced at Obito, and said, "Do it? Obito-kun, you seem to have misunderstood something.

After all, I never thought about confronting Hao from the very beginning, and the harassment tactics were just to drag him and Kakashi's troops.

If you want to obtain results, I think it's better for you to start from the battlefield on the other side. The theater on the Land of Rain's side is not the best choice. "

"Oh? Why?" Obito asked, "Looking at the current situation, the breakthrough point of the battle is obviously the third unit of the Ninja Alliance Army. They are now a lone army without support, and the army is exhausted. , morale is low, no matter how you look at it, we should target them first.”

Dou just smiled and didn't say much, "Because Hao is there."

Obito narrowed his eyes, took a deep look at the bag, and said in a cold voice: "Could it be because of your relationship with that guy that you don't want to be an enemy of him? If that's the case."

"That's two different things." Facing Obito's murderous and cold questioning, Kabuki didn't respond at all. Instead, he looked up at Obito and said seriously, "I'm friends with Hiroshi, but this doesn't mean anything." It doesn't mean that I will put water on him on the battlefield. I can clearly distinguish the conflicting position between me and him.

The reason why I don't want to face him head-on is purely because I think we don't have enough power in our hands. If I hadn't brought the shadow sects of the past to another battlefield, at dawn I would suggest that you directly order the army to rush forward! Into the camp of the third army.

But our current army over there is only [-] Baijue, and a dozen or so filthy troops. The only high-end combat power that can be used is a third-generation Raikage. With this power, it is definitely not enough to deal with Hao of. "

"Hehe." Obito sneered, "According to what you said, can that guy alone be able to match our [-] army?
What a joke!Even if it is as strong as the third generation of Raikage, it only blocked Iwan Yin's [-] ninja army back then, and in the end he could only end up exhausted and died."

Looking at him, Dou smiled inscrutablely, and then stopped talking. Anyway, I have already reminded you that what you want to do is your business.

Obito glanced at the bag, and said: "Okay, I will order the Baijue army to attack the third unit of the Ninja Alliance Army. You just need to let the dirty soil army cooperate."

Dou has no objection. The leader of their side is undoubtedly Obito. Since he has made a decision, he can only cooperate. I just hope that this guy will not regret it when the time comes.

The horrible thunder sky over the battlefield of the third unit of the Ninja Alliance, but Dou could see clearly through the dirty soil army, he knew what it was. But he didn't remind Obito, after all, he is an internal response, if not Obito is still needed to help them complete the plan, and the fangs of the bag may have already penetrated deeply into Obito's neck!
On the other side, under Obito's order, the [-] Baijue army, like "springing bamboo shoots after a rain", emerged from the ground one after another, like a tide, towards the coalition forces ahead. The third combat unit garrison flocked.

But what they don't know is that there is no one in the station now!
Is it finally here?Li Hao, who was high in the sky, looked down at the Baijue army that was marching like termites on the ground, with a cruel smile on his face.

I want you to know!Disturb other people's rest and sleep!But it will be punished by God!
The clouds in the sky suddenly rolled up like boiling water, and thunder pillars as thick as water tanks suddenly fell from the sky and bombarded Bai Jue's army!

In an instant, the sky and the earth paled, and the whole world seemed to turn into a deep purplish red. Visible to the naked eye, the terrifying pillar of thunder fell on the Baijue army like punishment that day, and then exploded. The dazzling thunder struck like a tsunami. It spread out, dyeing the earth into a purple sea of ​​thunder!
It wasn't until this moment that the sound of thunder crackling that resounded through the heavens and the earth slowly arrived. As for those Bai Jue, they didn't even have a chance to react. The moment they didn't realize that the thunder was falling, they were already drowned and annihilated. In the midst of the terrifying thunder, it was wiped out!

Not only the Baijue army, but even the coalition ninjas of the third army more than ten kilometers away were stunned by the terrifying scene of the changing color that day!

If Captain Kakashi hadn't ordered them to leave that area earlier, they didn't dare to imagine what would happen.

What surprised them even more was that behind them, the thunder clouds in the sky suddenly began to shrink and condense, turning into a huge ball of thunder that stretched for several kilometers, falling from the sky!
Fall!Ray welcome!

"Then what is that?!"

"Is that the sun?"

"Captain Kakashi!" Neji opened his eyes violently, ignoring the consequences of being stung by the dazzling thunder light, causing pain in the pupils and tears, he blushed and shouted, "Among the thunder, The power contained is too powerful! It is impossible to estimate! Even if we are here, I am afraid that we will not be safe! Please immediately order to continue to retreat!"

Kakashi's face also changed drastically, and he immediately shouted loudly: "So people, evacuate to the northwest immediately!"

I don't know how long it has passed, it seems that only a few seconds have passed, but it seems that several hours have passed, Lei Ying finally fell on the ground, at that moment, the world was full of horror and violence The thunderous thunder!
Cen. Space-time seems to have fallen into a stagnation.

At that moment, the sky and the earth paled, and the whole world seemed to become a kingdom of thunder. Everything was covered by the endless sea of ​​thunder, and everything was swallowed by the sea of ​​thunder. Then it exploded!

The whole world turned into a purple color, and the whistling sound of breaking wind disappeared in an instant, and there was silence.
long after
boom! ! !
After a long time, there was a huge thunder that shook the sky and the earth, and the entire earth trembled. The endless earth, rocks and trees flew into the sky, and then disappeared in the violent thunder, annihilated.

The earth is trembling!Burst!The boulders were turned into dust, the mountain peaks were flattened in an instant, and the earth showed ferocious cracks, turning into huge rift valleys.
With one blow, the [-] Baijue army disappeared into this world in an instant, leaving no residue, even a large piece of the earth was wiped out!There was only a terrifying tiankeng with a diameter of several kilometers and an unpredictable depth!
A series of cracks spread out from the tiankeng in situ, forming a series of huge rift valleys, covering a range of more than ten kilometers into a piece of scorched earth!
(End of this chapter)

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