Chapter 369 Returning Hokage

The Country of Fire, outside Konoha Village, Uzumaki Shrine, outside this long-dilapidated shrine, Li Hao and Orochimaru gathered again.

As for the guy Erzhuzi, after adapting to the power of the eternal kaleidoscope, he went directly to the battlefield, because Orochimaru told him that Naruto had already gone to the battlefield
Orochimaru glanced at the overgrown and dilapidated Uzumaki Shrine in front of him, and asked suspiciously: "Hiro, the method you said to break the ghoul seal is in this shrine?"

"Of course." Li Hao nodded, and said, "This is the shrine of the Uzumaki Clan, and it is the last relic left by them. You should know that the technique of sealing the ghouls originated from the Shikigami in ancient times. The yin and yang technique was then modified and perfected by the Uzumaki family into a sealing technique.

And here is where the solution to the ghoul seal is broken. In this shrine, many shikigami are enshrined, and the "Reaper" who seals your hands and the souls of past Hokages is also enshrined here only because of the passage of time. As time goes by, the location of this place is gradually forgotten, so there are not many people who still know it. "

"Is that so?" Orochimaru nodded, and walked into the shrine that was about to collapse together with Li Hao.

There was a toothache turning sound, and the door of the shrine was pushed open. Li Hao raised his hand and fanned it in front of his face, waved away the pervasive smoke, and stepped into the shrine with one step.

Entering the shrine, the first thing that catches the eye is the mask of ghosts and gods on the wall. Li Hao turned his head to Orochimaru and said, "Look, find the mask of death that has sealed off the ghouls, and then summon it to guide It cuts its own stomach, and your hands and the souls of the past Hokages can reappear."

Orochimaru raised his eyes and glanced at the mask wall, "I found it."

A big snake with thick arms climbed up the wall vertically, rolled up the death mask and handed it to Dashemaru.

Under Li Hao's signal, Orochimaru directly brought the death mask to his face
"Ah ah ah."

Orochimaru let out a series of moans of pain, raised his hands to the sides suddenly and straightened, the chakra and soul power in the body began to riot, and they couldn't stop gushing out from the body and finally transformed into For the sake of a huge death spirit with a sharp blade in its mouth, it attached itself to him!
"Oh?" Li Hao's soul suddenly throbbed, and he stared at the god of death with great interest, "Is it really a 'god' with a divine existence? Although it is only a kind of evil god, it is not bad. Well, at least in terms of divinity, it is no longer inferior to monsters, did it come about because of people's offerings?"

Orochimaru glanced at Li Hao, a big snake came out from his sleeve, and opened his mouth to spit out a "sticky" body, um. It was the face of that guy in Hashirama again, this guy Orochimaru I don't know when it changed, I no longer love Uchiha, but changed to that guy from Hashirama.

"Then, I'll start."

The gigantic Grim Reaper raised a hand and took off the sharp blade in his mouth, held it in his hand, and then stabbed his own abdomen with a knife, pulling out a big hole horizontally. At the same time, Da Shewan's body, Suddenly, a cloud of blood burst out, and a huge wound appeared on his abdomen, which almost cut him in half!
Several will-o'-the-wisp-like soul bodies sprang out from the belly of the god of death, and got into the body of Orochimaru together, those were his sealed hands!

And the other four groups of 'wild fire' floating in mid-air are naturally the Hokage of past dynasties.

Li Hao frowned, and said, if I 'eat' Zhu Jian and the others now, how much strength can I increase. Of course, this is just thinking about it.

"I can feel it, my hands are back!" For the first time, Dashemaru's face showed that uncontrollable ecstasy. This kind of intense emotional expression is rarely seen in him.

"Cough..." Orochimaru was extremely happy and sad, causing the injury, and began to cough blood out of his mouth, "Sure enough, even the body cloned with the first-generation cells can't resist the price of unlocking the ghoul seal? It's okay I've been prepared for a long time..."

Opening his mouth, his real white snake body jumped out, and then jumped into the body of the No. 2 Zhujian clone lying on the ground, completing the resurrection.

And Li Hao, at the moment the white snake real body of Orochimaru got out, he had already arrived in front of the god of death in a flash, and grabbed its invisible soul body, the god of death instinctively sensed the danger, and stabbed Cut towards Li Hao!

Li Hao didn't even raise his head, wisps of purple-red thunder light spread out from his hands, entwined around Death's body like chains, and just when Death's sharp blade was about to stab him, another 'Li Hao' came from Emerging from his body, the soul blade in his hand slashed across, and the god of death was instantly decapitated!

However, an evil temple is nothing more than a lewd god, at most it is a little magical, and there is really no room for resistance to an existence like Li Hao.

After 'eating and drinking enough', Li Hao turned his head and glanced at Orochimaru who stood up again from the ground, and asked, "How is it? Is there anything wrong with your hands?"

Orochimaru's mouth slanted, "It's fully recovered. So, are you ready to meet your old friend? Hao."

"The Reincarnation of Dirty Earth!"

In the narrow space, there was a sudden gust of wind, and the four Hokages who had passed away returned to this world again!

"Hey, Zhujian, Feijian, long time no see." Li Hao greeted.

"Hao?" Feijian frowned, and then glanced at Orochimaru next to Li Hao, "Is it you again? What is the ninja called Orochimaru... You summoned us to the world again, right?"

Zhujian responded to Li Hao with a smile: "Ha, Hao, you're here too. It's been a long time. Have you been reincarnated by the filth?"

Feijian said: "Brother, please see clearly before you talk about it. How does Hao look like a dead person? He is a living person, and now is not the time to reminisce about the past, you guy, what do you want to do when you call us again?"

His last sentence was obviously addressed to Orochimaru.

"The ghouls are completely sealed. Have you unlocked it? Orochimaru." The third Hokage also asked Orochimaru aloud. The first generation and the second generation, as well as the hands of Orochimaru, were all sealed by him because his soul was also sealed. The price was sealed, and now they are summoned by the reincarnation of the dirt, which is obviously the handwriting of Orochimaru.

The Fourth Hokage Minato was also shocked by this, "Can that sealing technique be unraveled? How could it be done..."

Orochimaru smiled mischievously, and glanced sideways at Li Hao, "Of course it's thanks to Toho."

"Hao? What's going on here? And you... are obviously alive now, right?" Fei Jian stared at Li Hao scrutinizingly.

Li Hao shrugged his shoulders and said: "Okay, don't get excited, I will explain to you one by one. As for me, because my blood is a little special, I didn't really die completely back then, so not long ago, I died again. resurrected.

As for you, if you want to ask why you were summoned, it’s a long story. First, let’s start with the battle between Hashirama and Madara at the Valley of the End. He didn't die at the time, so he began to plan secretly, wanting to make a big news
Covering the whole world with infinite monthly reading, dragging everyone into the illusion, under his arrangement, the ninja world started the fourth ninja world war.

So, you should understand, right?This time, Orochimaru is standing on the side of 'justice', and has been washed clean, and calling you back to the present world is to let you go to the battlefield to fight, and if this battle cannot be won. Today's world will cease to exist. "

It is also thanks to Orochimaru's tenacious vitality, otherwise, with the flags Li Hao planted on his head, such as justice, whitewashing, etc., he would probably have to play GG in the next episode
"So that's how it is." Hashirama clenched a fist with one hand and lightly hit the palm of the other hand, making a look of sudden realization, and said, "So our task now is to rush to the battlefield and beat that guy One meal, let the world restore peace, right?"

"Well, Hashirama, your understanding is very incisive, and that's basically it, beat up Madara, and then restore world peace"

Li Hao didn't tell them about Kaguya Ji. On the one hand, he couldn't explain why he knew so much, and on the other hand, it was because even if he did, it would still be the same.

(End of this chapter)

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