Chapter 384 The Savior VS Ten Tails
A group of people besieged Ten Tails. It looked like a colony of ants fighting an elephant. Even the wooden dummy technique in the column was only one-third of the height of Ten Tails. To deal with such a big guy, even Li Hao and the others couldn't take it down quickly.

The ten tails of the ten tails, like ten big hands holding up the sky, danced wildly and smashed at the crowd. Every blow would crack a large area of ​​the ground, and the rubble flew across. The attack range was extremely huge, even if they were not hit directly , The gust of wind and debris splashed by it when it attacked also caused headaches for everyone.

"Wood escape. The art of bagging!" Hashirama, who entered the fairy mode, used the wooden escape to create a huge tree palm, which tightly grasped the ten tails. Vines grew furiously from the ground, intertwined and intertwined around Ten Tails' body, trying to control it.

Hashirama shouted loudly: "Now is the time!"

"Wind escape. Spiral shuriken!"

"Shoot Kakuya the Sky!"

"Xianfa. Oversized Jade Spiral Pill!"

"Dust escape! The technique of stripping away the realm!"


Just in an instant, countless attacks bombarded out, flying towards Ten Tails, Madara, and Obito!

However, Madara and Obito didn't show any nervousness on their faces, instead they showed a mocking sneer, "Hashirama, although your Mutun can restrain tailed beasts and absorb their chakra, ten-tailed beasts are not ordinary. Tailed beasts are comparable!"

"Roar!" The ten tails roared up to the sky, and the ten slender tails trailing behind danced wildly, and the thick vines wrapped around it were broken off in just a moment, and the tails Stir, the palm-like end pinched the hand of Mu Dun on his body, and violently tore it apart.

With a loud bang, the technique of bagging bags between the pillars was immediately broken. Among the broken wood and broken vines all over the sky, Ten Tails suddenly jumped up, and instantly jumped to a height of more than a thousand meters. The attacks did not come until now, and all of them fell into the empty space!

Boom boom boom..
A variety of ninjutsu with different attributes exploded at the same time, and the terrifying energy pulse swept out instantly, swallowing everything around. In the turbulent and terrifying torrent, everything was shattered. No matter how powerful it is, it is useless.

"It's such a powerful force, even the Jujutsu can only block it for a few seconds," Hashirama frowned and whispered to himself.

Ten tails is really worthy of being the aggregation of nine big tailed beasts, its power is really terrifying, if you want to suppress it, you have to use Top Hua Buddha and True Thousand Hands, but in his current state, his power is not as good as it was in his lifetime , can't be used at all.

boom!The ten tails landed and smashed directly into the crowd, the crowd was forced back again, the formation was interrupted, and after the ten tails landed, they raised their heads high, opened their mouths wide, and a pitch-black The ball gradually condensed into shape from its mouth, and then continued to expand.

"That trick is the Tailed Beast Cannon?!" The astonishing intensity and energy response made everyone's expressions change drastically.

"Minato!" Tobima immediately ran towards Ten Tails, calling Mizumon while moving at high speed.

"Understood!" After Minato replied, he also ran forward with Tomama, running parallel to Tomama, staring intently at the Tailed Beast Cannon in Ten Tails' mouth.


Ten Tails flicked his head, and the Tailed Beast Cannon in his mouth spewed out immediately, attacking the crowd, while the water gate and the door jumped up at the same time in an instant, heading towards the Tailed Beast Cannon without retreating.

In mid-air, two shurikens with unique shapes crossed each other, and then each fell into the hands of Minato and Feijian. In the space where the two were parallel and opposed, there was a moment of stagnation, and then a huge black An enchantment appeared in the sky, like a gigantic mouth of a giant void beast, swallowing the Tailed Beast Cannon into it.

The Tailed Beast Cannon wrapped in the black enchantment instantly disappeared in place, and the next second, in the deep sea hundreds of miles away, there was a huge explosion and roar!

"The Flying Thunder God Art of that guy in Tobiza?" Madara didn't know what to think of, it seemed that he was recalling the matter that his younger brother died of serious injury in Token's hand, his face was strangely gloomy.

Madara turned his head and took a look at Toizuma and Minato which were falling from the sky, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "I want to see how many tail beast cannons you can stop!"

After all, this guy wants to mobilize the ten tails and continue to attack.

But at this time, there was already a person who was a little impatient, and was about to jump out and forcefully carry a wave.

Li Hao, who suddenly fell from the sky, "transformed into Ultraman" in an instant, summoned the huge body of the savior, and his whole body was integrated into the savior's head.

Get down on the ground!
Looking at the huge fist hitting Juo's head, Madara and Obito's expression changed instantly, and without thinking about it, they immediately left Juo's head and left in an instant.

Juwei was punched to the ground. Visible to the naked eye, with Juwei as the center, the land within a radius of nearly one kilometer collapsed and collapsed in an instant. The shock wave blasted out in a ring shape, and the bitter wind instantly blown everyone away!
As for the ten tails who bear the brunt of the punch, half of their body is embedded in the huge deep pit on the ground, and their heads are deformed and sunken by the punch!

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Struggling , bigger and more powerful than it, its 'small punches' can't even break the defense of the energy-filled savior!
The savior punched Ten Tails' wide open mouth again, and directly smashed the Tailed Beast Cannon that hadn't fully charged.

The savior stretched out the ten tails wrapped around its arms with one hand, choked its head with the other, lifted it abruptly from the ground, lifted it violently to the sky, and then smashed it down heavily on the ground again. It was shaking for a while, just like a scene of "Ultraman beating little monsters violently".

After a blast of hammer, the savior kicked ten tails far away with his strength, and then suddenly tilted his body back to store energy. In an instant, the surrounding space instantly became dim, except for the double rings behind him. On the wings, there is an ominous and terrifying light flickering and condensing.

In the next second, there was a sudden silence between the sky and the earth, like a black-and-white mime in an old silent film. Between the dim sky and the earth, there was only a beam of pure to black purple-red light across the sky, and then bombarded Ten Tails. body.

It was like waves hitting the reef, the beams of light scattered and split instantly, and the turbulent energy pulses sputtered in all directions, the earth was instantly melted, and the space was chaotic and distorted, like glass that was about to be melted.
The dull and depressing scene that was about to suffocate seemed to last for a long time, but in fact it was only a moment.

There was a deep purple between the sky and the earth, any sound and color disappeared, even when the blazing energy pulse that could annihilate everything swept across the earth and destroyed everything, there was no movement.

There was a deathly silence, until all the dust settled, and everyone came back to their senses. The plain in front of them had disappeared, and there was only ten tails, which was completely broken, lying in the scorched earth ruins. .

However, although the ten tails look quite miserable, it is indeed not dead, because it is the incarnation of the sacred tree. In the Naruto world, it belongs to the kind of existence that will not die unless the world is destroyed. It is precisely because In this way, Li Hao dared to output a wave with all his strength.

Such a wave of violent output is really cool, but the consumption is also very large.

Manipulating the savior's explosion in just a few minutes has consumed most of Li Hao's magic power, and those demons who arranged the energy connection points in the savior's body to act as batteries have almost been drained of their magic power, even inferior to Ultraman. , people can hold on for 5 minutes anyway.

Withdrawing the savior, Li Hao fell directly from the air, turned around and gave thumbs up to the coalition army, and smiled slightly, "It's done."

(End of this chapter)

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