Main God Space: You have been listed as a black household

Chapter 388 1 Everything has just begun

Chapter 388 Everything Has Just Begun

Obito struggled vigorously, but it was useless. Heijue had completely controlled his body. Even though he tried his best to resist, his body still slowly but firmly began to bear the imprint of the natural technique of reincarnation.

He only felt that the pupil power of his left eye was soaring crazily, and the chakra in his body was running along a certain trajectory
"Kakashi!" Obito roared angrily, "How long are you going to lie on the ground? Get up quickly! Kill me! Destroy the eyes of reincarnation!

Don't you want to stop me?Don't you want to save the world?Then you should take action!Come on. Kill me!As long as I die, you will be able to completely win, and you will be able to save the world!Don't lie there like a dead dog, stand up quickly! "

In a trance, Kakashi heard Obito's cries and roars, and those blurred eyes regained clarity again.

"Obito!" Kakashi resisted the suffocating pain in his chest and stood up again.

"Wow!" It seemed that because of the hasty action, the wound on his chest was pulled, Kakashi couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and he felt a lot more comfortable in an instant, at least the feeling of suffocation that was about to die was relieved a lot.

"Huh?" Bai Jue looked at Kakashi in surprise, and said, "My punch should have seriously injured you, and even your ribs should have been broken? Can you still stand up?"

Kakashi glanced at Bai Ze, took a deep breath, and said, "Sorry, I'm a tough guy. Also, the guy behind you is my partner, can you please return him to me? "

Bai Jue shook his head, "Unfortunately, he can't. His mission is to help Madara revive. This is his inevitable fate."

Fate of shit!
Puff zi zi. Dazzling thunder came out of Kakashi's hand again, flickering and screaming.

"Obito's fate is not up to you to decide! If you refuse to step aside obediently, I can only use force to force you to move away!"

"Raikiri!" Facing Kakashi's ultra-high-speed Raikiri thrust, Bai Ze immediately activated the wooden escape ability obtained from the cells between the pillars, and in just a moment, he summoned several thick and large trees from the ground. , standing in front of Kakashi, although with his wooden escape ability, he couldn't stop Kakashi's charge and thrust at all, but it still played a delaying role after all.

And after Kakashi broke through those barriers, Bai Ze had disappeared in place, and Kakashi didn't chase after him, and rushed straight towards Obito.

"I won't let you pass." Bai Ze appeared again, got out from the ground, and grabbed Kakashi's ankle, trying to stop him.

"I've got you!" The invincible Raikiri stabbed down with one blow, Shiroki was pierced through instantly, his arms fell down weakly, unable to stop Kakashi's advance anymore.

But in the next second, another pale Bai Ze suddenly sprang out from the ground, jumped up in the air and punched Kakashi.

Ok? !Puff... Kakashi used his hand as a knife, and cut Bai Ze into two pieces with one knife. Then, more and more Bai Ze came out of the ground, blocking Kakashi's front with a blank expression.

It's Baijue's avatar!At that moment, Kakashi's heart sank to the bottom of the abyss in an instant. He never imagined that there would be so many Bai Zelai in Obito's Kamui space. But if they are united, they can hold him tightly, making it impossible for him to escape.

"Damn it, so you have already arranged it?" In the Kamui space exclusive to his kaleidoscope Sharingan, there are so many Bai Jue ambushing, and he still doesn't know that at this moment with soil, Almost broke his teeth.

Seeing Kakashi fighting fiercely against the white army, and about to charge towards him, Obito suddenly felt a little sad. In the end, he still couldn't escape Madara's control after all.

He has always known that Madara is playing a big game of chess, and he is one of the chess pieces, so he once wanted to overturn the chessboard, jump out of the chessboard, even turn the guest into the main, and use Madara as a chess piece instead. It's always been that way.

But before that, everything was going smoothly, everything was developing according to his plan, ten tails were resurrected, Madara was plotted against by his own design, and could only reappear in the state of reincarnation from the filthy soil, almost giving A sense of victory is at hand.

But now it seems that this is just what he thinks. Madara and Heijue have already prepared a decisive game. Just a backhand can make all his calculations come to nothing and become a pawn in Madara's hands. It is really his inescapable fate to let him manipulate and release the Buddha.

The space circulated, and seeing that the white zealots could no longer stop Kakashi who was almost crazy, the black zealot immediately controlled Obito to activate the Kamui to transfer out of the Kamui space, leaving Kakashi alone in it, and then immediately controlled Obito to complete After taking the last step of the natural reincarnation technique, he dug out Obito's reincarnation eye in an instant, and fled away with Bai Jue
"Obito! Obito" In the next second, Kakashi pursued him through Kamui teleportation. His anxious voice reached Obito's ear, but Obito didn't respond to him. The rapid loss of Chakra and vitality, It made him weak to the limit, and even his perception of the outside world became blurred, like a voice from another world.

Obito's eyes began to become dull and sluggish, those shining eyes were no longer bright, the picture in front of him was blurred for a while, replaced by those past pictures in memory, those most precious memories.
Gradually those memories also began to blur and fade away, and the last picture was that of the girl who squinted, tilted her head slightly, and smiled with a smile on her face.

'I'll keep an eye on you. '

'I'm sorry Lynn. Obito smiled wryly, "In the end, I still failed to save the world handsomely.. I disappointed you"

At that moment, he finally turned back to the original boy with a crane tail. There are some things that he could not see clearly until the end of his life. He always thought that he had become an indifferent person, but he didn't realize until the last moment. , it turned out that he was still looking forward to Lin, a young boy who wanted to pursue his dreams.

"Obito! Cheer up!" Someone shook his body and shouted in his ear, Obito barely opened his eyelids, and it turned out to be Kakashi.

With his blurred vision, he could no longer see Kakashi's face clearly, and the angle of view was also a little strange. He didn't realize it until he felt the warmth, humidity and bloody smell on the left half of his face, as well as the pain in his left eye. Recall how it happened.

Yes, Hei Jue has already poached that reincarnation eye
"Kakashi" You guys always like to be late, but this time, it should be the last time.

"Well, I'm here, Obito, hold on, Mr. Tsunade is on the front battlefield right now, I'll take you there right away."

Obito said: "It's useless, I can't do it anymore, even Tsunade-sama, it's impossible to save a mortal person.

Besides, I deserved to die a long time ago, didn't I?It's just a pity that it wasn't until now when I saw Lin again that I realized how stupid things I had done.

So that's it, let me leave so quietly, I'm going to find Lin
Then, there is the last thing. I haven't seen each other for so many years. Let me give you another gift. Sharingan needs a pair of gatherings to exert its strongest power, so this right eye, you can take it.

Use my pair of Sharingan to save the world handsomely. In this way, I have fulfilled my promise to Lin, right? "

At the same time, on the battlefield, a burst of white light suddenly appeared from Madara's body!
"I said, it's not over yet!" Madara, who had no ability to resist, suddenly raised his head and said, and then broke free from the pressure of the wooden trap between the pillars in an instant, and jumped back from the spot.

"All of this. It's just beginning!"

(End of this chapter)

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