Chapter 419

In a blink of an eye, it was already more than a month later. Li Hao did not join in the finishing work after the war, and he was not needed anyway, so he became an otaku with peace of mind, and he "retired" for nearly a month. It was only then that part of the source of the sacred tree that came from Kaguya Ji was digested.

The chakra and various powers contained in the origin of this sacred tree are second to none. The most important thing is that it is really a 'god'!Different from Kaguya Hime's self-proclaimed goddess of Mao, the fruit of the sacred tree itself is the so-called 'god'!Possesses extremely incredible power.

Then, Li Hao went out and invited his friends to have a meal, the next day he participated in the ceremony for Kakashi to succeed Hokage, and the next day he participated in the meeting of Tsunade and Jiraiya's "elderly group" We hope that these two guys can still have that ability to make a son and a half daughter.
Then, he went to Orochimaru and Dou again, and after chatting with them a few words about the research results of the ten tails, he went on a "far journey" again.

Well, that's right, Orochimaru and Dou have returned to Konoha. After all, Orochimaru and Dou have made great efforts in the fourth battle. With this credit, Konoha will let go of the past for what these two guys did before. , and readmitted them.

Of course -- if Sasuke hadn't said that Itachi had already used other gods on them when he brought these two back, this must have been a typical drama where the prodigal son turns his back on money and Konoha is tolerant.
As a result, the world of Naruto has come to an end for the time being, and when he comes back, it will probably be his wedding with Jing Yin.

Hmm. I will marry you when I come back, what a flag of an invincible spiral explosion.
One Piece world, an unknown sea area.

With a dull sound of falling into the water, Li Hao fell into the sea again
"Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr." The sour feeling of choking on water instantly cured Li Hao's symptoms of 'dizziness across the world'.

There was a muffled sound, the sea water exploded, and a huge water column rose into the sky, reaching a height of tens of meters. Li Hao appeared from the sky-filled sea water and walked through the air.

Li Hao raised his hand to brush back his wet long hair, and complained: "I don't know where it was thrown for me this time? It's really unfriendly, can't you throw it on an island for me?"

He looked around at the surrounding environment, the sea and the sky are the same color, and the blue waves are thousands of miles away. In other words, except for the sky, it is the whole sea!Not even a reef!

Li Hao: "." Is there another sea trek going on?
After being silent for a while, Li Hao raised his head and glanced at the sun in the sky. After confirming the approximate direction, he released the Ark Proverbs and walked eastward all the way. As for whether that direction is due east or not, he doesn't know!

"I don't know what stage the story of this world has progressed to? I hope you, Brother Ming, haven't been beaten down by Luffy. I came back this time, but I came here specifically to 'collect interest'! "

After talking to himself, Li Hao rummaged through the storage space again, turned out the Devil May Cry flag again, and hung it on the top of the flagpole of the ark, unusually high-profile.

After all, this time, he came back to 'make trouble', like Brother Ming, Huang Yuan is first-class, if he can be killed, he will be killed directly!If you can't kill them, you have to hunt them down. He was chased by them all over the sea, but now that he's "returning rich and honored", he must have a good talk with them.

As for his doing things like this, will it cause any special accidents? He even blew up the holy land of Maryjoa, and is he afraid of killing a few first-class guys in Mingo Huangyuan? !

Elimination of evil should be done!At the beginning, he was not strong enough, so he was forced to run back in despair. Now that he is strong enough, he will naturally continue to make up for the things that have not been completed, such as Tianlong people, or Ming Ge is first-rate The rascals at sea, they should all be hacked!

After all, once upon a time, Li Hao was also an innocent boy who dreamed of martial arts and superman, and wanted to defeat all villains like Ultraman and save the world!
Although I am getting older now, and my thinking is not so pure and naive, isn't it exciting for people to pursue their dreams again?

—————For his Ultraman transformation stick broken by his neighbor's evil classmate, and for his childhood dream of "righteous partner", he also has to destroy those scumbags who are dragons and scum!

Well, if you say it this way, his behavior of avenging his personal revenge suddenly becomes grand.
"We are for the sake of the common people! Tianlongren must die! Momonosuke must die too!"

Keke that's it!

start sailing!
Then, just as he was shouting the "slogan of justice" with high ambition, a super huge Neptune suddenly sprang up from the sea surface, and swallowed Li Hao and his boat in one gulp.
The huge Neptune slammed heavily on the surface of the sea, and thousands of tons of seawater were shocked and thrown into the air. After a long time, the waves on the sea surface subsided completely, and the calm and waveless scene was restored again, like a huge piece of The blue mirror in general.

This seems to be a windless zone where giant sea kings haunt.
Within ten seconds, wisps of scarlet spread from the bottom of the sea, like bright red ink, dyeing a large area of ​​the sea red. The whirling blade on the ramming horn at the top of the Ark Proverb spun rapidly, directly from the body of the giant sea king. A big hole was cut in it, and the bow came out.

Immediately afterwards, the whirling blades on both sides of the ship's side also showed their ferocious and terrifying side. In order to avenge the revenge of the sea kings for swallowing it, Ark made a big fuss in its body, and directly killed the sea king. The animal's internal organs were twisted into a ball of minced meat, and then it was opened and walked out
It wasn't until Li Hao sailed away for a long time that the sea king floated on the surface of the sea with its white belly turned up because of its serious injury, and was torn to pieces by many sea kings who came here smelling the smell of blood!
So, if you don’t have a good mouth and a diamond stomach, don’t swallow some strange things, especially weird things like self-aware ships will be dead sea kings!

After that, for two consecutive days, Li Hao wandered high above this sea area, trying to find islands or passing ships, but this is a windless belt, and the chance of encountering passing ships is not much greater than buying a lottery ticket.

As for the land and islands, there were no traces of them. In desperation, Li Hao had no choice but to let the ark go straight along the east where the sun was, thinking of crossing the windless belt directly, and then looking for the boat and the island.

Another day later, Li Hao sat on the deck, looking at the still calm sea, pondering blankly. He felt that he must have made a mistake. The east where the sun is located seems to be a windless belt. The vertical line, otherwise, at the speed of the ark, it should have already left with the width of the windless belt.

Of course, there is another possibility that Li Hao is not very willing to accept, that is, his course is out of order, he got lost, he seems to have been walking in a straight line, but in fact he has been circling in circles.

But apart from the sun, he really has no other way to identify the direction. The record pointer he got in the world of One Piece last time has been completely degaussed and useless. It is better to count on the sun in the sky than to rely on it.

By the way, heaven!The so-called stand tall can see far away, and Li Hao's eyes are comparable to high-powered binoculars. If you look down from a high altitude, it must be much easier to find boats and islands.

As soon as he thought about it, Li Hao immediately lifted the ark into the air, and didn't let it stop until he couldn't see the scene below at a height of tens of thousands of meters.

It really works!Looking down from a high altitude, the field of vision is magnified a hundred times at once!In this way, the chances of finding passing ships or islands are naturally much higher.

After continuing to float in the sky all night, Li Hao finally saw a palm-sized island appear on the sea at noon the next day!
(End of this chapter)

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