Chapter 436 I'm so... so happy!

blah blah blah!

After finishing the gauntlet, Li Hao hung up the phone directly, and then made another call to Kerla.

"Hey, Kerla, I've already taken care of it, with Brother Ming's unruly character, he will definitely be provoked to come over.

How about the evacuation of the people in this area?If you fight later, you really don't have much energy to do this thing, so you must move quickly. "

Give Brother Ming a challenge and ask him to come to him, not because he is too lazy to move, but because Kerla must be like this. Their revolutionary army is not as evil as the world government/government advertises. The most vicious group of criminal groups.

In fact, compared to those world government officials who have been corrupted by power/right/corruption/corruption, the revolutionary army is more like a real guardian, and only they will really care about the lives and safety of civilians , Before the battle, a field was deliberately cleared out to avoid harming innocent people.

Kerla said: "The evacuation work has almost been carried out, and our intelligence personnel ambushing outside the Palace of Dressrosa also confirmed that Brother Ming came here with people. So now we have The second step of the plan can be carried out."


After hanging up the phone, Li Hao turned his head and glanced at the corner of the wall, pretending to be 'you can't see me' ostrich-like sugar, with the corner of his mouth raised, and smiled softly.

He strolled up to this 'legal loli', squatted down, raised his hand to lift off the bear hood on her little head, rubbed her hair, and said, "Hello, Nai Gong. "

Sensing Li Hao's movements, Granu couldn't help shaking, and buried his head even lower.

"why do not you speak?"

Granu resisted the trembling feeling that rose from the deepest part of his heart, and whispered like a mosquito: "That... I am not Kuimiya, I am Granu."

"Silly boy, you are Naigong." Li Hao said in an unusually gentle voice, "Do you know? Ever since that accident happened, I, a patient with advanced Naigong cancer, haven't heard from you for a long time. sound.
Well, Kuigong, can you give me a wave of Baga Zhentai Wulu Race Ten Consecutive? "

granulated sugar:"."

I feel chilly all over my body!This white-haired guy is hentai, right? !It must be true! ! !

It is unimaginable that someone insulted him. This kind of thing is simply unimaginable. Could it be possible that you can still get some pleasure from being insulted by others? !
[Li Hao: Of course not!If others dare to insult me, they will definitely beat him to the ground, only you, Nai Gong is an exception!Your insults are the supreme gospel!Just like the clear spring flowing through the bottom of my heart.]

[Hey Si Zhai steamed goose heart! 】

"Mr. Li Hao?!!!" Violet also had a shocked and inexplicable expression, seeing the gentle smile on Li Hao's face and the hesitant speech, she couldn't help but took a few steps back in horror .

No wonder!No wonder this guy didn't show any color to me, my mother thought my charm had weakened—it turned out that it wasn't my fault at all!This guy is a hen!It's so good!

Shouldn't he be reminded that starting in three years, the maximum penalty is death?Or give full play to the spirit of great dedication, 'feed the tiger with your body', bring this guy back to the right way, and let him know that the mature long-legged sister Yu is the right way!
Li Hao turned his head, looked at Violet, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Violet: "." She still looked innocent, as if she had nothing? !Do you know that if it was someone else with your face just now, you would have already been a demon, okay? !
"Great opportunity!" At this moment, Granu, who was crouching with his head in his arms, suddenly exploded, and a "Loli Version Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms" hammered on Li Hao's chest!

Childlike fruit ability activated!Then. nothing happens.
The scene became embarrassing in an instant. Granose opened her mouth and looked at Li Hao in disbelief. Her ability was actually ineffective against him?

"Hehe..." Li Hao smiled lightly, and flicked his head on Granu's forehead, "Naughty."

He really didn't expect that this cowardly quail-like Sugar would suddenly explode, and wanted to use his ability to turn him into a toy. But think about it, after all, although Sugar looks like a little loli, but In fact, she is already a 22-year-old adult woman, so of course her mind cannot be that simple.
Uh. 22 years old? !How can Kugimiya be 22 years old? !She should have always been a tsundere girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, right? !I don't allow it! ! !
"Okay." Li Hao sighed and said, "Guigong, you should sleep for a while."

Li Hao met Granu's eyes and said so.


"Uh..." Granose's eyes instantly became dull, and then his consciousness gradually faded away, and he fell into the deepest sleep, in other words, he passed out in a coma.

"It's started." Li Hao stood up and said.

And at this moment, in the entire Dressrosa, the many people who were turned into toys by the ability of the sugar suddenly stagnated, and then the body of the doll began to change, and gradually returned to the state of flesh and blood.
In this way, all the layouts they prepared before have been completed, and Dressrosa's tonight is destined to have no sleep!
And there is one more thing that can be imagined. After tonight, this country will never be ruled by Brother Ming again!
"Keep an eye on Nail Palace." Li Hao turned his head and threw a phone bug to Violet, and said, "Then, you stay here, use this phone bug to contact Sabo and Kerla, and cooperate with them with the ability of 'clairvoyance' .

I should get ready too, meet Brother Ming and send him on his way! "

After finishing speaking, Li Hao turned around and left here, came to the street where the residents had already evacuated, picked a bar at random and walked in.

Walking to the bar, he made a cup of tea by himself, while drinking, silently waiting for Brother Ming's arrival.

About 10 minutes later, Brother Ming appeared at the door of the bar, dressed in an extremely flamboyant pink flamingo feather coat, cropped pants, and pointed leather shoes.

Li Hao turned his back to Brother Ming, and said lightly, "You're here!"

However, Brother Ming doesn't have the kind of "I'm here, you shouldn't come" to play with Li Hao. '' game, when he saw Li Hao, the veins on his forehead were bursting like they were about to explode, his ten fingers trembled and bent into claws, his head was tilted, and his neck was twitching slightly. Just how hot it is.

Brother Ming had already received the news that those people who had been turned into dolls had been rehabilitated on the way here—he knew that from then on, his position as King of Dressrosa might not be able to be kept.

And if this news gets out, not to mention those pirates who have been turned into dolls and the adventurer's companions and relatives who want to seek revenge on him, even his current Qiwuhai identity may not be able to keep it!The world government and navy must also arrest and suppress him!
What's more, the artificial fruit factory was destroyed, and the little people will not make artificial fruits for him. If the artificial fruit cannot be supplied, what will his Four Emperor Kaido collaborator do, even he will not I know, maybe even Kaido would want to kill him!

And it was Li Hao, the damn guy who caused all of this!This Hundan actually ruined the situation that he had carefully managed for so many years, so much so that he was in such a troublesome situation now, he wished to cut Li Hao into pieces, make it into dried meat, dry it up, and eat him raw !
"Hundan! Go to hell!"

"Five-color line!"

Brother Ming grabbed it, and five almost transparent silk threads instantly tore open the door of the bar, flying towards Li Hao!

A chair was lifted by Li Hao to block it behind him, and the volley was torn into pieces of sawdust all over the sky.

Li Hao turned his body and tilted his head to look at Brother Ming.

"Really, you are really angry, you, if you do this, you will get angry very easily."

"Also, you look like a desperate mad dog. I'm so happy to see you like this!"

PS: please subscribe!Please subscribe!In the past few days, subscriptions have been dropped a bit seriously.

In addition, thanks to Mengzhiyingmo for the 2000 tip!The boss is mighty!
(End of this chapter)

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