Main God Space: You have been listed as a black household

Chapter 443 Decisive Battle against Brother Ming

Chapter 443 Decisive Battle against Brother Ming

Brother Ming stepped out and stepped on the ground with his toes. Visible to the naked eye, the ground he touched instantly turned into a pile of white thin lines, which is beyond comprehension. completely changed things.
"Oh?" Li Hao raised his eyebrows, and his face turned serious. "Is this the so-called awakening of the devil fruit ability? Relying on its own power, it can affect and change things other than the capable person itself. Although devil fruit is already very It’s unbelievable, but after awakening, it’s even more incomprehensible.”

Just like thick ink dripping into the pool, the water surface will be instantly blackened. With the radiation of Brother Ming's ability, all surrounding buildings and objects will begin to be affected and transformed, turning into thin white lines , intertwined and intertwined to form a sea of ​​threads like 'tentacles'.

Brother Ming stared at Li Hao coldly, didn't say much, just waved his hand, countless white lines formed a sea wave formed by white lines, slapped and entangled towards Li Hao violently!

Li Hao decided to test the waters with a long-range attack first, and with a wave of his hand, he fired a charged bomb towards the white line of the waves.

The huge thunderstorm instantly blocked the momentum of the white line of sea waves, and then blasted it into a huge gap, burning and annihilating it.

It seems that even with the ability of the awakening level, the intensity of the white line produced has not increased much, but its number has increased by more than a hundred times, as if it were endless, wherever the eyes can see, there are all those Wriggling tentacles of entangled white threads!

Bang bang bang.
After launching the fruit awakening, brother Ming's attack intensity and frequency have doubled several times compared to before. Even if he defeated a wave of offensive, a new attack will make up for it in the next second. Even Li Hao, all of a sudden They were all in a hurry to deal with it.

Another sword cut off the white line tentacles stabbing down from mid-air, Li Hao couldn't help frowning, this endless continuous attack really made people feel irritated.

You must take the initiative in your own hands!

"Thousand arrows piercing the heart. Feather hitting the line!"

Brother Ming grasped his claws with both hands, and raised his hands to the sky with all his strength. The white thread tentacles on the ground shot up into the sky instantly. Thousands of intertwined and intertwined threads immediately completely covered the sky above the street.

In the next second, the white line turned black, and on the tips of thousands of lines, a domineering jet-black light of armed color appeared, and then fell from the midair rapidly like raindrops of arrows!
The corners of Li Hao's eyes twitched. Seeing those thousands of sharp silk threads, even he couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle. Brother Ming is going to shoot him to death with thousands of arrows!

Facing the countless death arrows, Li Hao didn't keep anything anymore. With a flash of light on his body, the violent magic power erupted like a volcanic eruption, and he appeared in that terrifying demon form!
Without any hesitation, Li Hao directly punched towards the sky, turned into scales and covered the impact steel fist body on his arm, with a ferocious demon head printed on it, roaring with his mouth open, and two scarlet eyes Light up suddenly.

In an instant, purple-red magical flames burned on the glove, and the flames were entangled with thunder, just like the hellfire, full of ominous, cruel and terrifying aura.

The needle pointed at Maimang's face and Brother Ming's attack hardened, the thunder flame collided with the death arrow, and a terrifying energy impact erupted in the street instantly, like a thunderous explosion.

In just an instant, Li Hao's fist shadow instantly tore apart Brother Ming's black arrows that filled the sky, and then smashed them to pieces without stopping.

Only then did the terrifying shock waves and energy pulses rush out in all directions, shattering all the buildings and streets within a radius of [-] meters into a sky full of debris and rubble!
The hurricane roared, at this moment, Li Hao's heart trembled, and in Xinwang's perception, a threat from the underground suddenly burst forth.

Li Hao jumped into the air immediately.

Just when he jumped away from the spot, the whole ground suddenly cracked open, and several pillars of black thread that looked like angry dragons and snakes suddenly broke through the ground, soaring into the sky, intertwined and spiraling towards Li in mid-air. Hao twisted and stabbed away!

Double jump!
jump jump jump..
There was a loud explosion in the air, and circles of purple-red circular magic circles condensed and emerged from the void under Li Hao's feet, allowing them to move flexibly and swiftly in mid-air at high speed, dodging one after another black line attacks .

Even though Brother Ming had tried his best, he couldn't even touch the corner of Li Hao's clothes. Instead, he flashed several times in a row and approached him.

"Shield white line!"

Facing Li Hao in a demon state, Brother Ming didn't even have the slightest intention of fighting him head-on. Just now, Li Hao directly punched his armed domineering situation, but he completely saw it in his eyes. Facing such a terrifying attack, he didn't think his body could be as tough as the domineering lines with armed colors!
The two houses around Brother Ming instantly turned into two huge streams, intersecting and surging to block between him and Li Hao.

The defense made up of lines was instantly shattered by a single blow!
Sure enough, the terrifying attack power that Li Hao showed before was not an accident. In his current state, even if it is just a normal attack, it is unimaginably powerful and terrifying. I can't resist it!

Looking at Li Hao who broke through the line shield defense in an instant and told himself that he was rushing again, the expression on Brother Ming's face changed again and again, and his figure quickly retreated.

Seeing Li Hao who had already approached him, Brother Ming showed such a frightened look on his face, but after a flash, his expression immediately became ferocious and crazy, and he pulled back vigorously with his right hand, There are several transparent silk threads between the five fingers connected to the white thread tentacles on the side.

Under his control, the white thread tentacles intertwined and entangled instantly, and then weaved a "thread clone" of himself with the thread. With a movement of his body, he quickly rushed behind Li Hao.

Shadow riding line!Brother Ming developed the ultimate mystery after developing the ability of the thread fruit to the extreme. He can use thread to weave a thread clone of himself, which has strength close to his own and the ability to attack with thread. Even if it is injured, it can still move, and at the same time it can speak. It is almost a flawless clone.

"Give me death!"

Holding the claw with one hand, Brother Ming's string avatar fiercely stabbed towards Li Hao's back heart, and it seemed that he was about to do a "black tiger's heart out", digging out a big hole in Li Hao's back heart.

Brother Ming actually wanted to exchange his life with Li Hao!

At this moment, another 'Li Hao' who was also transformed into a devil jumped out from Li Hao's body. On his left arm was a huge shield transformed from Pandora. Brother Ming's line avatar!

Li Hao: Use clones to play gang fights?Sorry, I have it too!
Brother Ming's line avatar was shot flying out in an instant, and his entire head was smashed into lines all over the sky.

And Li Hao didn't stop attacking even with his demon half body. He pulled the shield on his left arm and instantly turned it into a missile launch vehicle. Many missile launch ports in the frame immediately popped out one by one!
The moment the demon half-body pressed the launcher, dozens of demon missiles were launched instantly, dragging a long tail flame, and instantly launched an indiscriminate bombing in all directions!

Boom boom boom.
The terrifying explosion and thunder and flames engulfed the entire area in an instant. Brother Ming's "Line World" didn't even last a second, and was instantly smashed into pieces!

Brother Ming, who flew upside down from the flames of the explosion, was almost charred except for the mirror glasses that were still in good condition, and the flamboyant flamingo coat had disappeared , revealing the bruised and broken body.

(End of this chapter)

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