Chapter 451 Another Big Fish

What Li Hao didn't expect was that he unexpectedly ran into a big fish on an island he picked at random.

———Charlotte Perospero, the candy minister of the Charlotte family, and the eldest son of the aunt!
The value of this guy to Li Hao is definitely much higher than that of Charlotte Owen.

After all, he is the eldest son of the aunt. Unlike the second sons and daughters who were born later, for the aunt, her eldest son definitely occupies a very important position in her heart.

Just like those emperors in ancient times, because of the large number of children, although the aunt will definitely not have no affection for her children, she may be very indifferent, but only Charlotte Perospero is different. , because he is the first son of the aunt, if he is really placed in the royal family during the feudal dynasty, he is the eldest son, the candidate for the prince.

So if this guy is taken down, the hope of provoking Big Mom to confront the navy must be even greater.

Still in the way of an assassin stealing, Li Hao launched his mind network to search for the location of Charlotte Perospero, then fell silently from the sky all the way, and sneaked directly into his residence on the island. In the mansion.

Unfortunately, the guy on Toast Island seems to have notified the family of the abnormal situation there, and the Candy Island where Charlotte Perospero is located has also received the news. Gather people and prepare to rush over to check the situation.

Sneak attack and assassination may not seem so simple, so let's just do it directly. Anyway, as long as all the insiders are killed, it will still be a perfect stealth assassination!

Li Hao stepped out of the darkness and appeared behind the crowd. Only then did anyone notice Li Hao's arrival!

One person was startled, and suddenly shouted: "Who is it?!"

But he only found out about Li Hao at this moment, and it was obviously too late for him to sound the warning. The sudden light of the knife instantly tore apart the crowd!
Under the dim and cold moonlight, the glow of the spatula was even brighter and colder than the moonlight!
As the authentic sword edge swept past the crowd, countless limbs and broken arms were thrown into the air along with the spring of blood that soared into the sky.

Bathed in the scarlet rain of blood, Li Hao approached Charlotte Perospero step by step, like a Shura ghost crawling out of hell.

Charlotte Perospero swears that he will never forget that scene in his whole life. In the rain of blood, the white-haired young man (boy?) walked towards him without any expression on his face. There is no fluctuation in the red eyes, like a deep pool of stagnant water, making people feel heart palpitations and fears for no reason!

Even the blood rain that filled the sky seemed to be forced by the man's aura, not daring to get close to him. Whenever it got close to his side, it would instantly turn around and run away from him, not a single drop dared to fall on it. on him!

Li Hao seems to be walking very slowly, but in fact, he has approached in front of this group of people in just a moment, and regardless of whether they have recovered from the sudden shock, he swung his knife at them. cut!

A cold and sharp sword light flashed like a crescent moon, like the thunder and lightning exploding in the darkness, the speed was unimaginable, so even if they saw Li Hao wield the sword, they still couldn't escape the deadly attack. sharp edge.

———Before their bodies received the command to dodge, the authentic blade had easily cut off their bodies and the darkness together!
Plop.. Puff..
Several corpses with detached heads fell powerlessly to the ground, and a large amount of blood poured out from their severed necks, staining the entire land red.

The pungent bloody smell rushed straight into their minds, and finally woke up the remaining people. Their expressions were horrified and shocked (this word is really cool to use!), and subconsciously began to flee backwards.

They didn't react until they were far away from Li Hao's god of death. They took out their weapons and aimed at Li Hao, but they didn't fight back, but just held the weapons in their hands tightly, as if doing so would make them feel To a dash of security.

Charlotte Perospero yelled angrily: "Damn! What are you still doing?! Get rid of this guy for me!"

The few remaining pirates looked at each other, the expressions on their faces became ferocious, and the next second they roared and rushed towards Li Hao.

Li Hao's expression remained unchanged, and his movements did not stop. He still walked towards Charlotte Perospero on his own, but at the moment when those pirates rushed over, his figure suddenly blurred. Then When he reappeared, suddenly there was another Li Hao who was exactly like him beside him!

Assassin style!Demon bust!

Compared with Li Hao himself, the half body of the demon was even more ruthless. As soon as he appeared, he pulled out a mechanical giant blade of the same style as the Scarlet Queen and went towards the rushing pirates.

Accompanied by the roar of the huge engine, half of the demon's body was cut with a knife, and a dazzling stream of flame appeared in the air. Wherever the flame and sword energy passed, everything was cut off and burned.

The swords and weapons used by the pirates to block attacks were melted into hot red iron in an instant. Not only did they not pose any threat to the half of the demon, but they were burned instantly. It was directly swallowed by the flame blade in an instant, and nearly half of the body was burned into ashes of coke!

But Li Hao himself drew his gun and shot at the retreating Charlotte Perospero's forehead, forcing him to stop and concentrate on avoiding.

bang bang bang
The super fast rate of fire of the golden and red twin scorpions spewed out countless tongues of flame in an instant, blocking Charlotte Perospero's escape route in an instant.

"Sweet Barrier!"

A candy wall formed by hard candy rose from the ground, blocking Li Hao's attack. Even if dozens of huge cracks were blasted out in a short while, but with Charlotte Perospero's ability With the support, he managed not to be defeated in an instant, and successfully blocked Li Hao's attack.

Charlotte Perospero is a person with the ability to lick fruits. He can create candy infinitely and manipulate it. Another one is classified as a superhuman, but his ability is similar to the existence of the natural department. It is similar to the one that appeared in the original book. The person with the soft candy ability is very similar.

————————It seems that it is just a change of moves or performance.
Well, it's also worth mentioning that this guy's weakness is that besides seawater and Hailoushi, who are able to overcome the sky, he is also relatively afraid of high temperature. The lightning ability controlled by Li Hao can restrain him.

For these aunts and children who may become the targets of their own actions, Li Hao has specially investigated, even the aunts have studied it for a while, and want to deduce it to see if it is possible without paying too much. Under the premise, take down the big mother.
It's a pity that the final result of the deduction is not satisfactory. After all, there are too many members of their Charlotte family on the cake island where the aunt is, and the aunt is also very strong. Even if she has the weakness of cravings, she wants to take it smoothly. For her, it will definitely not be an easy thing.

Otherwise, it would really be a big deal to send the aunt directly to the navy!

The charged bullets mixed with ordinary bullets shattered Charlotte Perospero's candy barrier in an instant, and before he could make any big moves, Li Hao rushed towards him immediately.

"Chidori. Tiger hunting!"

According to Li Hao's investigation, Charlotte Perospero has a bounty as high as 7 million, and his fruit ability has been developed to the level of awakening. Although such a guy is not as good as Brother Ming, he will not What kind of weak hand is it? If you want to take him down quickly, even Li Hao must attack with all your strength. Otherwise, Li Hao will be easily exposed if the battle is too long.

(End of this chapter)

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