Chapter 456 Long time no see
Not to mention the chain reaction caused by the 'gift' from Li Hao in the navy, Li Hao went to the Chambord Islands to play very leisurely, with a typical mentality of controlling the killing and not burying it, and watching the excitement is not a big deal .

Anyway, he wasn't the one who got the headache because of it, he just had to sit on the shampoo ground and wait for things to ferment.

Jingle Bell..
The wind chimes hanging on the edge of the door made a series of pleasant jingling sounds when the door was pushed open, but the owner of the tavern didn't even bother to lift his head, he was still lying on the counter smoking a cigarette .

It wasn't until Li Hao walked to the bar that the boss greeted him lightly.

"Welcome, what do you want to drink? But if it's too troublesome to mix wine or cook, you don't need to ask. Keep it as simple as possible. How about a glass of beer mixed with water?"

"Then drinking it will cause diarrhea." Li Hao complained, "Is it really okay to say that the beer in your store is mixed with water so bluntly?"

"Huh?" Until then, the boss saw Li Hao's face clearly, and his expression changed, "Silver-haired devil, Li Hao?"

Although she used interrogative sentences, her tone was affirmative.

After all, Li Hao's reward orders had already been posted all over the world, and her family had known this guy two years ago. Although she had never met him, how could she not recognize Li Hao.

"So, you're here to find Rayleigh, right?" She asked, exhaling a smoke ring.

Li Hao nodded and said, "Well, I happened to come to Chambord Islands on business, so I thought I'd come here to have a drink with him, but it seems that he's not here now?"

The shop that Li Hao came to was Xia Qi's rip-off BAR. The proprietress Xia Qi and the old man Lei Li were old lovers, so Li Hao found this place immediately, but it seemed that it was not a coincidence, Lei Li Leigh wasn't in the store at the time.

Xia Qi smiled, poured a glass of water for Li Hao, and said: "Leili went to meet some interesting little guys, and he will probably be back soon. If you are fine, you can wait a while .”

"Thank you." Li Hao took out the water glass and nodded his thanks to her, "It's okay, anyway, I have nothing to do now, so I'll just wait for him for a while, besides, isn't there a beautiful lady here to accompany me, even if I'm dry You won't be bored while sitting."

Xia Qi covered her mouth and chuckled, "Hehe...little brother Li Hao is really good at talking, as a reward, this glass of water is considered to be my treat for you, and I will give you a free order."


By the way, do you still want to charge me money before?I'm a friend of your old man. Are you sure it's really okay to do this?

Only now does Li Hao have a clear understanding of the word 'rip off' in her store name
After waiting in the store for about half an hour, the store door was pushed open from the outside again.

Jingle Bell.
Li Hao turned his head and looked, it was Lei Li who came back, and it was Luffy and his group who followed behind him!
Sure enough, Xia Qi said before that Lei Li went to meet a group of interesting little guys, and Li Hao guessed that the group of interesting little guys she said were probably Luffy and the others, and now it really confirmed his idea.

"Ah!" When he saw Li Hao sitting in the bar, Lei Li was surprised for a moment, because before he entered the door, he didn't even notice that there was a second person in the bar. This guy, It's been two years, and it has become even stronger.

But immediately, a smile appeared on Lei Li's face, and he came forward to greet Li Hao enthusiastically: "Haha, it's been a long time, Hao."

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for more than two years." Li Hao responded with a smile at Lei Li, then turned his head and looked past Lei Li, and cast his gaze on Luffy and the others, "And you too, long time no see."

"Li Hao!" Lu Fei's eyes lit up, and he rushed up in a few steps, "Finally let me find you!"

Lu Fei patted Li Hao on the shoulder heavily, grinning and said, "Ahahahaha, according to the agreement, we met again, so you should join us and become my partner, right?"

When Nami saw Li Hao, she was taken aback for a moment, and then greeted her with a smile on her face, "Li Hao! Long time no see!"

Robin smiled lightly, followed Nami and walked over. From other people's point of view, he also knew Li Hao.

Lei Li glanced at the people with some astonishment, and asked, "Huh? You all know each other?"

Luffy said: "Ah, Li Hao invited me to eat meat a few years ago. It was the first time I ate meat from the deep sea Neptune. I still remember it. It's really delicious."

"Li Hao helped my hometown wipe out the Dragon Pirates"

Lei Li glanced at Li Hao and said, "I said, Hao, you are also from Donghai, right?"

No!I'm actually from another world!

Usopp, who was at the end, elbowed Sauron next to him, and asked, "Hey, Sauron, do you know who that person is? It looks like he has a good relationship with Luffy, even Both Nami and Robin know him?"

"Well, I also know him. He once went to teacher Koshiro's dojo to exchange swordsmanship with the teacher. I also met him at that time."

Usopp glanced at Sanji with a serious face beside him, and said with some uncertainty: "Sanji, do you know that person too?"

"." Sanji looked back at Usopp with strange eyes, and asked in surprise, "Although I have never had contact with him. But don't you know him?"

Chopper, who hadn't been able to get a word in all the time, interrupted: "Sanji, according to what you mean, isn't that person very famous?"

The corner of Sanji's mouth twitched, and he said in a helpless tone, "You two, don't you want to become a big pirate with a reward? Don't you even know him? That person is the silver-haired demon Li Hao, who has a reward of 30 billion Big man! It is exactly the kind of existence you are looking forward to who is famous in the entire sea."


"Three three three billion?!"

At this time, even Franky couldn't stand it anymore, and pressed Usopp's head, "Nonsense, that person is a supersuper character. The existence of the destruction of Ligeoa, you don't even know this, do you?"

"Garga..." Usopp opened his mouth wide, as if he had seen a ghost, did such a thing happen?But he really doesn't know!

Then, it suddenly occurred to him that Brook hadn't left the Devil's Triangle sea area for decades, so he certainly didn't know about it, right?

So he turned to Brook and said, "Brooke, you sure don't know about that person, do you?"

"No, I know him." Brook looked at Usopp and said, "Didn't I tell everyone before? At the beginning, my shadow was taken away by Moonlight Moria, one of the former Seven Wuhai, and then His Excellency Li Hao defeated Moria, and it was because of this relationship that I got my shadow back.

So speaking of it, His Excellency Li Hao is still my benefactor, hehehehe."

Usopp: "." Why?Am I the only one who doesn't know anything?It's not a big deal, but it always feels like a loss!

"Okay." Sanji straightened his face and said, "Let's go too."

Saying that, Sanji took the lead and walked over.

Franky touched his fists lightly, and said with a smile: "Just right, I heard that Mr. Li Hao has a ship that can fly into the sky. If there is a chance, I must visit and study it."

Brooke nodded, "Then let's go, I also want to thank Your Excellency Li Hao for getting back the shadow before."

Sauron lightly touched the three swords on his waist, showing a hint of a smile, "That man's swordsmanship is also the best in the world. If possible, we must submit to him." Let's teach and fight!"

Usopp: "." What about me?How should I make friends with that horrible guy?Is it possible to discuss with him how to deceive people?For example, I have 800 million subordinates or something?

"Let's go, Usopp." Joe pulled Usopp's clothes and said, "I also remembered the rumors about Mr. Li Hao. According to the rumors, he is still a master of guns, fighting with one hand. You can easily defeat (slaughter) the pirates of several pirate groups, Usopp, you can also ask him how to fight with a gun."

(End of this chapter)

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