Chapter 458

Sanji took out a crumpled cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and walked towards Luffy.

"Luffy, you bastard, what nonsense are you talking about?" Sanji said with a bit of blame while puffing out smoke rings, "You are our captain!

Therefore, if you want to save people, you, the captain, just order directly. We are all companions on the same boat, and your will, the captain, is our direction!No matter what you want to do, we will support you unconditionally! "

Sauron lowered his eyelids slightly, and said: "That's right, since Luffy, you want to save your brother, then we will definitely follow in your footsteps! No matter what kind of enemy we have to face, I will use my weapon to save you!" Sword, cut a way out for you!"

"In order to save our partners, we will not hesitate to break into mountains of swords and seas of fire. This is what a brave man at sea should do!"

Robin stood up and concluded: "Since everyone agrees to rescue that Fire Fist Ace, let's discuss a plan as soon as possible, first of all."

She said so, then turned to look at Li Hao.

"First of all, we have to find out about the arrest of Luffy's brother, Fire Fist Ace, before we can formulate a rescue plan.

And the person who is most familiar with the situation here is probably Mr. Li Hao, can you tell us in detail?please. "

Li Hao has nothing to do, he nodded to everyone, and said: "Yes, I will tell you everything I know.

The initial cause of the arrest of Fire Fist Ace probably dates back to a few months ago in the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates, there was a guy named Blackbeard Tiki, who blatantly attacked him for a devil fruit. Killed his companions and killed the captain of their third team.

And Fire Fist Ace, because of the black beard Tiki's rebellious behavior, went out to sea to hunt him down.

About half a month ago, Ace finally caught up with Blackbeard, and then the two started a big battle. Fire Fist Ace was finally defeated by the Blackbeard Pirates, and was used by Blackbeard to fight against the world government/government In exchange for the identity of a king Qiwuhai with the navy.

And the Navy that got the Fire Fist Ace also came up with the idea of ​​using Ace as a bait to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates. This is the cause and process of Ace falling into the hands of the Navy.

As for Fire Fist Ace's current situation, to be honest, I don't know too much. I only know that he has been imprisoned in the submarine prison and advancing into the city, but I can be sure that he is definitely still alive.

After all, with his current role, before the navy lures the Whitebeard Pirates over to destroy them, they will never let Fire Fist Ace have an accident, so you don't have to worry about his life being threatened in a short time, Luffy.

But then again, it is precisely because of the importance of Fire Fist Ace today that the navy may guard and protect him more closely than Admiral Sengoku, so if you want to save him, you will probably be A thing as difficult as climbing the sky! "

Luffy said: "No matter how difficult it is, I will go and rescue Ace!"

Li Hao shook his head, and said coldly: "Although I have seen your determination, such a thing cannot be done only by determination and not being afraid of danger.

First of all, the location of the Undersea Prison Propulsion City is located in the windless zone, and the security measures are extremely strict. "

Lu Fei pursed his lips and said, "No matter what, I'll save Ace!"

But Li Hao didn't want him to save people. After all, Li Hao would not allow any accidents until Ace played a role.

So Li Hao continued: "Maybe you may not understand what I said, so let me put it another way.

The location of Advancing City is in a triangular shape with the Navy Headquarters and Judiciary Island. The three are located in a huge vortex ocean current. Only by opening and closing the Navy's "Gate of Justice" can the ocean flow back into this sea area. , to enter.

And if the door of justice is not opened, the vortex current in that sea area will keep the ship from leaving the scope of the vortex forever, and they can only circle around in place, never reaching the city of advancement.

And even if they enter the sea area behind the Gate of Justice, there is still a windless zone. Except for naval warships with new shipbuilding technology, ordinary ships still cannot sail in the calm zone.

In addition, the number of warships passing by this navy-only route every day is definitely more than you have seen so far!And the windless belt has always been a nest where sea kings gather.
Therefore, the dangers and difficulties on the way to the promotion city are definitely far beyond your imagination, and even if you overcome all difficulties and dangers and finally reach the promotion city, then congratulations, you will step into another nightmare level copy!
Advancing City is the place where the navy detains serious criminals. Countless serious criminals are detained there. From the first floor to the sixth floor, the prisoners are more and more terrifying with each lower floor. A release is the kind of existence that can shake the world!
But!Even those guys known as "legends", except for the golden lion Shiji who was once as famous as One Piece, paid the price of breaking his own legs and escaped, so far, they have never escaped from prison Success story too.

If I say this, you can probably understand a little bit, how difficult it is to run into the city to save people.

If you can't find a way, I'm afraid you won't even be able to reach the city! "

After listening to the information Li Hao told, everyone present frowned. Although they had already guessed that rescuing Fire Fist Ace would definitely not be an easy task, they still didn't expect that the matter would be more complicated than they imagined. It's even more difficult.

As Li Hao said at the end, if they can't think of a good solution, they may not even be able to pass the navy's door of justice. In that case, how can they save people? !

Luffy opened his mouth wide, and asked Li Hao as if asking for help: "If this is the case, what should I do? Ace must not die. Li Hao, do you have a solution? Can you help me?"

It can be seen that Luffy is panicking now. Normally, with his hot-blooded and stupid personality, he would never show such an expression.

Li Hao didn't agree directly, but after thinking about it for a while, he said, "It's not impossible, I also have something to take the opportunity to go to the city to rescue those comrades of the revolutionary army who were imprisoned in the city. So I can take you with me when the time comes.

But it’s definitely not now, because the navy needs to be on guard against the Whitebeard Pirates raiding the city and rescue Fire Fist Ace. Today’s city is definitely the most dangerous place in the world. At this time, no one can please anyone in the past .

Therefore, we can only act after the Navy finds the trace of the Whitebeard Pirates and withdraws most of its military force from the waters of the city. "

Sanji said: "But in that case, maybe Ace will also be transferred by the navy, and used as a bait to lead the Whitebeard Pirates to the trap they set in advance. Does it make sense?"

Li Hao shrugged and said: "As you said, it's just a 'maybe' situation, but it's also possible that the Navy won't transfer Ace immediately, after all, they also have to consider whether the Whitebeard Pirates will appear on their side on purpose. In front of them, lure them to transfer Ace, and then take prisoners halfway.
What's more, today's Advance City is not something we can fight against at all. Only after the Whitebeard Pirates have attracted most of the Navy's energy and attention is the most suitable time to do it.

And I can also promise you, if Ace is no longer advancing into the city by then, after I rescue those comrades in the Revolutionary Army, I will work with you to turn around and go to the execution platform of the Navy to help you rescue Fire Fist Ace. "

Anyway, by then the Navy will have already faced off with the Whitebeard Pirates. Even if the bait of Ace is rescued, the two sides that have already started the war are destined to fight to the death.

Li Hao's purpose is just to make the navy and the pirates fight, preferably with a dog's brain!
As long as his goal is achieved, it is not impossible to save Ace. After all, although he is not familiar with Ace, he is familiar with Sabo and Luffy.

As for whether he can be saved, that’s not what Li Hao cares about. Just do his best. Anyway, Ace is not his trap. It’s his love to save him, and it’s his duty not to save him. What can you say about him.

(End of this chapter)

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