Chapter 46 There is only one truth

Outside Muye Village, in the forest a few kilometers to the southeast, the four of Yinren were sitting around the campfire and talking about something. When a breeze blew by, several people seemed to be aware of it, and they all turned their heads in unison. direction, Li Hao's figure stepped out of the darkness just in time.

"Master Hao, you are back."

"Ah." Li Hao asked in a neutral tone, "How is your contact with Sasuke?"

"From our point of view, it should be a success. That guy's reaction and performance, just as Oshemaru-sama expected, has been dazzled by hatred and unwillingness, coupled with our stimulating, Oshemaru-sama's plan It must be successful."

"That's good."

After a faint reply, Li Hao stopped talking, just walked to the root of a big tree on his own, sat down leaning against the thick trunk, and then closed his eyes to rest his mind.

His actions today can be said to have accomplished nothing, so naturally he didn't care much about the progress of the four Otonin and their actions. What he cares most at the moment is how to get in touch with Jing Yin and persuade her to help him.

Li Hao's attitude was obviously cold, and the four of Yinren naturally wouldn't bother him at this moment without knowing each other. After looking at each other, they each went to find a place to rest.

After a night of nothing, the next day, Zuo Jin You Kon received information from the spies of Orochimaru ambushing in Konoha Village, confirming that Sasuke did not report their night visit to the Uchiha clan's residence to the senior management of Konoha Village. From this point of view, the matter of abducting Sasuke seemed to be settled, so they decided to contact Sasuke again tonight.

As for Li Hao, he sneaked into Konoha alone early in the morning. Although the four of Otoshi were somewhat dissatisfied with his actions, they were very skilled and bold, and they had nothing to do with him. They could helplessly ignore it, and secretly decided in their hearts that they must get Sasuke's affairs settled as soon as possible. They were really afraid that something would happen to Li Hao's side.

That's Konoha!You dare to sneak in in broad daylight, who are you looking down on? !After a long time, even you, Li Hao, cannot escape Konoha's eyes!
Since the morning, Li Hao has been hiding in the dark and observing Jing Yin, like the most despicable voyeur, not letting him go when eating or sleeping, so that it makes Jing Yin's girl feel uncomfortable all day long. Suspicious, always feel chilly all over, as if being entangled by some salty ghost hiding in the dark, dare not even take a bath.
"You! That's right! Say you are you!" On the street, Jing Yin suddenly turned her head and stared fiercely at an obese man with glasses and said, "Is it you?! I noticed that you have already disappeared from my eyes. It has appeared twice! Each time, he pretended to be inadvertent, passed me by, and then immediately turned around and stared at my back!

It's you!Keep following the guy who peeped at me!Say!What purpose do you have! ?what do you want ! "

Jing Yin has been feeling nervous all day long, and now she finally "seems" to have discovered the "truth of the matter", so she naturally has to find out quickly, so this fat man who secretly peeped at her is out of luck.

Jing Yin directly lifted his skirt, and yelled at him in a vicious voice, scaring the unlucky guy almost turning pale, "Don't, don't, this female ninja, you really don't have any purpose, I just I just sneaked a few glances at you!"

"Shut up! It's you! You"

Then, Jing Yin beat up the peeping fat man.

Ha, fat brother, I'm really sorry, let you take the blame, this fat man is really just a simple voyeur.

All day long, from morning to night, Li Hao observed Jing Yin from afar in secret, looking for an opportunity to contact her alone. He has specially strengthened the ability of stealth, and with that extraordinary perception He hung her far away with his eyesight, so no one ever noticed his existence.

Finally, when it was almost dusk, Li Hao finally found a chance. It seemed that he was irritated by Li Hao's dark gaze. With a cold face, Jing Yin intentionally came to an unoccupied place after finishing his work. in the back alleys.

"Who the hell are you? You should be able to hear what I'm saying, right? What's your purpose?!" Jingyin said softly, "If it's Mr. Jiraiya, it's really very embarrassing for you to do this. It's disturbing, if you don't stop your behavior, I will tell Tsunade-sama!"

Pfft. Li Hao, who was in the dark, almost couldn't help but spit out, his stomach hurt from laughing, Jing Yin actually took him for that old pervert from Jiraiya.

But if you think about it carefully, Jing Yin's guess and idea are indeed correct. As we all know, Ji Laiya is an old pervert, and Jing Yin is a beautiful woman. It is not very reasonable for Ji Laiya to spy on beautiful women. Also a logical thing?That guy even dared to peep in the women's bathhouse, let alone just like that.

Besides, Shizune is also a Jōnin at any rate, her five senses are so keen that she can't even notice it. She can only feel that someone is watching her. Combined with the fact that this is Konoha, enemies and spies can't be so unscrupulous. So, this is It could only be someone who wasn't afraid of being found out.

Thinking about it this way, isn't that guy very likely to be from the village?And there is only one person in the village who is powerful and likes to peek at the truth about beautiful women, and it must be that lustful fairy Ziraiya! ! !

Under all kinds of misunderstandings, Jing Yin was [-]% convinced in her heart that the salty guy who secretly peeped at her was Zi Lai Ye, and it was precisely because of this that she didn't tell the other people in the village about it, and even went out to find him. After leaving such a secluded and uninhabited place, I invited 'Zi Laiya' to meet her and resolve this matter.

She is really a kind and understanding girl, she is afraid that Zilai will be embarrassed and embarrassing, and she doesn't want to cause any bad influence, do you want to reason with Zilai alone?It's a pity that you guessed wrong. Although Jiraiya is lustful, he is not so tasteless and wretched. It's really salty, bah!It's me, Li, who has been paying attention to you.

Step on.
In the deserted alley, there was a dull sound of footsteps. It was only the unique footsteps of military shoes with steel plate soles. Are you finally willing to come out? Isn't it a big deal? !
"Long time no see, Jingyin." A voice trying to hold back her laughter came from behind Jingyin to her ear. Hearing this voice, Jingyin's expression instantly became very astonished, and she turned her head suddenly.

This voice doesn't belong to Mr. Zilaiye!

".It's you!" The figure that appeared in her eyes was Li Hao.

PS: Salted fish is also a dream. It is recommended to collect and reward for three consecutive votes.

(End of this chapter)

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